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General Hospital: December 2022 Discussion Thread

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The Sonya Eddy news is upsetting. Maybe it’s confirmation bias but it feels like there have been a lot of unexpected deaths recently.

Marcus Coloma actually sorta tried today. It’s hard for him not to shrink in NC’s midst—you can’t take your eyes off him in a scene—but MC actually felt present.

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Well...well...look at that.

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That said...I was wondering what Twitter was all happy about last week. Now I know. LIZ IS FREE OF FINN!!! I was wondering why they kept focusing on that darn bottle. And that's not even Liz's best at telling a lie. The fact that Finn fell for it hook, line, and sinker says more about him than it does her. God, he was such a sucky person to her over his jealousy over Nik and I cannot wait to see his face once he realizes it was a lie. And look at Liz continuing to be oh so soap messy. You have to go almost back to the 'John Doe/Drew' days to get her to be this crafty. I love seeing RH working her magic and of course she is struggling with her conscience, too. I do hope the stuff with her father isn't over though. I DO like she is getting continued focus.


Speaking of focus...good to be right. I said as soon as Spencer got out of jail, there would be ANOTHER obstacle thrown in his and Trina's way. And here we go with Rory's death. I was with @AbcNbc247 and wanted to see the triangle go a little more of a direction, but...I'll live. Though I did roll my eyes, but not surprised. Saddened a bit because I FINALLY saw relationship chemistry between TA and AC versus just sparring partner chemistry if that makes sense. 


Why is it that JS always give good scorned man heat? His scenes post-breakup (and the writers finding a way to get him shirtless...fatherhood is looking reeeeeEEEEally good on him) with Brooklyn were great, hot, and brutal all at the same time. 


I was literally about to ask where has Phyllis gone? So it's been good to see her pop up.


And Oooooo at Crafty Carly being back in the house and manipulating things so Drew does not find out about Willow. It feels like forever since Carly has been in schemer mode and LW has been great. 



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I agree, he's a doctor but he doesn't seem to know where babies come from.

Liz has been home from her parents and living at Wyndemere for less than a month, how could she already know she was pregnant, let alone be prescribed pre-natal vitamins?

However, speaking of Liz at Wyndemere, doesn't she still need to take shifts at GH? And don't her kids needs some supervision at home?  It's one thing to go off on a trip for a few days, but Liz seems to have left Aiden and Jake home alone for an awfully long time by now...

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So......I am going to make an embarrassing confession:  I am starting to like Dex/Joss.  I know that's akin to saying you liked Courtney or something, but they are growing on me.  I don't even like Joss or the fact that she's casually cheating on Cam, but I think Dex/Joss have some chemistry and it's a soapy story.  It's probably because it's a blatant rip off of Sonny/Brenda's beginnings, but I am a bit of a sucker for that type of story.  

Dex does talk like Batman though lol and he looks too much like Chad Duell.  

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Rory was, in my opinion, a character who had no real development. He was just created to be a third party, and that was mainly on TPTB. I thought they were going to reveal that somehow, he was related to Selina Wu, and the reason why he became a cop was because he was against the family's criminal organization. But his death isn't really much of a loss. If anything, Diane should've been killed off. 

I'm hoping Spencer and Trina will be dating by the spring of next year. It's beyond time, and I can't see Nicholas Chavez signing on after his contract expires in 2024.

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