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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Nene is literally self imploding all over social media. I think she sees the writing on the wall (that Bravo is lukewarm about keeping her on the show) and she is panicking. The network is sniffing around a different demo and wants to get rid of some of its OG's this year. We saw how Vicki was treated when OC filming started a few weeks back. The LVP takedown could also be production mandated. I was sad to see so little Karen in the Potomac trailer. Nene has the biggest per-episode salary of any of the OGs, apparently. Given that fans have stopped clamouring for her, Bravo might be looking to offload that particular expense. Nene's downfall is largely by her own hand, though. Verbally abusing an audience member. Let go from some TV projects for her attitude. Her irrational jealousy of anybody who she feels is stealing her spotlight. The way she has treated Greg is appalling. I wonder if she has looked in the mirror and admitted to herself that she triggered this backlash. Not Porsha, not Kenya, not Kandi nor Cynthia.

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I just watched the preview for their fight on Bravos website. I can’t believe the gall of Kyle to sit there and call her supposed great friend a liar to her face in her own home. She truly thinks after all these years of playing second fiddle that she has finally “gotten” LVP. The smug look on her face as she tells Ken she didn’t defend LVP because she doesn’t believe her... just wow. This bitch really is that desperate for the throne. To throw all your support behind Dorit of all people? What a fool. Kyle’s been in this game for far too long and should know better to ever think that this of all things would tarnish LVP in the viewers eyes. She’s in for a rude awakening. They all are. After this season heads will roll and it most definitely will not be LVP’s!


Here’s the link to the preview for anyone wanting to see Kyle checkmate herself.



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#GoodbyeKyle is trending in the top 20 on Twitter, and I'm so happy. 


Tonight's episode showed so much. 


1. LVP stays making moves while these chicks seethe. LVP was getting legislation passed; meanwhile, the Coven was foaming at the mouth that she didn't give them an opportunity to attack her yet again. 


2. Kyle is the biggest idiot on God's green Earth. Rinna, Dorit, Teddi, and Erotika Lame played her like a fiddle. They gassed her up like Chevron, and then pointed her in the direction of LVP. Kyle nuked her relationship with LVP, which is irreparable. She can forget about ever being friends with Vanderpump again. Watch Lisa make up with the remainder of the women (who survive this season), and then she turns on Kyle. She did it to Adrienne. She did it to Kyle once before. She did it to Brandi. She did it to Rinna. Now it is time for her to do it to Kyle again. 


3. These women still haven't proven anything. If anything, they further strengthen majority of our opinions that this is a set up by the women & production. What a flop. 

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That was riveting episode as we watched the friendship between LVP and Kyle die a certain and swift death. The end of this friendship has been coming for a long time, some would say from the very start of the show as Kyle's jealousy reared its head at LVP as the spotlight turned and shimmered all over her from the very first episode.


Kyle has been smarting over that ever since. And so when this season began, it clearly had the makings of Kyle/Rinna/Erika/Teddi/Dorit's revenge on LVP. Except, it didn't work out like that. The plot wreaked of production and staging. It wreaked of amateurs. It wreaked of Richards, and something fierce. 


Kyle coming to LVP's house didn't go as she planned...but in hindsight, how could she have seen it go any other way? She walked into the woman's home and called her a liar. She said she was image obsessed. Dishonest. Insincere.


When LVP went to the door to greet Kyle with a huge smile beaming across her face, as we, the audience, knew what was coming, it was heartbreaking because the rug was about to be pulled out from under LVP. However, one thing Kyle didn't count on was that LVP isn't some foolish American housewife. Rather, she is a jet setting English battle-axe wrapped in pink fluffy gauze. She fought back. And she looked Kyle right in the eye when she fired back at her, while Kyle's eyes darted in every direction except for straight in front of the reality careening toward her. 


I commend Ken and LVP for throwing out the trash succinctly. Ken said what much of the audience has been saying for years: Kyle is not LVP's friend and she hasn't been for years. I'm glad LVP finally sees it. I hope she is permanently free of her, the realtor's wife who lives in the Valley.


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Y'all thinking on this, I seriously further believe Kyle planted this [!@#$%^&*] and got Teddi to help. I think Kyle did it to punish Dorit and LVP. Dorit for always getting a pass with LVP, and LVP for always giving her one. 2 birds, one stone. 

And Kyle acting like she doesn't have connections with the press is hilarious. Girl, Paris stayed calling the media and you're friends with Kris Jenner. 

Who does she think she's fooling? 


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Oh and Teddi is already out here starting the 'aggressive' bit on Ken, along with Erotika Lame trying to rally the troops of all the other ex-housewives that LVP screwed. 

Edited by NothinButAttitude
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Has anyone realized Erika and Rinna basically have nothing to offer to the show this season? Especially Erika, at least Rinna had a garden photoshoot.


I know people loved "Goodbye Kyle" moment, but this was my personal favourite one:

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Again, I do not care about this damn dog story. Doris is the person to blame and nobody else. Point, blank, period. I hate all the sympathy for her, the most superficial and phony HW to ever grace Beverly Hills. Once again you have Lisa Vanderpump with actual storyline, hell she had a fricking Congressman as part of her story! I’ve liked each of the current cast members at one point, but what is their story?! People seem concerned Lisa didn’t film with the girls, but I honestly feel her solo scenes are stronger than anything anybody else is giving. 


After next week as they deal with the fallout and realize LVP is done what is going to happen? That’s what I’m excited to see. These girls will need to finally earn their paycheck. At this point Rinna and Erika need to go if they don’t have anything to offer. If LVP survives this Id say you have a strong case for Camille and Joyce returning. I’m not sure why Joyce didn’t last. I felt she fit in well and brought glamour. She was nice but not afraid of confrontation. LVP will need allies to remain.


Also, since Kyle has pissed me off, let’s bring back Kim to torment her. Please and thank you!

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That's what's the problem with Beverly Hills now:  71% of the main cast is just unlikable now.  The only castmember with an interesting life all on her own is LVP.  And as a newbie who isn't caught up in the petty drama, Denise Richards is also refreshing.  The other 5 are sea hags trying to be Ursula.  


Last night's ending was juicy and delicious and I look forward to the fallout. But the episode also perfectly illustrated how pathetic these 5 women are, cackling about something petty and no doubt planted by one of them (I'd say Kyle or Rinna, because Rinna is so thirsty to attack LVP and she has a long history with paparazzi and rags, as adorably shown at Denise's wedding), while on the other side of town, LVP is doing so fabulously on her own, creating actual change in Congress, actually getting shi* done while the others stay stewing in fluff and mediocrity.  It was a perfect juxtaposition of jealous hags vs. an actual boss bitch. 

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It's hilarious to me these women were sitting around upset that Lisa was actually doing something important instead of joining them for another gang up attack. Like what? They looked like idiots. And whoever decided Dorit, who the audience actually hates, should be the victim was clearly an idiot. You would actually need someone that is sympathetic for a take down like this to actually work.


Why does Erika even care about all of this? And Rinna again who just last week stated Vanderpump is slightly obsessed with her, spends the episode talking about Vanderpump. I seriously can't recall a single scene this year of LVP even saying Rinna's name. It's crazy.

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