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Y&R June 2019 Discussion Thread

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Oh honey no...you need more help than any diet can provide. If you're serious this is very sad to read.



Exactly right. That's why I ignore crap advice like that. "Just don't eat it!" Gee, okay, thanks, revolutionary idea.

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lol exactly


And yeah, that was sad to read. I missed that. But to be fair, the "gay standard" can be petty and shallow so there's lots of guys who feel out of place or "obese" when you have muscle gays lecturing you on lifestyle. I know I've dealt with my share of insecurities based on assumptions I've made and vice versa.

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I thought that the scenes of Abby and Nate opening up to each other were nice scenes today. (And Nate is so handsome and appealing) It was interesting to hear Abby express her insecurities about not fully fitting in with the Newman families. And how she's always wanted Victor to view her like his other kids (Especially since he loved Ashley) but how she feels he doesn't. It was also nice to hear her mention Brad. 


And I thought it was interesting how on Nate's end, he mentioned that Neil was like a father to him. And even listed some examples of him bonding with Neil after Nate Sr. died and Malcolm and Olivia divorced. Nate mentioned how Neil made him feel special. I actually think his feelings about Neil could end up causing some conflict with Devon. Spoilers says that:


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Also, it was nice to see Nikki and Paul talk and Nikki lean on him a bit. I liked seeing the show feature their friendship today.

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Malcolm WAS a father to him! At Neil's funeral they acted like they barely knew each other. This show is so stupid.


And Devon and Nate will only clash so they can fight over Elena. Mark my words.

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He was, though on today's show they were painting a picture that Neil also was. Nate said that Neil took him to father son stuff/after Malcolm/Olivia divorced and that Neil used to check up on him. He told Abby he seemed lost without Neil and said that Neil stepped up after these things happened and went with him to father/son banquets, attended graduations and texted him. It looks like a lot of this happened offscreen.


It's kind of strange though that the show had Neil mostly refer to Nate as his "Godson" before he died (When BD came and took over the role) and didn't mention that Nate was his nephew in two different ways. (through his marriage to Dru and Malcolm's marriage to Olivia). Hardly anyone referred to Nate as Neil's nephew (Which I believe is what he should have been referred to) except for Jack at the reading of Neil's will.


But it looks like they are changing how close their relationship was to help build a rivalry between Devon/Nate. I could see this causing problems between these two, in addition to Nate being on the Board of Directors at Hamilton-Winters. And also Nate's growing closer to Elena, which I think will bother Devon. Though I wonder how Abby will factor into things, maybe there will be a quad.



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A few observations.....


The writing for Paul has vastly improved.  I can't believe I'm saying this, but I liked the scenes with Paul and Christine in the park.  Remembering that Paul and Nikki have been friends forever was nice to see as well.


@DramatistDreamer   Wendy Benson (Meredith Delaney 1993 ATWT) started a role as Mallory, a woman whose father is in the same care facility with Dina. She went for coffee with Jack.    I like the actress. I hope she'll continue .


Adam is eating the show. Griffith needs the balance of a co-head writer.


I liked the Victor/Nikki/t-ball scenes. It humanizes Victor just a bit.


I thought the scenes of Mariah and Devon about paying the bills was written well. Much better than the Kyle/Lola crap. 


The first Theo could have been Reed if they weren't interested in TLL. He was way too young looking for Theo.


I like Nate and I think he and Abby have potential, if the writing improves. 



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I did not like seeing Nate selling Neil's penthouse to Adam and then giving all of the money away to charity. I wish he would have kept the penthouse or at least kept the money from the sale (or most of the money, if he wanted to give some to Charity.) He barely batted an eyelash when he sold the penthouse though he did explain his reasoning a bit more later on in the episode. I still don't like that he sold the penthouse.


And Devon was a bit harsh today towards Ana. I think he should direct some of that feeling towards Mariah, who came up with the idea. If Ana isn't ready to manage artists on her own, then what does that say about Mariah, who came up with the idea, and is heading a company that she is not qualified for. I wonder if Devon will direct that energy with her or is he mostly only allowed to be mad at family members. I do think that he was already in bad mood before he learned about Mariah/Kyle's idea and I believe that stemmed from him still grieving Hilary and Neil. He was looking at a picture of both of them before he got angry with Ana.


I do hope that him hiring someone to mentor her will lead to her having a love interest. Or at least someone else to interact with besides Tessa and Mariah. It would be nice if the person he hired to mentor her was a handsome, mature, intelligent man in either his late 20's or early 30s. Also, I was surprised to see Jett come back so quickly. I wasn't sure if he would ever be back. But it was nice to see him again and I enjoyed his and Ana's performance.


Also, I thought that Summer's business date looked like Shawn Mendez, lol.


And The writing for Kyle and Lola continues to be terrible. They are getting such goofy, plotlines. Today, Kyle was actually arguing with Abby about what the color of Lola's bridesmaid's dresses should be. He was going hard for that stone cold blue color, lol. But seriously it is unfortunate to see him written like this. And then on top of all of that he ended up digging through the trash to find Lola's ring. Kyle has been reduced to these silly storylines and I feel bad for his character. This pairing with Lola is really dragging him down:


It's unfortunate, that this is the type of stuff that the show is doing with Kyle:





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I do not really mind Adam getting the penthouse because it was associated with the Newmans until Neil took it over last year (?). Was it ever explained why Neil got rid of his own apartment, the one he lived in with Drucilla and their family?  When he moved into the penthouse, it just seemed like a convenient way for the show to save $$$ on set changes. I could have missed a story point somewhere.


To be perfectly honest, they should get rid of that penthouse building entirely. It has always been cheap looking since it was introduced in late 2012, early JFP set rampage. That we are supposed to think those walls are marble is laughable. Move Devon into the Chancellor mansion or have him build a mansion on the estate property.

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