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Most overly dramatic characters and scenes

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I completely disagree. From the time Erica discovered Mona's body through the funeral, it was a heartbreaking storyline. Erica took Mona for granted, screamed at her, brushed her off, and relied on her since their first episode together. Moreover, Lucci and Heflen were scene partners for 24 years. All of that was beautifully captured in Erica's grief. Over the top or not, Lucci's portrayal at Erica's loss of her beloved mother truly resonated with me. I'll take this over a demonic possession any day of the week. 

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In her defense, if anyone walked up to my door with that god-awful plastic surgery, I'd scream like that, too.


Those zoom-ins were pretty shocking, but not the way I'm sure they intended. YIKES.

Edited by beebs
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I feel like those Grayson Hall clips from Dark Shadows are like a 2-minute ad for Valium (which was flying off the shelves at that time).


I was just talking about Ronn Moss on another thread and... well... he deserves a spot here, I think!


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Slam me if you must but most Susan Flannery performances after like 1997.

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Talented as heck but man did I hate the ultraviolent ridiculous cartoon villain they turned Stephanie into. All subtletly was out the window in favor of screaming, yelling, punching, etc. 



The worst was Phyllis on Y&R when she lost that Phick kid. I don't know what MS was doing (and she goes OTT more often than not) but that miscarriage of "blueberry" was so horrible and such ridiculous scenery chewing. 


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Damn, you beat me to it! I saw the title of this thread and immediately thought of that scene LOL. MS as Phyllis during MAB's run was pretty much insufferable ("MY HUSBAND, MY HUSBAND!" or basically her stammering the same lines on repeat). MSPhyllis now isn't nearly as irritating as she was back in 2012, but I credit that to the writing, or lack thereof. My only criticism of her Phyllis now is that she is constantly portraying her as if she had just done 10 shots of tequila straight right before getting on set 

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God I miss Gina Tognoni. She knew when to ham it up and when to be subtle.


On Y&R: Pretty much anything Brenda Dickson did on the tail end of her run. It's fun to watch but the acting style definitely didn't age well.


On B&B: Shoutout to KKL when she had to deliver the "I FRIGGIN FORBID IT!" with such conviction in 2008.


On GH: Grayson McCouch's version of Agent Kyle Sloane. MW as Ava can also ham it up sometimes but I personally find it endearing to the character.

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What’s UP with that? It’s a very curious acting choice. I get that Phyllis is essentially now comic relief, but are we to believe that Phyllis spends her days polishing off bottles behind the bar at the Grand Phoenix?

On GH: that scene with Cyrus and Martin in the hospital room with their mother when Laura found out she was their sister. You had Jeff Kober (especially) and MEK emoting and bellowing to the rafters with Genie looking stunned and befuddled.

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Jesus Christ. Was she related to Dr Zachary Smith? (And I hope to GAWD a crossover was considered. Could you imagine him reacting to Barnabas?)


My thing about that is you have to watch the story as early as you can. On YT, a while back, I began with Oct 1985 and now I'm in mid 86. I watched the scene in question YEARS ago and, yeah, I felt it was OTT. And after I watched Chris' funeral I decided to skip to that moment with Iva/Lilly and it played better for me. I mean, Lilly didn't JUST learn she was adopted but also a product of incest and a product of rape and that she was in love with her Uncle.

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