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General Hospital: August 2021 Discussion Thread

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Yeah, I also liked him before he landed on GH.  And do think he just doesn’t know what to do with Peter, so his choices are all over the place.  He’s no Anders Hove or Charles Keating, both of whom excelled at menacing and clever darker characters with style.  I think he would have been much better as a Lucky recast, a character that could be more charming and emotional.

The only reason I am okay with him being alive is that it doesn’t make Liz an accomplice to manslaughter.  Her character can only take so much.

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I think you're absolutely right: he probably would have made a great Lucky recast. GH has a lot of these casting disasters (Roger Howarth as Franco, Jeff Kober as Cyrus, etc.), and I guess the blame should be laid at Frank's feet. He keeps hiring these actors he likes, without having a clear understanding of what their actual strengths are or what kinds of roles they'd be best at. 

Edited by prefab1
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I've never seen Wes's work prior to GH, but honestly I don't even remember him being this bad when he first came to the show. Maybe I just wasn't paying enough attention. But it's like he's progressively gotten worse as time has gone on. Seriously worse. Especially with this latest return. It's like all Wes did during his time off was classically train. He is painfully bad with his random accents, his whispering, the "I'm Batman" voice, the random pauses between words... I just can't believe nobody is stepping in and saying, "Hey, maybe we should redo this scene and direct him differently." Yesterday's scenes had some of the worst acting I've seen on a soap in a long time.

Deadbeat Jason continues to be a parent to every child on the show but his own. Jason, do you even remember what Danny looks like? Or Jake? And this Jarly/Jax drama has gotten so repetitive and stale. I did love Obrecht referring to Jarly as "that swine and his hussy." Everyone else in PC approving of this marriage is so lame. Now Britt wants them to have a beautiful wedding. Where's the drama?

Woooo lawdy, Chase looked hot today (duh). Let's have him stay angry instead of justifying what Mildew did. He's really talking about how Michael is a good guy and he's lucky to have Willow's love? Lame! It's time for Chase to take advantage of his newfound mobility by having hot sex with every woman in Port Charles. He needs to go on that camping trip with Liz and Finn and rearrange her organs. Then he can go find Brooklyn.

Soooo... what is Mildew's story now that Chase knows the truth and his fake marriage to Willow is over? Oh yeah, they have no story. Killing Willow off would solve that problem. Chad Duell can make his one and only facial expression when Michael gets the news of her death...

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Michael is going to be Jason's best man. Do Jason's kids even know he's getting married yet? Will they even get an invite to the wedding?

Edited by AlexElizabeth
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Haha that would be fun to see. That guy needs some love 

I get that Chase is the good guy and I've always liked and enjoyed the character, but this would've been the perfect time for him to take a darker turn, at least for a little while. It could've led to Michael taking a darker turn as well, which would have caused conflict between him and Willow, thereby giving them a story. 

Edited by AbcNbc247
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Finn better hope that Chase doesn't tag along on that camping trip because Liz will quickly realize that Chase is the superior brother. Ain't nobody looking at Finn if Chase is around (or even if he isn't around). Then Liz will sneak into his tent in the middle of the night. Omg, could baby #4 be on the way for Liz? Lol, I'm just having fun and I do want Chase with Brooklyn, but he and Liz sure would look gorgeous together. Chase should be having a hot boy summer and should have at least a couple women pregnant right now... Instead they write him like a monk

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When Sonny/"Mike" looked at Peter today when he was being very theatrical and droning on and goes "So how long you sticking around Peter" and gave him an annoyed look, I felt like he was speaking for a lot of the audience. Peter was the worst part of today's show IMO. He's too extra lol.

I did like the Liesl, Britt and Liesl/Britt and Maxie scenes. I also liked the Chase/Finn scenes. Chase is a good guy, I hope he finds love and happiness again. I also wonder if maybe they are leaving things a little open ended with him and Willow, because he does keep thinking about her. He would be better off moving on from her though. And I even liked the Joss/Jason scenes today, though I don't think that him and Carly have romantic chemistry.  Or are very interesting together as an engaged couple. It seems like Carly and other people are trying to make their relationship more than it is. It's not romantic on Jason's end. Or really even Carly's end, though it kind of seems like that's what she wants. 

Edited by xtr
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They really struck gold with Chase- he is a decent performer, very charming, seems to enjoy being on the show, and has chemistry with a lot of characters.  He even makes Finn tolerable in scenes they share.  It’s all the performer too- he’s clearly bringing some personality to his role that the show is actually recognizing.

Think how many blocks of wood Frank has hired over the years to the ratio of ones that actually work out!

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Same for me. I used to like him. I don't know what the hell he thinks he's doing. I think that he *truly believes* this is some of his best work and he's some master thespian and we all just don't get it. It's not. It's bad. Whispery, laughably bad.


And Esme is SO Ryan's daughter, or at least connected to him somehow (daughter of a victim of his?). And it makes sense because Kevin is sticking around and will be involved with Spencer. It would make sense to give him a kid if they insist on keeping him around (which is fine because Jon Lindstrom is so damn good, but Ryan feels played out)

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This is trivial, but can Roger Howarth do something about his hair? That sad little man bun is irritating af lol. It pulls his face in a way that’s unpleasant.

I’m sick of Ryan. GH never knows when to quit with these worn-out villains.

Edited by Faulkner
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