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Y&R July 2019 Discussion Thread

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Depending on who ultimately gets casts as Papa Rosales, I wouldn't mind seeing a quadrangle with him, Mama Celeste (ha), Victor and Nikki.  Something tells me ELR and EB would be good together in scenes.

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I still would like to see her tested with Jack. But I'm not sure if they are going in that direction. I saw an interview with Eva not too long ago and she said that she only filmed one scene with Peter Berman. Which has already aired and was when her character met Jack at the Abbott mansion. She said she wasn't sure if she would be interacting a lot more with Jack. I feel like this stuff Lola/Kyle/ now Papa Rosales, is actually isolating her a bit from the rest of the canvas.


She's just mostly hung around Lola and Kyle and playing out a plotline that would be soapy in the 50s. And now they are trying to build up some drama with her getting back together with her actual husband. Who Lola resents because he left the family, but turns out Celeste kicked out because he was cheating on her. I would care more about this if Lola, the Rosales were more likeable and if we actually have met/knew the father already. But right now I'm not really interested in this storyline.


I would like to see Celeste interacting with more people, including some of the vets on this show.


Though, maybe whoever they cast as Adrian might have some chemistry with her and some other women on the show like Nikki. 

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Gave it a shot today, tuned in to see a nice conversation between Sharon and Faith.  Boy is she growing up fast.  Then, there was THE ADAM.  As the ADAM TURNS!  Turned it off.  It was nice to see Faith again and Sharon.  But then.....THE ADAM!  


No THANK you.  I can see Y&R is really getting the message of how well Adam is working.  Consistently all time lows now and they just keep having him on.  Changed back a little later - and people were talking about - ADAM!  And then ADAM was lurking in the park or something.  I'm so done with this show at this point.  It's just gross.  Literally Grossman or whatever his name is.  


And people just seem to love him - I really just don't get it.  

Another thing I don't want to see.  Eric Braeden/Victor and his nearly 78 year old wrinkled butt with a 52 year old hot woman that just cannot resist him.  But people gripe about Daniel Goddard/Beth Maitland and an unrealistic 13 year or 14 year old difference in age.  


No thanks to any new romances with Victor/Eric Braeden and anyone.  Maybe him and Jill?  He and Nikki are further apart in age than alot of "unbelievable" romances on soaps.  

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I cannot stand Lola the character or the actress. Terrible storyline, and the actress has the fakest smile I’ve ever seen. She plays it so often it’s pathetic, and I never forget that she’s ACTING. God, she’s terrible.



Adam has been on a lot, but I’m a big fan of Grossman and the character. He was featured throughout today’s show, but I never felt Adam took over and hijacked the show. I've seen gross on daytime, and Mark Grossman isn’t it. 


And where’s this coming from about Eric Braeden and another romance? I’m not seeing anything like that on my screen.

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It'll probably happen soon with someone.  


I don't even know how you can say that - it's been all Adam all the time for at least a month or two.  There's hardly a scene that he's not mentioned or that he's in.  He's completely eating the whole show.  Maybe it's just because I've tuned in at the wrong time but when I had it on 2 and 3 weeks ago for 1/2 hour here and there - it was all Adam.  And I just don't want to see storylines from 5 or 6 years ago.  The Chelsea/Adam angst that I'm sure it will become, the Chloe/Kevin, the Chloe needs to kill Adam, Chloe tries to forgive Adam, Billy is going to kill Adam because of Delia and on and on that I'm sure is probably going to dominate the storylines.  I'm going to be watching The Real from a day behind that I've already seen rather than The Adam and the RestofUs.

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Preach. I don't care at all about Celeste or Lola. Lola also really needs to be a bitch. The actress seems like she could really play it much better. Lola's a waste and a lost cause. Agreed on Celeste not being utilized properly but then we'd be bitching she never had any scenes with her kids so ... but there can be a better balance. I just don't care about the Rosales. They're blah, the writing is blah ... I wish I cared.


It was nice to see Faith again.


I had to roll my eyes though with how much Chelsea and Adam are on. Lord. Make it stop! It's a shame too because I like Mark Grossman. But Adam already feels tired and played out. They should have gone in a different direction.

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