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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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That long speech she gave to that Natalie woman about how Natalie had complimented her and basically said she was a hot, rich goddess, and how kind of Natalie to say that, as Natalie sat there stewing, is one of the best reality TV moments I've seen in a long time. It's the type of thing that daytime soaps and primetime soaps don't really do anymore because they long ago lost track of writing for women. Reality shows aren't really a haven for these type of moments either, in recent years, but this was a big exception.

Edited by DRW50
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I loved this Atlanta episode (OMG, I am still laughing thinking of them scrambling in their maxi dresses and wedges up that hilly driveway), and yes, Natalie was definitely hung out to dry. She should have kept quiet and played it cool but instead she decided to go after Kandi who gave her a masterclass in how to hand somebody their ass on a platter.

However, as a single woman, I have to say that all the ill-natured glee at this woman not putting a ring on it... gah, not all my married friends are like this but one or two are. Something bad happens to one of our single friends, and they rub it in her face that she couldn't get the guy to commit and how her hubby is SO wonderful and would never treat her like that. It is that kind of smugness that bothers me, and Kenya, while single, really shouldn't have been playing the smug card. Everybody knows her African prince is a figment of her imagination.

Cynthia defended Natalie because she was covering her ass for having spilled all that tea about her earlier.

Peter really needs to sit his Papa Smurf ass DOWN.

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Watched this week's ATLANTA. Was really entertained throughout, although I know very little about these women and their relationships (I think this is the 3rd episode I've ever watched). That poor Natalie was eviscerated. First by Kenya & then by Kandi. My God, Kandi going on about how hot she is and such was really fantastic.

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Kenya has (almost) completely won me over at this point but it will be interesting to see what happens in the Nene vs. Kenya fight. I have a feeling things must not be too bad between Nene and Kenya because they still follow each other on twitter,while Nene unfollowed Marlo months ago.

I don't care about Kenya's family or baby drama that much, but I am living for the shade she's been throwing. Nene will always be the queen, but Kandi and Kenya are stepping up their game this year. Cynthia continues to be flawless and I'm loving Mal being back. Phaedra is throwing fabulous shade this season. I still love Porsha but I'm less interested in her than ever. Marlo/Lexis are love and I would love if they each got a peach next year.

Nene/Kenya/Marlo/Kim/Lexis/Cynthia/Kandi/Phaedra with Mynique, Mal and Natalie (who I hate, but if she can bring the drama let's do it!) as friends? I'd be all OVER that!

Imagine Nene/Lexis/Kim/Cynthia vs. Marlo/Kenya. That would be brilliant drama. Of course Phaedra would probably fall on team Nene due to the fact that she is growing closer to Nene and hates Kenya. And then Kandi would probably be on team Marlo/Kenya because she dislikes Kim now, isn't close to Nene, and is becoming closer to Marlo. PLUS she's now good friends with Cynthia which could create quite the conflict.

Come on Bravo make it happen.

Edited by Mr. Vixen
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HAHA! And I cant beleive she had some fans defending her dumbass when she was being called out on buying a house she couldn't afford. Didn't she say if and when she gets kicked out of a house it will at least bc bc of her and not some man. I guess she can take some pride in that. Dumb Ho

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Porsha is stupid. I'm not surprised she's in this mess. One person living in a six bedroom home in the suburbs of Atlanta with no steady income is absurd.


Epic. I cannot wait for next week's episode. I feel this upcoming one is the changer--it'll be the beginning of Kenya v. Nene, and as much as I love Nene, she needs to be dragged back down to earth. Who better to do it than two formidable opponents--Marlo & Kenya.


A bore. Brandi needs to go and Kyle can too. Word is Camille is considering returning and I'm ALL for her return. I loved her from day one when majority hated her. Also, did anyone find it calculating when Splits gave Blandi that card in the limo? Mmhmm. . . . Planting them seeds to turn Brandi against Lisa and it works.

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I completely disagree with you here. She is a moron who is over 30 with not even an attempt at a career who tried living off her husband. Now she's making a LITTLE bit of money from RHOA and her alimony and is wasting it by renting a huge ass house for the show, in addition to this condo she can't afford all while BRAGGING about it. If she wants to brag about this then I have every right to be happy that she looks even dumber right now.

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