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GH50: November 2013 Discussion

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Where have you been? :P We discussed all this--but exactly. I'm sure nobody really cared about the Loving Murders connection (they did show photos of cast members) so just let it pass. Agnes Nixon prob has better things to do.

Nah, they acted like COrinth had become a ghost town due to the murders...

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I bought that aspect as well. I mean it was established that people fled. Towns do get deserted. I really didn't mind the LOVING nod at all. The RH one, well, I've expressed that it was a mistake and even more so because he didn't even bother to let Claire know. He just comes across as such a scared wuss that he hides behind Twitter and the soap press. Man up and tell Claire you are using her character. Why didn't he tell her. Well, we all saw how it was handled.

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I like the idea of the RH material and of Delia Reid being used as Ava's mother. I think it's a great idea with real potential. But as is often par for the course with Ron I think the way it was executed was pretty shabby. I felt Ilene was at least half-playing Roxy and off her game - doing 'wacky Roxy gets flustered' - I felt the OLTL jokes were inappropriate and uncalled for when you're there to supposedly honor RH, and I felt the script was too perfunctory for such an iconic character. If she does appear again, and I expect she will, I hope they give her more to work with. I also think he needed to call Claire Labine.

The Loving thing didn't bother me at all, I loved that. I half-expected/hoped to see Howarth and LW visit Corinth, since they started on the show together as part of the same youth canvas. I don't mind Ron "honoring" the ABC soap history, no one else is gonna do it. I mind when he does it as a way to take more shots at OLTL sans the Godhead ("apres moi, le deluge," he hisses as he writes in yet another ELQ relish wars joke) and just bullshits the rest. Back when OLTL was doing seemingly five serial killer storylines a year in the early-mid 2000s, I desperately wanted them to reference The Edge of Night and have Mike and Nancy Karr pop up to give Bo and John some info on some case in Monticello or something. That's something Ron would do - except there were no OLTL stars on the show, so maybe not.

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Agreed. The character has been in horrible shape since 2006, when her affairs became par for the course and tedious. Her revolving door of men have become tiresome and ultimately none of her relationships mean anything, which for a romantic actresses is complete poison to her value to the show. It's just gotten worse and worse over time and when you look at her history it's the same storyline. Ric, Zander, Jason, Lucky, Nikolas, AJ, etc. The best thing Herbst could have done was leave when she was fired. Liz holds no value to the show at this point, especially with fresher, newer romantic actresses who haven't been plowed by endless leading men year after year. Ultimately they can promise of a better storyline just because they don't have any baggage behind them, and when they say they love that man more than anything there aren't 7 other glaring occasions where she just said the same damn thing to the man before him.

No kidding.

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