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General Hospital: April 2023 Discussion Thread

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The scenes today with Brooklyn - Willow - Sasha made me realise all three of these ladies are expendable. The actors haven’t been able to create differentiated characters. They are all wheepy, low energy, heroines. With the exception of Brooklyn, they have no significant ties to the canvas. 

Imagine how this storyline could have been different if the Willow and Sasha were replaced by Serena and Christina Baldwin? That was a missed opportunity, especially with Lucy, Scott, and Kevin mainstays on the canvas. 

Felicia today earned her “best hair” in the business namesake again. 

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I don't disagree, but I think these three girls have been given such dark material for months/years.  I am on record not being a big fan of any of them and Willow is by far my least favorite, but Sasha and Willow have all this horrible stuff happen to them and they don't have any fun or levity in their lives.   Plus the friendship is not very authentic.  It's not Brenda/Robin or Liz/Emily bonding.  These girls have very little history and have very little in common aside from being very pretty white girls.  I would at least have investment in Serena and Christina here.  

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I am enjoying the romantic scenes with Sprina on the Haunted Star. I like how close they have become, it's nice to see how them acting more like a couple and working together to try and plan their escape. 

I really enjoyed this scene in particular where Spencer called Trina "baby" and they share another kiss.

This is sweet and romantic. I looked forward to watching more of them together and seeing how this current storyline with them plays out. 

Edited by xtr
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That he has been.

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And so it begins...


I cannot believe how good everyone looks. I was worried that everyone with the sprinkly that it was going to look horrible. But you know what? THey all look great. I can't decide if Joss, Carly, Liz, Jordan, or Nina are my favorites lookwise from the dresses I've seen so far. Sonny looks nice in blue. And while I didn't like they put Austin in blue, too, he cleans up well. 


As far as the rest of the starter...they have a live animal back there. Meh to Linc. And I thought my lovely Nazi from GA did good on the red carpet. Though I wish she had someone to bounce off of. And I missed Britt/Brad a little bit.


I wanted to shake Lucy, but she looks like a knockout. 


Bobbie (sorry, Lucy) can do no wrong in my eyes. 


And any moment of Sprina is Love. 


Because it can't be said enough...WOOF.

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Amen. This was such a random scene, “Let’s put all the late 20’s girls in a scene.”

It’s an interesting nuance. In peak GH/ alanine era there were as many real friendships as there were romantic relationships, especially among the women. You had the older Brownstone group with Lucy/Felicia/Bobbie. You had the 20 somethings with Lois/Brenda/Robin. And you had the teens with Liz/Emily. 

With the newer characters, boys and girls, it’s like the relationships are only family-based or romantic-based. Does Chase have a friend other than his brother? Does Portia hang out with anyone other than her daughter?

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Labine was very good at creating and cultivating friendships.  Lois/Brenda/Robin, Lucy/Bobbie/Felicia, etc got scenes where they were hanging out just having fun and talking about their lives.  It helped bring perspective to their romantic relationships as well.  I got the sense that Stone/Robin/Brenda/Lois/Sonny liked being around each other.  Not that they were placed in scenes to tell the audience how good of friends they are without showing it.  I don't know why soaps dropped the friendship relationships or made them so one sided (see Joss/Trina).  When I look back at my favorite scenes of GH in the 90's I could tell you a bunch of Sonny/Brenda/Jax scenes, but also tons of Robin/Brenda and Lois/Brenda scenes or Sonny/Stone scenes.  There is a lack of community in GH today.  The only relationships that matter seem to be family and romance like you said.  The only real friendship I feel on GH is Alexis/Diane and sometimes Ava/Nina and that takes a backseat to everything else going on in their lives.

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Wow.  I don't know if I like the swole up Spencer (but Nic Chavez is just as hot before and after bulking up).  I wish Cody was looking like he did today in every scene-- so fine with his hair combed and in a suit-- instead of the casual slob look the character's usually sporting.  The actor does such good work, too, even just with his eyes alone in scenes.  So damn dreamy.

I'm definitely liking this Victor umbrella story, so far (except Valentin's overwrought crying), and the fact that it's tied to Laura's history.

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Cody has been a pleasant surprise for me. On paper, he was everything wrong with a character: long lost kid, a timeline that doesn’t make sense, retread of a less than favoured era of a show. 

But the portrayer has brought a lot of heart and earnestness to the role. His pairing with Britt was great. I am liking his chemistry with Sam. 

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Wait, is Laura saying that the Haunted Star is the same boat as the one that Mikos Cassadine died on in the original Ice Princess Story? 

Did we know this before today? I thought it was Frank Smith's old boat where Scotty punched Luke at the beginning of the Left-Handed Boy saga.

I recall the Haunted Star as being the boat where Luke had his casino, but I don't remember it as being the Cassadine yacht.  And wouldn't Luke's renovations have rendered it decommissioned as a sailing vessel (especially from New York to South America)?

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