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General Hospital: March 2023 Discussion Thread

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I wonder who made the decision that this group represents the show. Very weird.

I'm sure Jordan and Curtis are there as representation but Portia and Trina are far more popular than her.

Unfortunately, no. He's slowly evolving into Woody from Toy Story.

I can't even comment on Cam forgiving Joss it makes me so mad. Why can't ANYONE stay upset with Carly or her daughter? Only "bad" people get to call them on their BS.

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I honestly think Maxie/KS gets pretty good treatment as far as inclusion in press and whatnot.  Her stories however....

Brooklyn does get story too, but very little press.

The show hasn't care about Kristina since about 2010 and has never cared about Molly, which I have never understood.  They are both capable actresses and gorgeous women that have legacy parents, but let's just focus on Willow and Sasha instead lol.  

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Once again soap justice is bizarre.

Today we learned that Trina can free Esme just by going to Robert (an Australian spy, and not a US citizen, who was once suspected of treason, but somehow became a police captain, and was then elevated to DA, despite never going to law school)  and asking him to drop the charges.

A patient with a brain injury being remanded to a mental hospital, and not a rehabilitation center, is already nonsense.  But, now they write it like people who were found to be insane can be set free by the DA, and not a judge; even though they were never tried or convicted of a crime.  It is as if the writing staff at GH doesn't have access to Google.

And, let's not even mention how anyone in Port Charles can just drop into this institution for the criminally insane on a whim to visit the patients. 

Edited by j swift
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Cameron's leaving??? Hold up now!!!


And I know I've said this before, and I'll say it again...I sooo like that Liz has not upped and vanished since it appears the story with her parents dried up. First with all the Nik shenanigans. And that is still going on. Then her with Ava/Austin. Not to mention Scotty as her lawyer and the Orbecht slap. And now Victor is crossing her path. And while mostly the same story, I like that RH gets to mix it up with so many people. And now...this Cameron talk. I know, I know...I'm such a Liz fan.


And I see the writers are continuing to bond Laura and Esme. As expected. Great use of history with Laura's own past, leaving Nik on Cassandine Island. It honestly makes me wonder if Esme will ever get her memory back...and even more...do I want her to? 


I am not liking that Portia/Curtis/Trina have gone back to the land of C level storytelling after a February where Portia was running the girls!!!

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 Way to kill the momentum. And they revealed that Marshall might have been misdiagnosed? For what purpose? It was nice to see Sprina though and I will keep on swooning...though I admit NC is less attractive to me with the haircut. lol.


I am happy that the Victor storyline is moving again. Well, the Victor vs Anna part of it. And Victor vs Laura a little bit. But I don't think it was a good idea to tell the Deputy Mayor so much. Victor will see right through her. Moreso now that it's been revealed she was sleeping with Victor, too. smh. And now we are seeing the writers connect Luke's death, Jennifer Smith/Ice Princess, and Cody/Britt/the Necklace together to what Victor's agenda is. Now if they tie Jake and the Peter brainwashing into this and this place Victor is looking for...it might be worth it. 



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