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January 2020 General Hospital Discussion Thread

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The foyer is definitely smaller. They took out a good five feet at least width wide to the left of the main staircase, since that's where the front door used to be. The living room doors have moved to maybe a foot to the left of the staircase, eliminating nearly the entire space the front door held previously.

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Why do you keep posting this person's tweets? Is this you?


I watched the clip of Laura (and I guess everyone else) finding out Nikolas is alive. Genie is so damn good. The shock, relief, shaking hands, the whole thing. It almost felt like when soap actors came to play.


Marcy Rylan on the other hand is SO SO bad. Holy crap. Seeing her "act" alongside Genie Francis and this new guy playing Nikolas was really embarrassing for her. I didn't even like Julie Berman but this girl is so not Luke and Laura's daughter.

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Agreed on Rylan. But at least she feels more checked in.


I'm liking the direction the show is going in. Good? Not really. But I see them addressing the [!@#$%^&*] Pissy and Altman wrote. I definitely feel a shift. We'll see.


Even if they're anti-climatic, they're at least trying to do some cliffhangers. I'll give marginal praise. But there's a loooooong way to go.

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The actress has always been good but man am I tired of seeing Nelle. I know she's necessary for the Wylie stuff, but ugh.


Still liking the new Nik. Love Maura West. Love that Genie Francis is being utilized. Love Tracy being around. Liking Amanda Setton as Brook Lynn so far.


Hate that we're being teased with Spinelli being in Port Charles permanently. Please no.

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I have to agree about Marcy Rylan. She’s just terrible in this role, and her voice is the worst — grating, unmodulated vocal fry. She’s not believable in any romantic scene, either. 

I remember liking her a lot when she played Abby on YR. Maybe I was clueless, because she’s awful.

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Eh, I kinda agree on Spinelli, but it's time for Maxie to raise her daughter. 


Love Setton as Brook Lynn. And honestly, Dustin has grown on me these last few days.


Really not hating the direction of the show.


It's called a soap, I'm all for Nelle sticking it to Michael and lording Shiloh's shares over the family. Is she kinda played out? Maybe. But we need some drama, dammit. It's a soap not a Hallmark movie.


I know they put the Sasha actress on contract, but it's kinda clear they'll eventually bore us to death with Willow and Michael, and I imagine Brook Lynn gets put with Chase at some point so .... bye?

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