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Days: May 2019 Discussion Thread

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Just when I start to enjoy ORK, she gets the boot.  I LOVE this crazed b#tch now.  Her lighter could be the answer to all of this show's ills.  Lightem' up Claire!  Just do it, for the love of Christ. 


Shady Sonny Bear and his tumor ridden twink need to jump from a diving board into the shallow end of a swimming pool.  They torture me.  I should be rooting for a gay couple, but I can't stand by two canker sores. 

When I see them, I think of that old spiritual "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot", and dream that they are six feet under.  


Yes, they have dead eyes....so why not do us all a mercy and make it official?  


If this is what we were destined to receive by reviving Will, I sincerely wish he'd still be in the grave.  


As for Sonny, his chubby a.s.s. can walk straight into a sausage grinder. 

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Is your gay couple getting a bit too hot, sexual and overtly gay on your daytime soap opera? Fear not, because whether your show is called Days of our Lives, General Hospital or One Life to Live, there's always one clear answer: A baby. The ultimate living, breathing cock cage for any homosexual on a soap opera! Because even if your gay male is not into the ladies, there's always some dumbass reason for him to a) push push in the bush with the nearest female friend and a bottle of Jack or b) just go family shopping at the ripe old age of 25.


And if you're worried about little obstacles like birth control with the lady in question, good news: This Denny's is open 24 hours! She's gonna get pregnant, and before you know it that virile young male who likes penis, amyl nitrate and leather (not necessarily in that order) will have one focus and one focus only in life: The heterosexual-passing lifestyle of a fortysomething man with a family sized sedan. "'Anal?' What's that? I barely clean my living room!"

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You always deliver, and you are spot on right here.  


They do it to placate old ladies in the Midwest and South, whom love clutching their bibles like a a drowning man wishes to cling to a life vest.  This genre's obsession with pleasing them has been a factor that has contributed to it's demise.  How can we feel any empathy for a bunch of execs that are satisfied with feeding the smallest of minds?  


I'm sorry.....I have not an ounce of compassion to give when they made this a stagnant genre that caters to fear.  

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Will and Sonny are super boring.  The show tells me they love each other, but they have about as much passion for one another as Hope and Rafe do.  They act like two middle aged men and have for years.  Paul and Will were way better. 


I sincerely think Days has the worst hair and wardrobe dept on tv today.  I hate the way they dress and style Marlena and Kate especially.  Nicole and Sarah consistently have ridiculous hair.  And that weird Princess Leia hair do Ciara had a few months ago was so bad.  Marci Miller's Abby always was styled like an old lady.  Kayla and Jen look frumpy all the time. Only Gabi and Chloe consistently look good.

I don't notice the men so much but they put Will in weird Mr. Rogers cardigans all the time.  John has a hipper wardrobe than Will.

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I would love for them to give SR another crack at a REAL story. The woman can act, and when they really give her meaty material she runs with it.  She was such a highlight a few years back when they sort of rediscovered her character and had her frontburner for a couple of years. Maggie has spent all of these decades nursing other addicts, so it would be interesting to see what would happen when the one who usually holds others together begins to fall apart. I could see from the character's perspective that it would be very difficult to ask for help when all the other addicts in town look to you for advice.

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I'm okay with WilSon only appearing once a week... they're soooooo boring.


Holly just died and Gabi comes over to the D Mansion to try to f-ck Stefan. Really, Gabi? lol


I'm a Nicole fan but I'm already over her return.

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I almost hope the rumors are true because her return stinks so far.

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