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Y&R November 2019 Discussion Thread

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That can be levelled at every Head Writer and Executive Producer since Kay Alden and David Shaughnessy respectively.


One thing that stuck with me watching the episode was as the flashbacks became more recent, you could see the writing and production values decrease. 

From the lighting to the camera angles, direction and music.

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I really enjoyed the episode, but as you said the interesting look of the show completely deteriorated as the flashbacks got more recent.


I didn’t watch Y&R as a child so I loved seeing the older flashbacks. Would’ve enjoyed more older Ashley scenes and at least an older Tracy scene.


The show also finally acknowledged that Dina actually made visits. When she first returned they made it seem like she hadn’t been back in their lives since she left as a kid.


Ive always been a bigger fan of the Abbotts over the Newmans and prefer Nikki with Jack than Victor.

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Best way to put it is yes, having restored some of them, but even then on an inconsistent basis. The newer cues are still most prominent. 

What I have noticed is that the classic scores are no longer being overdubbed with bland recent music when a vintage flashback is used. 

Under Jill Farren Phelps and even Mal Young for a while (at least up to the point I stepped away from watching) that was being done.

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The scenes with Jill, Colin, Chance and Cane were a bit goofy today.


Truth be told I think that all of this stuff with the will was unnecessary especially given the way this storyline is headed. It looks like Colin is behind everything and that he's lying on Cane. I don't really think this storyline was necessary but I guess some of the reasons they may have done it were to get facilitate, Chance's return, Amanda's introduction and Cane's exit.


I am glad that Chance turned out to still be a good guy and it was nice seeing him interact with Jill today. 


Also there doesn't seem to be a whole lot going on with Kyle/Summer/Lola/Theo. Lola and Theo are friendly with each other, Kyle and Summer are friendly and Theo/Summer still have an interest in each other. But there doesn't seem to be much movement going on with this group. Although, Lola has been shown considerably less lately, which I am happy about, lol. 

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This whole Colin,Cane,chance, amanda story seemed convoluted and unnecessary.


Why not have Cane and Lily re-unite and leave town.


Chance return.


Amanda show up and startle GC residents.


Plenty of story and opportunity for interesting scenes without all this meaningless 'mystery'...

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I like the idea of (cash-strapped) Devon moving into the Chancellor mansion.  I haven't always been a Devon fan, but the decisions TPTB have made for his character have put me squarely in his corner.  Now, I want Bryton to last until the very end with the show, just to stick it to those bastards who INSIST on marginalizing him in the most blatantly obvious ways.

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A few years ago I had proposed the idea of Devon and Hilary moving into the mansion when Billy turned it blue. 



I think TPTB where actually trolling Goddard with this mess, as he didn't realize he had filmed his final scenes after afterward lol. After all, Goddard had teased he had an exciting new story right before he was fired. Giving Cane such an anticlimactic exit seems like TPTB were rightfully giving DG the middle finger. 


Not quite sure about Amanda though except they really should have had her be Hilary alive; otherwise it's another Karen Spencer story from B&B

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