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General Hospital: November 2022 Discussion Thread

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Again, General Hospital has a problem where they wait too long to put a couple together, and either the magic fizzles out or there's a cast departure. Spencer & Trina have been delayed so long, now the original actress is gone and the chemistry has to be re-created with a new actress. They drug their feet with Jason and Britt for a poorly written faux romance with Carly, only for Steve Burton to get fired, and now Britt is leaving. Either put a couple together or dont, but the endless will they/wont they isnt working. 

To add to that, current storylines just seem so unfocused. They start up, fizzle out, then randomly pick back up. Case and point Cyrus. Stories on B&B (although repeditive and rushed) have a clear beginning, middle and ending.

Edited by ironlion
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Mo’s creepy son really needs to get lost. 

Why is Carly the one being the voice of reason for Liz? I liked their scenes but Carly doesn’t need to be in Liz’s story.

And as always, I live for Sprina scenes. The only complaint I have is that these scenes and others like them needed to happen a few months ago.

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It's beyond time for them to move forward with Selina Wu. I would love for them to do a health crisis for Selina and do a shocking reveal that Terry is her daughter. They can use Terry being trans to justify it by saying Selina cut her off when she transitioned. It could be a powerful story that is true to many trans people and their families. They could eventually work towards reconciling which would soften Selina up and then they could give her a love interest. 

When it comes to mob stories, at this point Selina is where it's at. Sonny I feel has moved on from that point and they've told every new story they can with him in that arena.

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I wanted it revealed that Rory was Selina's son who had decided to get involved with law enforcement because he wanted to rebel against his mother and his family's criminal activities. But it seems Rory is just a dull placeholder until Spencer and Trina get together. 


I'm like, what's the point of Mo's son still being on this show? Is he attempting to obtain his equity card?

I felt like Carly didn't have to be in this episode. It should've been Laura or even Bobbie discussing Jeff and Carolyn with Liz since both of them actually knew Jeff. And both are well aware of Liz's difficulties as a result of having her parents MIA in her life for the past 25 years.

They need to take advantage of Sprina more before Nicholas Chavez moves onto greener pastures by 2024. I'm assuming that they're waiting for Trina to find out whether or not Curtis is her father at the wedding. If that's the case, I'd like Spencer and Trina to go on the run somewhere, come to terms with their feelings for each other, and end up kissing even more if possible. 



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How long is Nik recast for? 

I have to agree with everyone about Mo's son.  He's more than not good, he's embarrassingly out of place bad.

Joss/Dex are really getting the Liason or Sonny/Brenda "hurt in a mob mission/have to secretly be taken care of"  beginning aren't they?  I don't know if I see much chemistry but it's clear Cam is going to be the odd one out soon.  

Trina and Spencer really do move at a snail's pace.  This conversation they were having yesterday was overdue, but moved so slowly throughout the episode. I feel like we could have cut some Curtis/hat Dad or Joss/Mo Jr. scenes to give Sprina more airtime.

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-- I'm fine with Joss ending up with Dex. Cam deserves better anyway.

-- Unpopular opinion, but I'm not crazy about the Selina Wu actress at all. That low voice is Monotone on Steroids. Everything is said in the same flat manner, and it's not evii or threatening to me. It's just an actress who thinks low and monotone makes her seem dangerous.

-- Now Esme wants to start thinking like her dad. Sorry, but that doesn't mean this actress is capable of playing unginged and dangerous. Mean girl, OK, but this is no super villain.


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