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Y&R May 2019 Discussion Thread

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This is absolutely true and obvious. She’s a soaps dream: young, good social media following, charismatic, gorgeous and can act. The fact that she hasn’t even been chemistry tested with anyone is because she’s black. It’s not even debatable. To throw her into an LGBT story, as you said, is to minimize her as it was for Mariah and Tessa. This could be why Fen was written off. They shared lots of scenes together so maybe he had to go so people would stop asking to see them together. I wouldn’t put anything behind them. Smh. 

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The Fen situation baffles me. He wasn't a great recast IMO and looked a bit too old to me, but he seemed to come in guns blazing with story very fast, and all of a sudden he seemed to disappear overnight. Was he all Mal Young? I don't think his disappearance had to do with Ana, I think it had to do with him being the prior regime's hire. Marginalizing Ana, of course, also fits into that, but it's much more profoundly problematic with a black character. (And keeping Camryn Grimes in B or C-story with a wooden character few like - even when Mariah is said to be bisexual - keeps her off the board as well in terms of A-story that could supplant other preferred characters.)

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Zach Tinker (Fen) claims he’s not written out, although he hasn’t said when he’ll be back. I do like the actor and what he brought to the role. Also liked how he played against Kyle.


I see the Ana and Tessa thing, too, and I don’t like it. I might feel differently if they paired her with Mariah, but Tessa? Ugh. I still hate the character and the actress, and I don’t think she’s any better under Josh. What’s Ana falling for — her voice? 


The Mariah/Tessa coupling is poorly written, too. I’m against another gay pairing because Y&R doesn’t know how to do it. They’re awful at it, probably because they’re afraid of scarin* off the blue hairs. I don’t want Ana wasted on a lesbian trip to nowhere.


A Tracy and Cane pairing is fine by me. I’d like to see Traci find love again, and having her on the canvas is great.


Had to laugh today when Cane said he wants to sell the house for something smaller. LOL Yeah, that huge kitchen is too much.


Also, did Cane have to meet the woman he wants to work for at Crimson Lights? And can’t he do that kind of work while he runs Chancellor? It makes no sense.

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I don't think there is any way to do it without Cane looking like a gigolo and Tracy his sugar momma. Canes just too slimy. Even if it's just a friendship, cane looks like a user if Tracy becomes his champion around town. Especially after Jill. 


Jett and Tracy is an excellent idea. Yet the show probably never thought of that. 




Do you think the decision for go forward with Tessa and Mariah was fueled by fan opinion? By that I mean, fans were talking about their chemistry from day 1. Maybe the show picked up on it and went there. I know Sally said that it was always the plan. But I don't buy that. She also says she didn't get any interference whatsoever from Sony or CBS and we all know that's a lie. 

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I didn't like the way that Ana was acting today with Tessa and Mariah and the way this storyline is heading.


Also, I didn't like seeing Kyle trying to get away quickly from work. Summer was right in that they should have stayed in NY with Theo and mingled a bit more. I believe they could have made more connections that would have helped build Jabot's brand. I didn't like how Kyle quickly rushed away so he could get back to Lola. Even Jack was surprised at how quickly him and Summer came back from NY. Kyle's ambition goes right out the window whenever he's romantically involved with Lola. It's unfortunate, especially given how much she focuses on her own career, even at the expense of him. Kyle is back to doing the same unhealthy stuff he was doing the last time he was with Lola. 


It looks like we will definitely be seeing more of the Theo character. Him and Summer were flirting today and he said he would stick around longer. The guy they had today has been recast, and I think one reason they did that is because they want to have him be a potential love interest for Summer. I think that the guy they recast the role with him, seems like he might fit her. But the guy today (while pretty young looking) was okay. His version was laid back and seemed like he liked her. I think that the recast version will as well. 


I can't stand Lola, though the scenes she had with Arturo in the kitchen of Society were actually interesting today. I thought the way they talked/reflected on their relationship with Rey was interesting. Even more so because when Lola/Rey first came to town, both Lola/Arturo seemed estranged from Rey. But now things have turned and Lola seems to trust Rey more than she does Arturo. IMO, Rey plays the role of big brother for Lola in a more likeable way than Arturo does. I don't like Lola, but I do buy that Rey is very protective of her. 



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Someone wrote this on the Daytime Confidential site, hilarious!!



Here is Mal Young's alternate Emmy speech.

Mal: Thank You. Thank You. Thank you so much. I am so pleased and proud to have accept this award on behalf... On behalf of absolutely nobody but myself. It's a great honor to be here tonight. Among so many friends and colleagues and loved ones. Who have contributed so very generously to my undoing. It gives me great pleasure to stand before you this evening and accept all your praise and your flattery. Knowing that every but of it is false. The hypocrisy in this room could choke a snake. I am very pleased however, to stand here tonight in the spotlight where I was born to be. It gives me great satisfaction to stand up here at the podium and look down on the taming meteoricy. Knowing that each and every one of you prayed that I might trip on my way up here. So sorry to disappoint you. I'm going home with the prize. Oh, I certainly don't mean this silly tacky gold thing. This isn't worthy of a garage sale. No, I'm talking about the victory of the truly great over the small and the mean and the petty. The mean and the petty. They use their collective nothingness to push the stars over the edge. They band together in soul crunching globs. They suck the joy out. They BAND together. I have seen it all my life. I have seen it since I was working on the BBC. I was executive producer of Brookside. And they resented me. Just like The Young and the Restless cast, crew and fans resent me. Creative-less writing staff. With resumes the length of an small envelope. And writing abilities of a third grader in special education classes. And they whispered about me to the British press. Just like you are whispering about me on social media now. They couldn't hurt me and you can't hurt me. I'm immune to whispers and tweets. I didn't collapse when they whispered about me. The talent-less Brooksidestaff with their lack of creativity. And I didn't collapse when they took my job away from me, or my dual role as head writer and executive producer roles away from me at Sony. And I will not collapse now. SIT DOWN! SIT DOWN! I AM SPEAKING NOW! AND I WANT EVERYONE TO HEAR WHAT I AM SAYING! I WANT THE WORLD TO KNOW EXACTLY WHAT IT IS I AM TALKING ABOUT! I AM TALKING ABOUT SABOTAGE! SABOTAGE is GOING on here. You all know who you are. And you all know what you have done to me. Everyone in this room has had a turn at me. Everyone. There isn't one person in this room with a simple goodness... Are you enjoying this? Did you enjoy it? Was it worth it? Was it worth it all the spiteful tricks? Oh, who shall I thank first? Hum, hum, hum... Who of my many devoted... Oh Melody... What's the matter? Can't take it? I know it hurts being a third rate actress but have you become accustomed to it yet? That's right go. Go on home you're a weakling. That's why you can't get another Emmy nomination! The industry may think they like hair models. But they only think they do. Isn't that right Eric Braeden? Star of the show fan favorite Eric Braeden. Always tending to the concerns of the fans with his mustache. Always ready to go to the press and curse out the brass about the storylines as long as the storylines are not serving him well. Let's have a hand for the brilliant Angelica McDaniel's. Well Angelica? Where is your partner in backstabbing? You did not come out alone this evening? Ladies and gentleman I give you one half of the backstabbing team. One half of the team that conspired to bring my career down. The one who sharpened their knives on the executive producer of The Young and the Restless. Kent and Angelica always conspiring the demise of my career and the reassertion of your power. Oh where's the little pet. Josh. Josh. You feel down on the job before. You were supposed to save the wayward show from a ratings collapse. Why would you let them run you out and tank this show into a ditch? I should have screamed my head off a long time ago. But no. I was a gentleman. I was dignified. I held my head up high! Oh I gave them stiff upper-lip. WELL NO MORE! NO MORE! They have taken everything from me. Everything... My job... My salary... My good name in the industry... They fired me from thousands of miles away. Isn't that right Angelica!?! Promises. Broken promises. That's what my life is really all about. We love you Mal. We'll never fire you Mal. You're BBC's most prominent producer Mal. Well, the BBC didn't give a damn. And neither do the people at Sony. And neither do any of you. Including the fans. None of you in this room. You're nothing but a bunch of fakes...phoneys. Pretending to like my work. Everyone of you has let me down. ALL OF YOU! ALL OF YOU! EVERYONE!

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One positive I’ll say is that I like how Society is designed. It’s a good meeting spot with different areas to stage scenes which is nice. The best part is that is finally puts Abby in a situation that works with Melissa Ordway’s limitations as an actress. She’s not the best in romantic relationships, but it’s nice seeing her mingle and be used as a talk to. Reminds me of Gina or Lynn, those important supporting characters we need. 

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But "Society" is a name that's trying too hard to be trendy, you know?  I just can't wait 'til someone takes it over from Lola after she turns psycho and dies while trying to murder Summer and renames it.

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