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An ATWT Fan Fiction by Actor87 & P.J.

Entries in this blog

The Ending: Part I

Unfortunately, scheduling problems and lack of ideas has left me with no other choice but to end this fan fiction. It's a sad day for me, but this is a decision that I felt had to be made. I want to thank all the loyal readers (you know who you are) for following ANWT for this long. I also appreciate all the feedback that I've received, good and bad alike, during the course of this fan fiction. Lastly, I could have never have done this without the help of 2 amazing friends. P.J., you are a God-s



Episode 279-281

At WOAK, Kim announces that Katie's taking an extended leave of absence while she takes her mother out of the country for treatment. Brad's stunned that she left without a word to him. He follows Kim back to her office, trying to get more details out of her. Impatiently, Kim tells him he knows everything she does. It's an open ended leave. Kim assumes he's worried about the fate of Oakdale Now, and assures him she's already setting up interviews for Katie's on-air replacement. Brad returns to hi



Episode 278

Taking a seat on the couch, Dr. Michaels informs Jade that this is a very important decision that she hopes Jade has carefully thought about. If Jade remembers something, it's her duty to report it to the police. As Jade starts to go under, Luke searches for his cousin across town. Kevin appears and suggests he give Jade some alone time. Frustrated, Kevin vents that he feels like his relationship with Luke has come to a stand still. Peeved, Luke grunts that it's Kevin's own fault for doubting hi



Episode 277

Startled by Jack's appearance--pale, noticably thinner and a rough beard, Carly tells him he looks like hell. Jack laughs and agrees with her. On the other hand, he grins, she's more beautiful than he remembers. Carly tries to sit up, only to wince in pain from a cut on her arm. When Jack asks what happened, Carly downplays the accident as merely having slipped on some ice in the road. She's a lot more interested in where he's been for the last two months. First, though, Jack wants to know more



Episode 276

Finding out Katie spent the night with Lyla, Margo shows up at her mother's with breakfast. Margo casually asks how Lyla's night went, probing for specific details. Suspicious, Katie asks if there's more behind her questions than concern for their mother. Reluctantly, Margo informs her Carly was nearly run down the day before. Katie's shocked...then realizes she must be a suspect. Margo assures her she doesn't believe Katie's responsible, but it'll be easier on everyone if they establish Katie's



Episode 275

Mac rushes out into the street, and unable to get a response from Carly, calls 911. Assured an ambulance is in route, he makes a second call, ending it quickly when Carly's eyes flutter open. As Carly's wheeled into the emergency room, Bob steps into the partition and examines her, and she finally starts regaining consciousness. Passing routine questions, she has no recall the accident. Diagnosing a concussion, along with other scrapes and bruises, Bob orders a CT scan, but reassures her it's on



Episode 274

The next day, Katie tries to raise Lyla's spirits, bringing out family albums and laughing over old photos. Seeing Katie linger over a picture of her and Brad, Lyla encourages her daughter to fight for her marriage. It's no use, Katie replies sadly. Brad isn't interested. But what she will do, is pour everything into helping Lyla fight her cancer. All her children need her. Lyla gently tries to prepare Katie for the inevitability of her death. Katie stubbornly replies that her mother's never bee



Episode 273

The tension continues to run high between Parker and Carly. After Parker gives her the cold shoulder, JJ tries to lighten her mood by cracking bad jokes. Carly thanks him, and tells him he's a lot like his father. And Jack will be surprised to see how much he's grown in such a short time. A little embarrassed, JJ admits having Mac to talk to has helped a lot. Carly asks what he means by that. Just that Mac's been really good about talking with him and Parker like they're adults, not just stupid



Episode 272

Katie, distracted by concerns for Lyla, messes up her lines on Oakdale Now, annoying everyone. Kim dimisses them early, and Katie runs over to Al's to pick up some chicken soup, hoping to appeal to Lyla's appetite. As she's leaving she runs into Brad, who snarks at her for being unprofessional and holding up their production schedule. Sarcastically, Katie begs his pardon for worrying about her mother's relapse. As he tries to apologize, Katie blasts him for being oblivious and wrapped up in his



Episodes 267-271

At home, Carly lays into Parker for skipping school. Parker angrily spouts off that Jack hasn't answered any of his emails. Carly reminds him that Jack promised he would keep in contact as best he could. Rejecting that explanation, Parker admits he's had a "bad feeling" for quite a while now and he's sure Jack lied to him. The only reason Parker can come up with is that Jack's deserted them for good. Stunned, Carly assures her son Jack would never do that to his family. "Jack left you, you left



Casting News!

We here at A New World Turns are saddened to announce that Phil Carey has left the show. The role of Clark will not be recast. Clark's exit from Oakdale will be briefly addressed next week. In other casting news, Jake Silbermann has been let go from the show. Silbermann originated the role of Noah Mayer on the show. His last airdate was February 6, 2009.



Episode 266

Carly learns from the school that Parker skipped class. At the hockey rink, she implores Mac to call her if her son happens to stray there. She reveals that Parker is no stanger to running away, but this time, she's frightened that Jack isn't here to help look for him. Later, Mac spots him and asks why he's not in school today. Parker admits he's worried about Jack, and he needed time to think. Parker adds they haven't heard from Jack in a while, and he knows something's wrong. Mac assures him J



Episode 265

Lily sets up arrangements for Jade to get off on bail. Margo informs her that Luke is still being held accountable for obstruction of justice charges, but she's thinking the charges will be dropped due to the state's lack of funds to be able to prosecute both cases. In her cell, Jade promises Luke that it's not his fault that this happened, but adds that she would have liked to known that he was covering for her. Craig goes by Lyla's with champagne, ready to celebrate Lyla's positive test re



Episode 264

Carly gives Brad a piece of her mind. Lily thanks Dr. Michaels for coming over on such short notice. She's dismayed when Margo trails in close behind, reminding her that there's an open investigation. After Jade tearfully reveals what she remembered, Margo calls the station to see if the reports have come back in on the knife. The deputy responds that three sets of prints were found: Jade's, Luke's, and an unidentified set of prints. Recalling the mystery person in the video, Margo asks if an



Episode 263

Jade remembers something from the night of Colin's murder. Brad ends up overstaying his welcome with Carly and the kids. Carly keeps hinting for him to leave, but he ignores her. Finally fed up, Carly hauls him into the kitchen and asks him why he's being such a pest. Brad reasons that it's because Jack's gone. He blames himself, saying Jack wouldn't have left town if Brad hadn't bought into Katie's lies and accused Carly of instigating Katie's "miscarriage". Touched, Carly chuckles he's goin



Episode 262

Alison and Emily face off. Jade comes down the next morning and informs Lily that she's moving back in over at Cal's old place. Stunned, Lily asks if Jade's ready to make such a huge step. Jade reasons that she might be less of a burden. She already almost sank Will and Gwen's marriage; she's not about to be the cause of Holden and Lily's problems. Softening, Lily explains that she and Holden have been married on and off since they were young. No matter what the problem, she knows that at the



Episode 261

Craig has a proposition for Dusty. Fuming over what Carly just told her, Lily confronts Craig as he sit down for dinner at Al's. She demands to know why he kept his pursuit of custody a secret from her. Craig shrugs that he knew she would probably take sides with Carly, and therefore Rosanna, with the whole matter. Lily angrily blasts Craig for using Cabot to get back at Rosanna now that she's moved on with Paul. Craig denies that he would do any such thing and feigns surprise that Lily would



Episode 260

Lily learns what Craig's been up to. Mac nearly gets run over by Parker, JJ and Sage as they rush out the door to the bus. Laughing, Carly offers him a cup of coffee while she waits for the cab to take her to work; her car is still in the shop. When Mac asks if the cops have any suspects yet, Carly admits she hasn't heard anything from them yet, and she doesn't really expect to. Vandalism is a low-priority, and besides, if it's who she thinks it is, the Chief of Detectives is sure to bury it.



Episode 259

Rosanna and Paul make their relationship official. Dusty admits that he would like to give their relationship a fresh start, but first, there's some stuff that they need to settle. They take a seat as Emily explains her reasoning for coming here tonight. Susan informed her that just like any man, Dusty made a mistake. She realizes that now; she was wrong to jump to conclusions. Dusty interrupts her and tells her that the main reason why they even got into this mess was because of her. If she



Episode 258

Carrie gives Craig a helping hand. After meeting with Susan, Dusty goes alone to Donovan's. There, he finds Emily waiting on him. Dusty gets a call about a shipment and heads back to the dock to see it safely in, leaving his phone and Emily alone in the front. Emily flips open his phone and smiles when she sees that the wallpaper is an old photo of Dusty and herself. Realizing that he truly does still care for her, Susan's words start ringing in Emily's ears. When Dusty returns, Emily reports



Episode 257

Dusty asks for Susan's help. After just missing Lyla leave the cancer center after her check up, Susan tracks down Michael and demands an explanation for his quick exit the previous night. Michael explains that a patient needed him, but he promises it won't happen again. Susan accuses him of having cold feet about resuming their relationship, but Michael denies it. Later, Susan meets Dusty in the hospital lobby. Dusty asks her to talk to Emily for him, but Susan recants that she already has.



Episode 256

Swinging the door open, Will confronts Barbara about her role in buying the house. She denies everything, but Will reveals that he just got off the phone with the real estate agent; she can't lie anymore. Trapped, Barbara finally grumbles that she did buy the house with the intent of Noah and Carrie moving in together. She reasons that Will has become much too attached much too soon with Carrie and she knows he's still in love with Gwen. Will scoffs that even if he was, it's his own life. Barbar



Episode 255

Slipping into a booth at Al's, Emily checks her phone before making an order to go. Aaron comes in and guesses that Emily must be working on her next big story. What could possibly top the story that practically wrecked his grandmother's relationship and destroyed his stepmom's ties with her mother, he asks sarcastically. Realizing that this isn't going to end pretty, Emily stands up to leave. Alison sees the stand off from the window and rushes in. Quickly, she tells Aaron to get their food and



Episode 254

At the hockey game in Chicago, Carly treats the team to popcorn while Mac buys them sodas. While the teens are engrossed in the game, Mac notices Carly's boredom, and compliments her on coming in spite of "everything". Carly admits she doesn't like hockey, but it's something all parents do at one time or another. Then she asks what he meant by "everything". Embarrassed, Mac tells her he's gotten to know Parker and JJ a little bit, and they told him about their parents' divorce and her ex-husband



Episode 253

Lily bursts through the door at Lucinda's and asks how she can be so careless about everything. First, she hides her past from her own daughter and then, out of nowhere, she emerges from seclusion to blame Colin's murder on Jade. Lucinda initially scolds Lily but soon retreats, knowing she can't win against Lily when she's this upset. Later, Margo shows Lily that the park pulled a security camera showing Jade at the scene with Colin, but there's another person. Both ladies look stunned when Kevi



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