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An ATWT Fan Fiction by Actor87 & P.J.

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Episode 94

Luke shuts down Kevin's request to keep him company while Noah is out of town and calls him out on why he's returned to Oakdale. Kevin justifies that his dad got a job offer in Oakdale and has moved back full time. Luke mentions Noah going to Oakdale U and inserts that he'll be joining his boyfriend at the same college this fall. Kevin's amazed at how closely Luke and Noah have become since he heard they were an item. Luke tells Kevin that he's been away for a while. Kevin apologizes for bringin



Episode 93

Michael is released from Oakdale Memorial with a few scratches, but in good spirits. Michael asks Margo if there are any leads on his case and she informs him that the only lead that they have is that the car was red. Immediately, Michael knows Doris was the one that run him off the road. Casey and Sofie's romantic day in is interrupted by Tom's early arrival home from a business meeting. Casey grunts that he knew moving in with his parents was a bad idea and gripes to Sofie that they'll neve



Episode 92

Sofie informs Casey that his mother confronted her yesterday at the cookout. Casey's peeved when he hears that everyone thought Gabe and Sofie were an item. Gabe arrives and Casey lies, telling Gabe that a showering Sofie went out of town for a family reunion. Once Sofie returns, Casey hushes her pleas to go to Mona Lisa by fixing a nice candlelight dinner for the two of them. Emily arrives at The Intruder offices to find that the place has been vandalized. One of the officers gets an attitud



Episode 91

Tom and Margo invite Sofie, Casey, Kim, Bob, Nancy, Lisa, and Gabe over for an impromptu family Memorial Day hamburger lunch. Lisa comments on Sofie and Gabe's obvious attraction to one another, intriguing Margo. Margo tells Sofie that if she plans on letting down Casey, she should do it now before anyone gets hurt. Across town, the Snyders have a small get together and they all discuss Meg's progress. Carly defends Rosanna to Emma while Jack corners Carrie. Carrie tells Jack that her past is on



Episodes 86-90

Kim praises Vienna and Katie for their cross-promotion of ViCE and Oakdale Now. Henry thinks that they need an official headquarters if they're going to succeed. Vienna spies an old warehouse on the edge of town and suggests they renovate it. Henry and Katie laugh at the idea, but when a developer gives the three blueprints for the new office, they're blown away. Katie's flattered when Vienna asks her to be the official spokesmodel for her cosmetics line, but soon learns that Brad had planned a



Casting News!!

Eric William Morris has been cast in the role of "Gabe". Morris made his debut in Episode 85, although the character's name was originally written as "Brock". "Gabe" will interact very closely with "Sofie" and "Casey". The role is short-term, but as always, there's a possibility the character could return later for a more extensive stay. Justine Cotsonas will be exiting the role of "Sofie" sometime in late June. Karl Girolamo has been offered a one year contract with the show. He will be r



Episode 85

Noah's "date" with Sherry goes well until she slips something into his drink. A spying Luke saves the day, whisking Noah away, but in the end, Lucinda and Noah both accuse Luke of jeopardizing their plan. Carly and Carrie have a quiet movie night with the kids. Sage brings up a letter Carrie received in the mail, but Carrie cuts the conversation short and later, weeps over the letter. Rosanna realizes that Carrie used to work for the Buffalo, NY division of Cabot Motors, but she had a different



Episode 84

Lucinda tells Noah that his first attempt to unmask Sherry should be to take her on a "date". Luke overhears the idea and accuses Lucinda of interfering in his relationship. Faith has a nightmare about Andrew and turns to Holden. Lily's hurt by her daughter's words. Iris and Gwen share dinner and Gwen confides that she never thought there'd be a day when Iris would finally be a mother. A teary eyed Iris thanks Gwen for believing in her as she fights her past demons. Michael tells Lyla that he qu



Episode 83

Luke urges Noah to re-think his decision about going behind the scenes at Worldwide. At work, Noah learns that the mole has leaked information again. A furious Lucinda tells him to make a choice now. At a loss for words, Noah agrees to help Lucinda unmask the identity of the traitor at Worldwide. Meanwhile, Lily assures Luke that Lucinda knows how much he and Noah love one another. She would never jeopardize that just to save her company, but Luke has his doubts. Will checks on Barbara at the



Episode 82

Noah comes home from work and learns from Luke about his encounter with Carrie. Luke lets on like Carrie told him everything, but Noah doesn't buy it and plays it off as though he helped Carrie cheat on an important exam. Noah tells Luke that Lucinda has asked him to get close to a female coworker in hopes of unmaking her as the mole at Worldwide and Luke is very displeased with his grandmother's idea. Luke bursts through the doors of the mansion and tells Lucinda that her plan to unmask the mol



Episode 81

Lucinda, the search team captain, Holden, and Lily arrive home to flashing red and blue lights and policemen everywhere. Lily rushes into the house frantically while Holden learns from a cop that an intruder came into the house and Aaron bopped him over the head, knocking him out cold. After a tearful reunion and making sure that everyone's alright, Lily and Holden are shocked to learn that Andrew was the intruder and are happy to learn he's being extradited to Barbados. Aaron takes his leave, s



Episodes 76-80

Rosanna tells Carly of her plans to stay in town, and remembers seeing Carrie somewhere before. Carly shares this information with Carrie, who doesn't have the slightest clue where she might know Rosanna from. Later, Carrie has a dream of a baby crying. Luke comes into close quarters with Carrie on the Lakeview elevator, which gets jammed. Margo agrees to find out information on Carrie for Jack, but begs him to give up this jealous hunt for information that might somehow lead him back into Ca



Episodes 73-75

Episode 76-80 will be lightly updated throughout this week as I take my finals. Dusty returns from his business trip and learns about Emily's controversial exposé about Caleb and Julie Snyder's marital problems. He blasts her for being so shallow and tells her that they're through. Later, Emily sees Aaron at Old Town and he tells her that she'd better print a retraction or he's suing her for slander. Holden and Lily arrive home amidst hugs, tears, kisses, and smiles. Lily lies to Lucinda



Episode 72

Alison barges into Emily's office and slams the paper on her desk. Alison asks Emily what the hell she was doing printing such personal material as this. Emily claims that her motivations were in the right place. Alison barks "Like hell they were! You took advantage of a personal situation. Aaron's already having enough trouble." Emily defends herself, saying that sales are down and she needed a story that would sell. Unfortunately, that story is the turbulent relationship between Caleb and Juli



Episode 71

Holden tries to break free from his chains. He tries to make eye contact with Lily, but Andrew bonks him over the head, knocking him out. Andrew chuckles that now he has Lily all to himself, but Lily grabs a shovel and knocks Andrew out. Lily lets Holden loose, grabbing a key from Andrew's pocket. Excited to see one another, they kiss but Andrew stirring causes them to bolt. As they hurry out the door, Andrew chases after them. Aaron shows up at Susan's and lets himself in, barging up to Alis



Episode 70

Lucinda's investor blasts her for hiring a homosexual, saying that he just walked in on her new employee groping another young man in the boardroom. Lucinda apologizes and promises nothing like it will happen again. The investor, still shellshocked and angry, pulls out of the new business deal he was negotiating with Worldwide. Lucinda becomes angry when the investor jumps on Luke outside. Lucinda, in a huff, tells the investor that this "sick f**g*t" is her grandson and he can take his negotiat



Episode 69

Lyla wakes up and learns that Michael saved her life. Susan urges her to thank Michael, but a stubborn Lyla refuses. Later, Katie invites Michael to dinner at her cottage and learns from Margo that Michael hasn't spoken to her since Casey's funeral. Katie sees this as a good time to heal old wounds, but Margo seems hesitant. Lily panics when no one can find Andrew. Rohan assures her that Andrew is simply an old man, a little demented, but not harmful. Meanwhile, Andrew tells Holden that "the



Episode 68

Brad and Katie finally break the silence and both apologize at the same time. When Brad won't admit that he quit WOAK because of Katie, she storms out. Brad runs after her, but is intercepted by Henry who tells him to just let her go. Margo runs into Katie, who is a bucket of emotions. She tells Katie to pull her act together as Lyla's just been rushed to Memorial. Michael takes over Lyla's case and amazes Bob and Susan by his efficiency as a doctor. When a nurse makes the wrong call, Michael



Episode 67

Emily runs into Alison and Aaron in Old Town. Sofie comes by with Casey and Aaron forks off to talk with them. Emily asks how Aaron's been holding up since the news of Julie and Caleb's divorce. Alison explains that Aaron's pretty hurt, especially since Julie hasn't been doing as good as she was right after her recovery. Meanwhile, Sofie and Casey make small talk and Sofie informs Aaron that she and Casey are officially dating. Emily and Alison interrupt the conversation and publically apologize



Episode 66

Carly meets with Kim and voices her concerns about Carrie. Kim can tell Carly is jealous and calls her on it. Carly admits that Lily should have never hired Carrie just as Carrie walks in. After Carly leaves, Kim confronts Carrie about Carly's tale of hearing her throwing up in the bathroom and asks if everything is alright. Carrie reveals she's pregnant to Kim, which Carly overhears. Later, a sympathetic Carly apologizes to Carrie saying that she remembers what it's like to be young, on your ow



Episode 65

Lucinda finds Luke contemplating things over coffee at Java. Opting to join him, she asks if he's heard from Holden or Lily. Luke says he hasn't and the conversation soon turns to Noah. Luke recalls how quickly Noah cut off his run-in with Carrie a few hours ago. Lucinda suggests that maybe she should talk to Noah and at a loss, Luke agrees. Later, he re-thinks his decision when Emma convinces Luke that Noah wouldn't still be with Luke if there was something else going on. Bob, furious, blast



Episode 64

Lily thanks Rohan for the ice and for all of his help and smiles that her ankle's feeling much better. Rohan asks what brings Lily to Barbados, assuming she's on vacation. Lily explains she's there to search for her family. She explains how Craig vanished off the coast of Barbados months ago, but no one has seemed to find anything to prove that Craig survived. Rohan's mother quickly brings out a gold Rolex and gives it to Lily. She says that she found it out in the water by the beach a few month



Episode 63

Margo comes into the station and learns from a deputy that her mother called. Lyla comes by just as Margo picks up the phone to call her. Announcing it to the world, Lyla tells Margo that Michael has been hired as the new specialist for the Oakdale Memorial cancer ward. Margo cringes at the news, but soon becomes speechless when Lyla says that she'll be moving to Houston, Texas to receive treatment. Margo quickly pulls her mother into the interrogation room and lectures her on her rash decision.



Episode 62

Henry can't believe that Vienna wants to pursue a business. He figured that she would want to save the money and use it for their children to go to a good school. Vienna vows to him that if she starts this business and it becomes a success, they'll have enough money to do just that. Later, Vienna shares the good news with Katie and learns Katie's uncle is in town. Boxes line the outside of a house as Lyla buzzes the doorbell again. Michael answers the door and Lyla catches her breath. Lyla sa



Episode 61

Finally catching up to Katie, Michael tells his niece that he knows it's alot to take in. Katie sniffs that she can't even remember the last time that she saw him and asks where he's been all this time. Michael explains that he went to medical school shortly after Casey's death and has since been working at a children's hospital in Deleware. Katie asks what made him take the job at Oakdale Memorial of all places. Surely, she concludes, he must have known that she, Lyla, and Margo were all living



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