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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Finally caught up on my Housewives this week...

So sad to hear about Kandi's brother - I had no idea, and I don't remember her mentioning that on the show before.. ?

There is no way ATLKim was born in 1978 rolleyes.gif

BHKim's boyfriend is grossssss... *shallow, I know*

Edited by alwaysAMC
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Yeah it's a shame that Kandi's lost loved ones multiple times now. And her brother was quite goodlooking too :(

Kim's "gross" boyfriend.... well, birds of a feather ;) Watching Kim week after week makes me want to quit ever going to a tanning salon. I'm naturally pale, so I like to go once a week, but DAYUMN her spotty aged skin is the result of years of too much tanning. Granted, I don't get nearly as dark as she did. If you check out photos of the housewives from back in the day, Kim was DARK. Like freakishly ridiculously bronzed/golden dark. Way too unnatural. And now she's paid the price for it.

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I will. :) Actually, after Christmas I'm going to be donating my kidney to my father so that'll put me out of commission for 4-6 weeks. I figured this will be the perfect opportunity to see how I can pull off "pale" again, and if I look sickly, I'll try a spray-on. I just don't wanna look like an oopma loompa. Or Snooki. But yes, I know that fake-baking is bad :(

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I didn't dislike anybody in last nights RHOBH. Kim & Kyle got to me despite the fact that I disliked them most of this season. I for some reason feel Kim did the right thing about the boyfriend situation despite her fruitcake quotient. The keeping it under wraps element, not so much the moving. She seemed very adult during most of the epi. I wonder if Adrianne's husband is correct about why Kim looks sedated and is slurring words. Props to him for being brave enough to confront her about her odd behavior unlike most of the women in that group. I'm not sure I believe there's no alcohol in the mix.

I usually hate everything to do with psychics but Kyle's psychic had a feel-good vibe.

Next weeks episode looks like it's going to be good.

RHOATL. My mouth is always dropped open when I watch that edition of the RH family. Kandi and her sex-toy obsession is a bit much. Phaedra and her calling to funeral directing is crazy but so damn funny. "I can't wait to get my first body."

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My ATL bitches are back and I couldn't be happier

Anyone surprised how made up Sweetie was. After all the drama with her last year it's like home girl took extra care with her appearance. Now the poor thing instead of looking overly greasy is wearing make up that isn't the right shade for her skin.

Also surprised Nene was crying over Sheree. She seemed genuinely hurt she didn't believe her. First time I saw Nene run from a fight so kudos to Ms Sheree for holding her own although bringing up her less than stellar teeth back in the day was hitting below the belt, lol

Not feeling Khandi and her musical vibrators.

Phaedra is love. wub.png

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In She By Sheree's defense,. she only mentioned Nene's teeth after Nene started talking about all of Sheree's money problems. In general though, I do think Sheree got played. It's obvious the promoter used her to get to Nene, the bigger name, then tried to cut Sheree out himself. Not sure why Sheree didn't see that. It's a very common practice in the promoting business.

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The fact that Nene ran from this fight, ultimately, in tears actually makes me think the promoter wasn't lying. I think the promoter probably provoked that line of talk though.

Nene never runs from a fight like that when she's sure she's in the right.

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RHoBH: Next week, I'm going to absolutely livid about Taylor, just wanted to warn everyone. She's daring to tangle with our Lisa and I am not going to be silent about how I feel about that particular issue.

I absolutely despise Adrienne's bitch chef Bernie, he's a friend of Cedric, that traitor.

RHoATL: This season looks GOOD. The best of the Real Housewives franchise in a long time, a mix of happy and dramatic, rather than the ridiculous sniping we've seen across the franchises as of late.

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