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GH June 2021 Discussion

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LMAO. I don't blame him. It showed. He has been phoning it in for YEARS. And "Austin" seems even more stupid. Why is he still collecting a paycheck when we could be watching literally anyone else? LOL. Not that he's on much (yet) but still ... sigh. His stints on ATWT and GH have really made me sour on Howarth as an actor.


Right? We have been soooooo close TWICE.

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It really has proven how easily he could be removed ... lol. 


I see glimpses of really old school Sonny at times in Mike, the charm, among other things, that has been lost for years. I don't really miss Sonny at all, though I know it's only a matter of time. I imagine this gives Mo something to play with that caters to his ego for a bit like Papa Mike dying did.


It was time to move a lot of these characters in new directions. You can tell it was needed as their stans are having freakouts they aren't featured five days a week as they were (well, Carly still is; lord)


It's time the soaps stop catering to the stanbases. Just because they're loud and vocal and can often bully their opinions, doesn't mean they represent the majority. I mean, look at Soap Facebook; lord that was a cesspool. 


And onto today's episode ... it's like night a day. Today's GH is a GH I want to watch. Brook/Chase, Bobbie/Maxie, TJ/Shawn, Molly/Alexis ...


Michael and Wallow need to be written out together for a long time, JMO. Michael needs a rest and reset too. Willow can die but they seem fond of her for some reason, when SO MANY others could be in her spot (and were; remember the last pet Sabrina ....). 


Jax and Nina are also feeling tired. I'm patiently waiting for Nina's deception to be exposed and her to go all batshit crazy. LOL. She can "whoops I killed Jax by mistake" and I'd be cool with it

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It's time to give some other characters some airtime, I can see why there's burnout on who's featured.


Anyway, I loved Bobbie and Maxie. THIS is how Bobbie should be used. Although it sort of feels like Felicia should be in that spot (in an ideal world, BOTH would be in that spot!). Did Wagner only come back for the Sean Donely episode? 


Where has Robert vanished too? He was on Peter like nobody's business and then they don't really use him in the aftermath? This is one of the problems GH seems to have ... is Rogers being punished by petty Frank? LOL I kid but still ...


I'd appreciate Liz being used in a medical story at the hospital if it wasn't all about propping Finn. We've seen more of Finn's POV over his maybe son dying than Liz has had in years. It's insulting, TBH. I'd also accept Liz and Finn hooking up if it meant Hayden came back to drag them for filth. 


I just do not understand their desperation to hang onto Howarth.

Edited by KMan101
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Yeah, we haven't seen her since then.


And lmao, maybe it is revenge against TR because that video that he made about the Peter storyline. But then again, this has happened before on GH. Poor Lucas doesn't even see Wiley anymore.


I'm still not to sure about Fiz. It's pretty clear that they're going to go there. And I know this is not saying much lol but anything is better than Franco. And I'm just going to go out a limb and say that I can see them bringing Hayden back to cause trouble for Finn and Liz, only to then pair her with Cameron Mathison's new character.

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OMG I forgot about that. I cannot see for the life of me in what part of the cast there is a hole that he is supposed to fill. Why couldn't be Austin and be done with it?


OK Unpopular opinion: realizing how much I didn't care about Patrick without Robin around was a bigger problem than Sabrina in this entire time period.
But to the point, I'd love to go back seven- eight years in the past and tell fans that of all the characters involved in those dreadful post-Robin hospital storylines that *Britt* would be the one still around with family members in town and a front-burner romance eight years later.

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I laugh every time they mention that Molly is about to take the bar exam. She looks 12 still. Surely they won't expect us to take her seriously as a lawyer.


I'm surprised that we got Bobbie/Maxie scenes. They were nice.


Can we please just have one episode without Michael and Willow? Just one. They are on every. single. day. It's painful.

Edited by AlexElizabeth
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He's been great. I'm all for Chase/Brook Lynn.


lol I know. Molly/Pullos looks so young. 


The second time we got Bobbie/Maxie scenes. Unless I missed one, the last time was the Sean Donely episode. It's been nice. So many characters could be playing out numerous storyline beats but they often aren't used or used well. This is what I want to see more of. It's not hard.


So true. Frank loves his newbie characters. I imagine there's probably a struggle between him and the writers, who seem to get the idea tying new to old in ways that work (Jackie/Chase). 


Isn't Mathison only going to be recurring or am I wrong? Not that it doesn't mean he won't be on a lot regardless ... 


Sigh. So many characters I could think of I'd rather watch and we get Austin, Mathison's character ...

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Saw this on fb and wanted to vomit


Roger Howarth is a gift to soaps and will create a character we will love watching. Let the games begin


Some people obviously are out of their minds.


Today's episode (outside of Wallow and Michael) had great Bobbi/Maxie scenes, Molly and T.J  --  straight from the "other room studying" to interact with Stella, Jordan, Shawn and Alexis.   These are the scenes we need more of.

Now, can someone start writing a story about Elizabeth that doesn't have the phrase "Elizabeth props____" written in the margin?   Rebecca Herbst has been carrying story for years. It's time to show her some respect.

Is there really any reason for Sam to not just go off on a case and never return?  With Britt sizzling with Jason, maybe she and pompous and condescending Jax could rekindle and take a flight to anywhere.


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Here's a pair that might be entertaining. Lucy could ask him how long he's staying in upstate New York with that Colonel Sanders drawl.... 

If nothing else, they'd look good together.


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Haley is 22 years old. It's not her fault she looks younger than she does. It will be an asset to her in the future trust me. 


I too enjoyed the Bobbie/Maxie scenes - It is about time this show remembers they're connected through the Jones family. Some people on Twitter were tripping because Maxie didn't get to do these scenes with Felicia/Mac. But we saw her with Mac at the hospital. And since with Kristina Wagner's father passing away recently she is more than likely taking some time off. 


Michael and Willow bore to me tears. Michael needs a romantic interest who has fire i.e. Chase/Brook Lynn.

I wish they would finally bring on Serena Baldwin and she can be headstrong and fiery. Imagine Scotty losing his you know what at the fact his daughter is interested in the adoptive offspring of the person who encourage Karen's time on the pole and onto drugs. The story writes itself, however, they refuse to bring the character on along with her sister Christina, Tommy Hardy, and Lucky back.


So we get these tepid stories with Sasha Not Fierce, Willow, and Brando instead. 

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HA Sasha "Not Fierce" 

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I wish they had given Willow an edge by developing an unhealthy attachment to Wylie after the truth came out, showing that something may not be psychologically ok with her after being led to believe her baby had survived. Instead Willow is a complete saint and has successfully integrated herself into the life of the child she once thought was biologically hers, and there's very little conflict stemming from Michael and Willow alone. 

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