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As The World Turns Discussion Thread


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That fellow, the one with the Colleen rumor who thought he knew better than anyone else when he was really in over his head, did anyone know who he was?

And, #2, I had the pleasure of eating pizza & playing board games on some few occasions with people including Lesli Kay & her husband & I really liked her. Very real, smart as a whip, very competitive but everyone was. Long ago. Nice memory.

And, Roger had said that they were gonna do AW next so I'm still mad that the plug got pulled!

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Well, as it happens the subject of P&G & their dealings with other companies as well as their own vaults is near & dear to my heart & is a subject I have followed very closely since the late 90s. I had wanted to talk to you about it out of the glare of Kleig lights, so I sent you a PM. You never replied. If you have any interest in having a different kind of discussion, climb into the mailbox that comes with your acct here & read my message to you & if you dare, reply. What have you got to lose?

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Interesting.  So you think this board is a s h i t show, because several posters with decades of soap opera knowledge had the gall to suggest Colleen might be misinformed??  Do you know how many times over the past 20-years, we've heard rumors that P&G's entire soap opera archive had gone up in flames, been thrown in the dumpster, been dumped into the East River, or otherwise destroyed?   And do you realize that none of those rumors have been true?   Nobody's suggesting Colleen was lying or deliberately spreading false information.  We are simply saying she was likely given faulty information.   Plus, this is a discussion board, so guess what typically happens here -- discussion.    

Edited by Neil Johnson
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Jesus Christ.

It's well known that adr is a recurring troll and attention seeker. This is not news. But his post was weeks ago. Donna just resurrected the dude's discussion from many pages back and got this mess going again because she does not bother to read or retain the information presented about this topic by all the other posters. It seems that in her mind this whole forum is basically Donna's stream of consciousness feed, and we are all supposed to just roll with it. But we're not on Usenet anymore.

Just let it go and move on with your lives, like I have with Donna's complete inability to function on modern forums in the 21st century.

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I normally try to stay out of these types of discussions, as I personally prefer the board as a tool for information sharing, rather than the kind of opinionated talk that happens here sometimes (not that I have any issue with others using it as such).

However, I feel the need to speak up. I've been biting my lips for a few weeks now. Let me clarify that I have no idea what has transpired in different threads on this board between some of the posters involved. I have been following this particular thread for a long time (both passively and more actively), and from what I can tell the only thing the user named adrnyc has done "wrong" is like the final decade of ATWT, as well as certain characters (Katie) and pairings (Henry & Barbara) in that decade. As someone who originally started watching in 2000, I often find myself agreeing with them. Having seen so much of the Marland era now, I completely understand why people hated the final decade. But without that context to rely on, I really enjoyed the 2000s in my original watching of it, including many of the elements that people hate (the Hogan Sheffer era, Hunt Block's Craig, Katie, and even bits of Janet and Henry & Barbara). 

A few years ago, adrnyc posted several posts detailing their experience making their way through the Marland era as a first time watcher, and I always really enjoyed those.

There has, in the past, been a truly obnoxious troll active in this thread. I have the feeling that some people seem to think that adrnyc is this troll, under a different account. Personally, I do not believe this to be the case. I think part of the confusion is caused by adrnyc's posts often being quite defensive, although, to be honest, I can totally see why they are with the way this poster has been treated on this board time and again. However, in my opinion the tone of adrnyc's posts is quite different from that of the troll I mentioned.

As for the Colleen Zenk issue, I must admit I am also inclined to take it with a grain of salt. I DO believe adrnyc is speaking the truth about CZ relaying this information. I even think that CZ believes it is the truth. As some of you have pointed out, however, an actress might not be the most trustworthy source, especially one who is as emotionally invested in the show as CZ. We may never find out what happened exactly. I just don't see why our differing opinions on this matter have to lead to all of this nastiness. Let this be a call for this thread to get back to sharing information, opinions, and frustrations about the show in a respectful way. 

I am not trying to pick one side over the other. As I said before, maybe there's more history between some of you than I am aware of. I have no personal affiliation with adrnyc, other than finding myself agreeing with some of their controversial ATWT opinions. All I'm asking is if you've made up your mind that adrnyc is a troll, go back and figure out what you base that on. 

Long post over. Here's to hoping I won't be shunned for speaking up.

Peace and love!

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First, as to the recent discussion, people took exception to the idea that P&G could've nuked the entire archive simply because of the time and expenditure involved, even with today's methods. It was a point of curiosity and interest, nothing more. Most of them, myself included, didn't bother mentioning the OP until he showed up raging about people daring to disbelieve his claim and what fools and rubes we all were. I frankly didn't even remember who he was or how he behaved until someone pointed out much later. For me the discussion around that claim was not and is not personal. He makes it personal because he always has.

Unlike others, I have absolutely no idea who adrnyc actually is (and I have no reason to think he's some other troll; I can spot our longtime troll's sockpuppets most of the time). He's barely anybody to me, I forget about him every time he goes away (which is why I had no idea who he was when this latest discussion began and did not recall his past dramas initially), yet any time we do interact he seems to have festered a profound dislike for me. Whatever, I don't care. It's nice that your memory of his posts is longer than mine, but that's not my experience.

If you want to know what I base my opinion on, it's that as far as I can recall all this dude ever does is periodically show up, rant at us about not liking the show's final years and complain about the forum's posters being crazy, ungrateful or stupid. Nobody's out here attacking him but he does this over and over. And sure enough, the instant Donna mentions him again he shows up to rant some more, and I'm sure he'll show up this time too. At this point, given his repeat behavior, what am I supposed to sympathize with? Why should I care? And what can I honestly call someone who only turns up to behave like this other than a troll at this point? It's just not worth my time or consideration. I have no doubt he heard what he heard from Colleen Zenk. My doubting the archive is altogether gone is not a personal reflection on either him or Zenk. But he turns into a maniac any time anyone questions him. Who needs it?

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Adam has left the boards a few times because he doesn't like the way people talk about the show. That's his choice and I think we can all respect that choice. I've certainly left and come back to boards. I will say on the discussion about the destroyed episodes that everyone involved was respectful and at most said they questioned whether the material was actually gone. There were no attacks or passive-aggressive discourse. It was a perfectly fine discussion. If we are getting to a point where we shouldn't even have a discussion, there's no reason for a message board to exist.

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Thanks @Brolden for recognizing how long I've been a part of this board. I haven't posted much in about 5 years now simply because people on here seem to like to argue just for the sake of it. I used to post a lot - not just about my watching the Marland era on YouTube for the first time; I also posted about my experience of watching Ryan's Hope on SoapNet (and then YouTube once that turned into Disney Teen or whatever it did) and my experience (mine - others may have different ones) on this board was this:

If someone is discussing why they love the 2000s ATWT, people comment on what crap that is and the show was far better in the 90s. If you're discussing why you love the 90s, people comment on what crap that is and the show was far better in the early-Marland years (not those dreadful depressing 90s years.) If you're discussing the early-Marland years, people comment on what crap that is and the show was at its best in the mythical, unwatchable 1970s. On that, everyone seems to agree.

Ryan's Hope was the same. (Don't even get me started on Another World.) The only characters posters seem to like are Maeve and (only IK's, of course) Delia. People hate Frank, they hate Jill, they hate Hope, they hate Roger...sometimes I just wonder...what do people on this board LIKE about soap operas? Why are you still discussing things to this day just to hate on something. I mean, I know, for some people "hate watching" is a thing but I don't do that. I watch things because I like them.

I've started watching Santa Barbara - God, try that thread to see how much people poop all over that. I just don't get it. That's why I stay away from the board. That's why I only come on if I feel I have something to actually share that could be new information. I shall do my very best to refrain from posting in the future.

I scroll through things here to find out how to watch classic soaps - that's the only reason I read the board but I don't comment on the infuriating posts - that's why you don't hear from me much. I don't have much nice things to say about this board so I just don't engage. Coming on to share, what was to me, a new piece of information turned me into a "troll." Hateful, hateful people.

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No, as I've already said, your recurring behavior has relegated you to the role of troll. You don't listen to anything anyone's said about this topic or any other, you just wait for your name to come up and pull out the same old talking points. Literally all you do is show up and whine about the board and how awful we all are (and your characterization of people's opinions on soaps is laughably broad and inaccurate). Thanks for making my points for me. Change the record or move on with your life.

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