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An ATWT Fan Fiction by Actor87 & P.J.

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Episode 36

The doctor gives Katie some good news and some bad news. The good news says that Katie's going to fine and will one day have children. The bad news is that Katie's reproductive system will be weakened by the treatments for the infection that she must undergo, hence halting her hopes of having a baby. Brad comforts Katie and takes her to Lyla's to lie down. While Katie sleeps, Lyla tells Brad that he's not going to get in her daughter's pants anytime soon, especially with her around. Katie preten



Episode 35

At family dinner, Margo's concerned by Lyla's loss of appetite, but Lyla blames it on Katie's lack of culinary skills. All seem to laugh until Katie's laughs turn into tears. Lyla consoles her and tells her that everything will be fine. Later, Brad surprises Katie at the cottage with a bottle of wine and roses. Katie tells Brad that she can't make love to him. Brad understands and holds Katie as she frets hearing from the doctor tomorrow. Aaron is curious when he sees Alison making sure no on



Episode 34

Casey startles Lyla when he walks in on her practicing her number. Casey tells Lyla that although her heath is fading, her voice sure isn't. Casey finally confesses after a quiet moment that he knows that Lyla passed out. Lyla pleads with Casey not to tell his mother. Casey promises to keep Lyla's secret. Lyla asks Casey how he's been doing and he replies that he thought he wanted Sofie, but the more he thinks about, the more he realizes that everyone's right. He just wants someone to fill the h



Episode 33

Emma tells Meg to tell her what she's smirking like that for. Meg turns around and denies that she was smirking. Meg simply says that she was smiling, thinking of how she never thought Emma would be here right now. Emma insists that Meg is her baby girl and she can't imagine not being here for Meg during this hard and difficult time. Meg talks about how Emma has never been a fan of Paul's. Emma explains that whatever makes Meg happy is what she wants, and if Paul makes her happy, Emma must deal



Episode 32

The ultrasonic, piercing sound of his cell phone going off awakens Noah from his sleep. As he rolls over to get it, he remembers the night's events. All in a fog, he remembers flashes of making out with Carrie and having sex with her. Immediately regretting everything that happened, Noah slips his clothes on with shame and finds Chip. Chip laughs, saying that Noah and Carrie made quite the ruckus last night. Noah barks at Chip to just shut up and take him home. Noah asks where the girl went and



Episode 31

Casey comes home and finds Tom and Margo waiting in the living room for him. Casey ignores their presence, but they order him to sit. Margo says that it's been brought to their attention that Casey has been relentlessly pursuing Sofie and they find it very unhealthy to be pursuing someone so soon after being released. Margo lectures that she thinks Casey should focus on getting mentally in-shape, going to school, whatever...before he tries to think about love. Casey tells his parents that the on



Casting News & Rumors!

CASTING NEWS & RUMORS: --A casting call has been issued for the role of "Michael", a doctor in his fourties. --Sources say that TPTB are adamant in keeping Martha Byrne on board, and sources close to Byrne say she has no intentions of leaving "A New World Turns". --Martha Madison premieres in the role of "Carrie" this week. TPTB are still remaining tight-lipped in regards to any details of her story. --Could Real Andrews return to Oakdale? Sources say that he's been approached to



Episode 30

A new day dawns as everyone gathers at Fairwinds for Meg's baby shower. Meg appears in the best of spirits, despite having to show thanks to Paul's urging. Carly arrives and brings Sage, who presents her Aunt Meg with a sweet, sentimental gift. Later, Sage runs to grab her camera from the car to take pictures of the event. Over at Barbara's, Gwen comes in and thanks Barbara for agreeing to see her. Gwen tells Barbara that she knows that she and Iris once struck up an alliance and althou



Episode 29

Noah arrives at the landlord's room just as Luke comes running around the corner. The landlord answers his door as Luke pleads with Noah not to do this. Noah asks the landlord what exactly the letter meant and the landlord snickers that he should ask his boyfriend. As the landlord slams the door, Luke breaks it to Noah that the landlord refused them a room not because they're gay but because Colonel Mayer was a killer and he (as well as the other tenants) feared Noah was, too. Noah stands in sho



Episode 28

Before Luke can even make it all the way in the door, Noah confronts him about the letter. He shows Luke the letter and Luke immediately starts making excuses. Noah seems to believe the excuses being made until Luke contradicts Lucinda's excuse. Noah demands to know what's going on. Luke pleads for Noah to calm down, but Noah knows something fishy is going on. Determined to find out the truth, Noah heads to the landlord's room. Gwen explains to Sofie that Maddie was her best friend but is now



Episode 27

Luke goes by WOAK and is surprised to see his mom there. Lily says that she just came by to pick up something that she left the other day and is about to return to the house. Luke asks if Kim's in and Lily asks why Luke's there. Luke wondered if he could have a job sorting papers or something. Lily agrees to talk with him about it later and invites him by the house to see Ethan. Luke agrees to go get Noah and they'll be by shortly. Casey presses "send" on his phone one more time, trying to co



Episode 26

Lily and Holden learn from Susan that Ethan is fine now, but the breathing complications might continue to be a problem in the future. Lucinda damns Craig to hell for what he did with the baby food scheme, but Lily takes the blame. Lucinda tells her that even though Sierra is trying to rid Montega of insurgents, even she has a safer life now without Craig in it. Lily raises her hand to slap Lucinda for her harsh words, but Lucinda grabs Lily's arm and tells her that it'll be the biggest mistake



Episode 25

Rousing in her sleep, Vienna almost doesn't notice the boquet of a dozen roses on her bedside table. She wonders who they could be from as she opens the card. "Good morning gorgeous. Meet me at Oakdale Square. 10 am" Vienna looks over at the clock and sees it's 9:30. She scurries about, trying to find her bearings and find some clothes. As she dresses, she wonders who the flowers are from and who she's about to come face to face with. Little does she know... Henry paces around Oakdale Square.



Episode 24

Brad meets Katie and tells Katie that whether she knows it or not, her mom and sister are controlling her life. They're putting a halt on the baby-making because they don't think Katie's prepared to be a mother. Katie becomes upset and tells Brad that she thinks she should have a say in the matter. Determined to prove herself capable and prove Margo & Lyla wrong, Katie insists she and Brad make one last go at it. As Susan preps Holden and Lily with news of a treatment for Ethan, Lucinda c



Episode 23

Gwen gets a call from New Chances Rehab Center and learns that Iris has been released. Gwen doesn't say much and returns to Barbara's suite. Will calls her on her abrupt exit from the room and Gwen shrugs it off as a wrong number. Will and Gwen take Hallie and promise Paul that they'll be back soon as he watches over a snoozing Barbara. Meg calls him on his cell phone and whines that she needs Paul back at the house. Paul tells Meg that just because they had sex, it doesn't mean anything. Meg en



Episode 22

Lucinda comes by Holden and Lily's and finds Lily cleaning. Lucinda insists that she hire a maid or something, but Lily tells her to go away. Lucinda apologizes once again for upsetting Lily at Craig's memorial, but insists that he's not the saint that she makes him out to be. Later, Holden comes downstairs, frantic, holding Ethan. Holden yells that Ethan's breathing isn't right and the two set out for Memorial. Henry asks Katie what the hell she's talking about. Katie hangs her head in shame



Episode 21

Lily comes home from a hectic day at WOAK and finds the house a wreck. Natalie whines that Daddy never made her cereal that she asked for an hour ago and has been bathing Ethan for a while now. Lily goes up and finds Holden rocking Ethan back and forth. Lily's sudden entrance startles Holden, waking up Ethan. Lily laughs and offers to do it. Holden tells Lily that he doesn't see how she does it. Lily suggests they look into hiring a nanny, but Holden refuses and insists that he can handle this.



Episode 20

Lyla comes into her suite and isn't there long before Brad knocks at the door. Brad scolds Lyla for talking to Katie the way she has been and insists that Katie wants nothing more than a family that she can raise and love, just like her mother did. Lyla protests that ever since Casey died, Katie has tried to find some man that can fill the gaping hole that her father left in his early death. No baby is going to fill that hole. It's only going to heal over time. Brad lets his guard down and confi



Episode 19

Valentine's Day is upon Oakdale in this special episode, where the last comes first. Bob storms out of Mona Lisa as a bartender lies on the floor and Lisa sits in dismay. Someone asks Mrs. Grimaldi if she wants the cops called, but Lisa refuses. Paul finally gives into Meg's pleadings to make love. He tries to back out, saying he doesn't have a condom, but Meg assures him it's alright because she's already pregnant...remember? Alison crouches beside a dumpster and grabs a limb. As she h



Episode 18

Nancy tells Bob that the worst thing that he can do right now is to turn his back on Chris. Bob yells that Chris drugged his own father to further his reign of power at Memorial. Kim takes a step back and sees that maybe the only way for Bob to come to peace with it all and to forgive Chris is to let it happen on its own. Nancy doesn't like the idea and scolds Kim for giving up so quickly. Later, Lisa turns the corner at Fashions and finds Nancy waiting on her. Nancy explains that she, Kim, Tom,



Episode 17

Casey shows up at Lucinda's as Sofie gets off work. Sofie again shuns Casey, but he eventually entices her to go grab some apple cider with him at Java. Once there, Casey talks about finally having some time off now that Emma's back. Sofie finally gets up the courage to tell Casey off, but Will and Gwen interrupt her. Casey unknowingly introduces them to Sofie, and Gwen tells Casey that they're quite familiar with Sofie. She's Hallie's mother. Katie tries her best to fake a smile while doing



Episode 16

Sofie starts her first day of work as one of Lucinda's maids. Luke comes in and asks to speak with Luke and becomes acquainted with Will and Gwen's daughter's birth mother, Sofie. Luke asks Sofie why she's working as a maid. Sofie replies that she has never had a very glamorous life. Luicnda barks at Sofie to get to work as she invites Luke into her parlor. Luke takes a seat and the two discuss Noah and Luke's new apartment and how much they enjoy it. Luke apologizes for Noah making their busine



Madison Joins 'ANWT'!!

Madison joins the cast of "A New World Turns". Martha Madison has joined the cast of "A New World Turns", according to Executive Producer/Headwriter Dusty Alford. Details about Madison's character remain hush-hush for now, but Alford promises that viewers won't be in the dark for long. "Viewers will know more soon," teases Alford. During a break from taping her first scene, Madison told us that she was "really excited about the opportunity to portray such a character". Madison, who was



Episode 15

Lyla leaves Katie behind at the suite and goes to talk with Tom at the Lakeview in order to set up her last will and testament. Lyla asks about Casey and Tom confirms her suspicions that he's not doing well. Katie comes down and angrily confronts her mother, asking why she refuses to take her medicine. Lyla scolds Katie to keep her voice down before Tom (who's in the men's room) barges in and overhears. Lyla tells Katie that she's ready to see Katie's father Casey and now, Craig, again. Later, K



Episode 14

Vienna rushes into WOAK and cries that Katie only made matters worse. Henry gave her a promise ring instead of an engagement ring. Katie tells Vienna that she was certain Henry would propose and promises to talk to Henry again. Vienna tells her not to bother...she's destined to never be a bride. Later, Katie drops by Lyla's and finds Lyla has stopped taking her medicine and pleads with her not to give up. Tom stops by the hospital and asks Bob what the hell is wrong with him. Tom explains tha



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