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Y&R to air classic episodes

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Bless you! I KNEW it was the Chancellor dining room but was so sure that I was wrong. It's fascinating watching Jill turn into Katherine. A grown woman attacking this poor girl. What an absolute monster.


"Why are you talking like this? We're only in high school." Poor sweet Mac.



Haha! Yes! That was totally the undercurrent.

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This is awesome. I guess the person who uploads these wasn't in the office, or something. 


I'm kinda disappointed in next week's choices. The 2012 and 2014 episodes are cringe. Not just because they're so recent, they're just not... good. The others have been on YT before, I've posted the I Will Crush You ep (though getting it HD is nice). I would rather have Victor's heart attack instead of that. But where is the Sheila/Lauren lab fight and the Nick/Matt coffeehouse fight? Hoping they can be folded into a villains week. 

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That whole prom week with THE ORIGINAL MUSIC would be awesome.


That said...for me classic would be 1973 up to the Sharon tells Nick she knows of the Phyllis affair. That was just so well done. And then everything went to heck with highs and lows for the show.

OMG *wipes tears* I LOVE YOU. THANK YOU. 

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Was that when Sharon was wearing Phyllis’ lingerie and taunting Nick about how she knew about the affair on their 10th wedding anniversary l? I LOVED those scenes, and was rather disappointed  in the way the story went afterward as by the time Cassie’s death anniversary came around it looked like Nick & Sharon were going to come out stronger & better until we got Phyllis’ WTD story. What trash.

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I’m so glad CBS All Access finally added the episodes.


Those 2004 Katherine episodes might be the last time I felt like the show was still Y&R, even if it was a more souped up and kind of trashy version of itself.  I had totally forgotten the real Mac came back for a year.


Great to see so much Drucilla on all these classics.  Makes me miss her even more.



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OMG Sandra Nelson, I loved her as Phyllis! And Alex Donnelly as Diane! This show used to be blessed with rich talent.


I actually prefer this in a way, to only have the characters meet and interact when it made sense. When the Rosales were introduced last year, they knew the entire town in a matter of a few episodes. That was dumb.

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