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Y&R: March 2024 Discussion Thread


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With Leon, I was never sure whether the crappy writing or her performance was the biggest problem I had with the character but I found her characterization of Colleen to lack that endearing quality. And in Fonseca’s performance , even when Colleen was being rebellious and made me want to ground her, she was irrepressibly endearing, kind of like Traci. Sursok, well, about her, I was just indifferent.  Today’s soaps waste their legacy characters like nobody’s business.

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In a perfect world, characters Billy, Mac, JT, Colleen, Daniel, Lily, Cassie, Raul, Brittany, Adam, Heather, Devon etc. would have lead Y&R throughout the 2010s as Y&R’s 4th generation. 

Unfortunately folks like Smith, Latham, and MAB & Co. made some of the most bone headed and reckless decisions ever with these characters. 

Brad and Colleen could have easily moved away, open the door for return visits. No reason to have killed them off. 

So instead we ended up having to watch characters like Jack, Nick, Phyllis etc play out the same old stories even though they were well way past their prime. 

I was fine with AL as Colleen and I had liked that story with her college professor, Adrian as well. I was indifferent on TS although her accent was a glaring issue. I know many people here at the time hated her and rooted for Colleen’s death when they heard about it, but then Colleen’s drowning was such a downer and also occurred the same day GL aired its final episode. 

TS had success on Home & Away before Y&R and had huge success after Y&R Pretty Little Liars, clearly the show was the problem. 


Edit: After I thought about it one of the biggest flaws in writing AL’s Colleen faced was the show’s decision to portray her in a more antagonistic role for months towards the Fisher clan during a time when the show was become the Kevin/Gloria happy hour. 

Edited by soapfan770
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This Harrison actor kid has GOT to go. I don't know who owes a favor to whom, but this kid needs to be recast. He can't say lines. They barely give him any because he can't deliver. Who's kid is he anyway? He must be pushing 7 or 8 years old and he still can't say his lines (s/b line, singular) in any audible way as to understand what he's saying. Is it just his cuteness and that hair that they want? I mean, he's adorable. But that doesn't make for a good kid actor.

As annoying as little Violet is on GH, at least she has loads of talent to try to develop. My friend is friends with her parents (who used to be in Cirque de Soleil), and as much as I detest seeing her on screen, she can deliver her lines and shows some promise for the future. This Harrison kid does NOT.

I agree. He is truly awful. I'm sorry to say that about a child, but come on.

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I do (more like did) love the Connor actor. He's been on the show since he was very young, for quite a while now. He's always been a good representative of Adam's son.

I was taken aback at how he acted on today's (US) Friday show. Seems his behavior has accelerated into such that he seems almost on the spectrum now. What was with that action with his hoodie? That was very disturbing. Chelsea and Adam just sitting there, trying to have a normal conversation with him while he's visually disturbed with his clothing movements was weird. Then he blurts out that harmful interpretation of his life. Man, that was hard to see. Connor was never seen as this off before.

I get that maybe the young actor can handle this storyline, but it's coming out of nowhere. I hate that. Connor was basically okay, then he wanted to go to this special school in Minnesota, and now he is about to probably harm himself or something. And he hates himself. Good grief. Where are they going with this?

Throwing in one PSA about youth needing guidance is not good enough.

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I do give Leon credit because, as I said upthread, she did look the part even though, honestly, Y&R botched what were good storyline opportunities that were right in front of them, if only they had opened their eyes. Seriously, the writing for her was pretty awful. To call that reliquary story convoluted is an understatement.

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Lord, I remember Daytime Confidential calling that poor girl "Tammin SurSUCKS". She and Lachlan Buchanan were both clear examples of daytime's many attempts at creating an Aussie to America soap pipeline over the last 30+ years; some (like Ingo Rademacher) are more successful than most others. Of course poor Lachlan came out almost immediately after Y&R and is now living his best life.

I remember @Darn absolutely roasting the Korbel, reliquary, etc. era back in the day. I wonder how he feels with hindsight. I sometimes get the sense the show perhaps had more of a focus on cultivating a new generation then than it does now.

Edited by Vee
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You know what? I loved every minute of Victor turning the tables on Jordan. I did not expect Nick with the taser (but glad to see him). And I was finger snapping at my screen. So she really thought she was going to get one over on THE Victor Newman. And Victor was 

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And are they setting up Adam vs Claire?


I think I'm over Chance/Summer. What was a happy accident is turning into a bore. Though I love seeing CF shirtless. And ugh at Billy being back, but at least he's mixing it up in story that is NOT Chelsea. 


I wish I could feel sorry for Giggly Heffa, but I DON'T. Thank God, Nick walked away from the oncoming mess. 

Edited by Taoboi
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That period drove me away from the show, the reliquary nonsense, Amelia Heinle's acting and Davetta Sherwood's firing all culminated in me dropping the show. In hindsight I'd happily take that mess back over the last 20 years of absolute garbage.

I quite liked Adrienne Leon as Colleen and I LOVED Lyndsy Fonseca, I thought she looked like a perfect combination of Traci and Brad. I also thought she and Davetta had excellent best friend chemistry. I don't know wtf was happening behind the scenes on the show on that time but their over investment in people like Gloria and Kevin was just mind-boggling.

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Korbel was hot af, but that’s all the positivity I can give about that story. (Eyal Podell has apparently had a very successful career writing screenplays for animated movies like The Angry Birds Movie.)

These shows are too quick to throw away good characters permanently because they don’t think simply “leaving town” has a big enough dramatic impact (people die IRL tragically, right?), or they can’t figure out a reason for the person to depart the show alive (why would they leave their family, etc., especially if they haven’t done the necessary setup for a prison exit). Colleen’s death damaged so many characters in the long run. Especially Lily, who felt even more isolated in her Cane corner. 

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Granted I'm bias (and I haven't read the full thread yet) because I loved her as the original BLQ on GH, but I liked her as Colleen from what little I've seen of her. 


I was just annoyed they put her with the professor since I did like JT and Colleen. But I liked Lindsey, too. 





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Haha there was plenty of SON posters who used that exact term as well, and in addition to DC using it I clearly remember both Nelson Branco and Daniel Coleridge also used disparaging terms towards TS as well.

Lachlan came out after Y&R? LOL could’ve sworn he was out beforehand… His Kyle came off as too goofy and flamboyant. On the flip side his Dynasty 2.0 stint started off  very strong but ended on a whimper, and Lachlan hasn’t done much for me on Station 19 either.

A little over a year after Colleen’s death, Y&R would go ahead and give us the absolute WORST story in Y&R history and a contender for one of daytime history’s worst stories ever, one that would stretch a whole freaking year from December 2010-November 2011……

Oh definitely the Kevin-Gloria happy hour was too much for the show, and Latham and her cronies made too many mistakes that proved so detrimental and even worse whenever someone tired to fix it. 



I like to Chance/Summer but because CF and AL are the most competent recast actors Y&R so the show has to restrain and restrict any

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….that said I still stand with my idea of Chance with his PI business and Summer as his Moonlighting partner/His Girl Friday. 

And yeah, Giggly Heffa is a black hole…

All that needed to be fair, agree 100%!


Also, the whole Davetta Sherwood thing still boggles my mind, as does CK whole “Please pray for Davetta!”, then a few years later the whole thing about CK goes on recurring, and ends up going to an audition for her role because the show was looking to recast and CK had a bad agent…like what in the hell really was going on?

I always feel like CK has really humbled herself over the years because the show has trashed Lily so much over the years and she realized she got herself into the Cane hole she’s never been able to recover from her earlier reckless ego either.


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