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An ATWT Fan Fiction by Actor87 & P.J.

Entries in this blog

Episode 260

Jason and Erin bid the Hughes home and the Kasnoff/Peretti/Coleman home goodbye. Jason excitedly tells them all that he has found a once in a lifetime job opportunity BEHIND the camera and Erin thanks them all for taking her in anad apologizes for her theieving ways at the beginning of her stay. After Jason and Erin leave, Henry continues to try and persuade Katie against taking a second honeymoon. Katie seems deadset on going and calls Lyla to come over, in hopes of persuading Henry to go f



Casting Call!

The World of Oakdale is looking to cast two roles in the coming weeks. The first is a recast of a minor player. Due to some last minute changes, the name and face of Lucinda's hitman that she ordered on Craig are changing. "Rico Perez" is described as a dark haired, hispanic man in his mid thirties. The second role that the show is looking to cast is Dana's mother, Millicent "Milly" Hamilton. Not much is known about the role, but sources say the woman will be quite the opposite of Grant. T



Episode 259

Barbara escorts Dana into her office and has the young woman take a seat. Dana thanks Barbara for the job opportunity and explains how business has always had more pleasure for her than pleasure itself. Barbara seems intrigued by Dana and offers her a job with B.R.O.'s media relations department. Dana overjoyfully accepts. Craig reveals to Lucinda that during his time in jail, he did some things he's not so proud of and eventually got mixed up in one of Illinois's biggest, baddest drug rings.



Decision Made!

According to the latest issue of Oakdale Digest, a final decision has been made regarding the upcoming maternity leave of The World of Oakdale's Maura West and a fresh, new, controversial storyline featuring West that the headwriter was said to be writing soon. Headwriter Dusty Alford had planned to pen a special storyline this spring which would heavily feature Maura West, who plays the role of Carly Snyder, but due to West's maternity leave, some changes had to be made. Alford felt that the s



Episode 258

Chris comes downstairs at the Hughes home to find Nancy reading. Nancy can't seem to grasp the idea that Chris left his well-paying job at a well-known hospital to return home to "spend more time with family". Nancy just doesn't buy it, despite what Chris says. Just as Chris is about to tell Nancy all, Emily arrives with Daniel. Nancy tells an inquiring Emily that she hasn't seen Bob or Kim all day, Tom is at an emergency hearing, Margo has her hands full with work, and she, herself, is on the w



Episode 257

Katie stops by Mike's room at the Lakeview to hand him some stuff that he left behind at the cottage. Small talk with Mike soon gives Katie a headache...literally. Mike quickly assumes that she must be making a breakthrough and pressures her to remember their love. Instead, Katie has flashbacks of being stranded on an island with Henry and mistakes it for hers and Henry's romantic honeymoon. Outraged that Mike is still trying to get her to come back to him, Katie storms off and goes back home to



Episode 256: Part II

Due to some last minute changes, the following episode is the continuation of Episode 256, which aired on Thursday. TWOO was in fact pre-empted on Friday and will be (again) on Monday. Happy New Year, everybody!! Kim, Nancy & Barbara take the stage and offer thanks to everyone for watching. Barbara is touched when Gwen appears to sing a song in memory of Hal, and Lily soon joins her on stage for a duet. Throughout the night, Nancy appears to inform viewers of the latest donations and the



Episode 256

It's New Year's Eve in Oakdale. Usually, Metro would be throwing a big bash, but due to some legal matters, the club won't be open anytime soon. And as far as Ice, the newest nightclub in Oakdale...well, all the employees are going home to watch the Hal Munson Memorial Telethon on Channel 9, also widely known as WOAK. Barbara Ryan is co-hosting alongside her aunt, Kim Hughes, and the beloved Nancy Hughes. The event almost exactly coincides with the half year anniversary of Hal's death. And stran



Episode 255

Craig tells his sister of someone following him and asks Margo to look into it. Later, Craig gets the heebie jeebies when he notices a shadow behind his on the way to his suite at the Lakeview. Mike finds Henry at the Metro bar and makes sure Henry knows what a pickle he's found himself in. Henry advises Mike to get a hold of himself. He tells Mike that nobody has control over what part of Katie's past she reverted back to when she hit her head. As Henry gets ready to leave, Mike gets an idea



Episode 254

Emma starts taking down Christmas decorations and is surprised when Grant stops by. Neither of them feel like discussing what happened between them in the closet, but Emma assures Grant that nothing of the kind will happen again. She informs Grant that she's moving in with her daughter Iva. Craig arrives from a brief visit to Montega to see Sierra and Lucy and teases Lucinda for not getting him anything. Lucinda aasks Craig what he wants and he cuts right to the chase, asking who exactly has




The World Of Oakdale is making way for 2007. Cast changes have been coming left and right. New characters, old characters recast, departures, and maternity leaves have left the casting department with one of the busiest weeks this year. For starters, fans of the classic NBC sitcom "Wings" will be pleased to learn that Crystal Bernard has landed the role of "Dana Hamilton". Dana comes to town right after learning of her father's impending engagement to Oakdale socialite Lisa Grimaldi. According



Episodes 251-253

Mike is snapped out of his dream when Lyla and Margo come knocking at the door. Margo tells him about the happenings at the engagement party and Lyla makes mention of Holden and Lily's big fight. Mike flashes back to their kiss and then to his dream. As he wonders what's wrong with him, Lyla states the obvious. She says that the longer he estranges himself from Katie, the longer she'll be caught up in this amenesiac world of still being married to Henry. Margo invites Mike to enjoy Christmas din



ONE YEAR, BABY!! (Episode 250)

Sorry for the delay, guys. I just didn't get as much of a respomse as what I had hoped for. If I used part of your synopses, congratulations! If not, it's nothing personal, I promise. I would also like to take this time to thank everyone who has shown support and intrigue for this blog for the past year. I have truly had such a great time writing this and I really would not be able to continue on if it weren't for you. Thank you!! Emma steps down from the stage and Grant asks her to help




Until firther notice, the blog has announced that the anniversary show will be postponed. According to Executive Producer/Headwriter Dusty Alford, the fan reaction wasn't as significant as what he imagined. Three synopses were sent in by long time viewers, but that was it. "I know some people have projects with their own blogs, some are out of town, some haven't replied yet, etc. so until I can get more input from the fans, the show is on hiatus and the anniversary show is being postponed". S



One More Day!!

Viewers have one more day to send in what they would like to see happen in Episode 250, A.K.A. The World Of Oakdale's 1 Year Anniversary Show. As of 1:27 AM on Monday, December 18, 2006...not one thing has been sent in. Everyone who even skims through the blog is urged to participate. If there is not enough participation, the powers that be will definitely have to call the blog's future into question. Again, all you have to do is read "Episode 249" and P.M. Actor87 ( me ) a brief, yet



Episode 249

It's the night of the engagement party. Everyone who is anyone in Oakdale's social and financial society is in attendance. However, the setting for the event is not the most glamorous. After all, it's being held in the Snyder barn. Holden counsels his mother that even if Grant is toying with her and Lisa, she shouldn't fight fire with fire. He warns her that someone might get burnt. Emma changes the subject, wanting to know where Lily is. Holden calims that she'll be here any minute. Lily



Previously on TWOO....

It's exactly one week later in Oakdale. Though the rain has slacked off today, yesterday was a downpour. And this whole past week has just been plain ugly. Emily found Andy and Roxie in bed together. Though Andy denied anything happened, Emily ran off while Roxie and John reveled in their victory. However, Roxie soon learned not to trust John Dixon. Jason revealed to Maddie that he was Gwen's first love back home and that they had almost been married, but he called off the wedding when he lea




Just a reminder... The World of Oakdale will be pre-empted all this week due to personal reasons, but expect a new episode to be posted on Saturday. After that episode is posted, you have 48 hours to submit what you think should happen in the 1 year anniversary episode (scheduled for December 19th). I hope all readers participate



"Viewer" Of The Week (12/4 Wk.)

Looks like we have our first official tie this week in The World of Oakdale's "Viewer" of The Week feature! This week, the title goes to both oakdalelover and SteveFrame with 6 comments each! Congrats, guys!! We also had alot of runners-up... Josh: 2 comments Roman: 1 comment juniorz1: 1 comment DrewHamilton: 1 comment I want to personally thank each one of my readers for continuing to support me. Even if you don't comment, you help more than you know! Without all of you, this b



Episode 248

Bob and Kim thank Erin for totally turning herself around and Erin seems to be proud of herself, too. She admits that she never got a chance to really know her family and thanks the two of them for being that family she never had. Once Erin leaves the room, Kim informs Bob that the Hollywood heartthrob that has been living with Mike and Katie is Erin's brother. An eavesdropping Erin stands in disbelief. Maddie asks Jason why he seems so inquisitive of Will and Gwen and tells him that they are



Episode 247

Katie asks for Henry and has a serious, emotional talk with him about how she's never been happier married to her best friend. Henry, overcome with his own conflicting emotions, vows to stay by Katie for as long as she needs him. Meanwhile, Maddie gets curious when Jason starts questioning her about Will and Gwen's relationship. Emily goes to leave and finds that "she left the interior light on in her car" and hence, her battery is now dead. John offers to drive her back to Andy's place. At A



Choose TWOO's Logo!!

First, there was news of a strictly fan-written anniversary episode. Now comes word that The World of Oakdale is turning to the fans yet again. This time, the powers that be are hoping for fans' assistance in choosing the 1 year anniversary logo. Three images have qualified for the choosing process and those three are: Logo Choice #1 Logo Choice #2 Logo Choice #3 Now that you have seen all three images, make your choice by stating which l



Episode 246

John invites Emily over to the house to help decorate for Christmas, citing that he's old and feeble, that Roxie is out of town visiting her best friend from high school, and that he needs a woman's input on good Christmas decorating. Meanwhile, Andy goes into Java and orders a coffee to go. He flashes back to Roxie pulling him into a kiss and then flashes back to see that Roxie has bumped right into him, knocking hot coffee everywhere. Meanwhile, while Emily decorates lights in the house, John



Episode 245

Lucinda's loyal maid Gertrude arrives with the day's mail and Lucinda immediately opens a letter from Lucy, who just arrived home in Montega. The letter praises Lucinda for being such a wonderful grandmother, and then touches on some family memories. Lucinda quickly realizes that if Lucy ever found out the truth that Craig was killed at Luicnda's hands, she'd never forgive her. Lucinda rushes to stop the hitman before it's too late. In the hospital parking garage, The hitman's cell phone goes



An Anniversary Outta This 'World'!

An Anniversary Outta This 'World'! Can you believe it?! It's been a whole year (almost) since the creation of the blog and I am planning the biggest anniversary celebration ever! The blog will feature all brand-new episodes this week, but unfortunately, will be on hiatus all next week due to my upcoming surgery. (Don't worry...it's nothing major! I promise...) Then... on Saturday, December 16th, I will post "Episode 249", the episode before the anniversary special. It will include almost e



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