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GENERAL HOSPITAL November 2021 Discussion Thread

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Remember when I said that Frank only interferes in the summertime and that October to March is usually pretty good. Unfortunately, it looks like I have to take that back lol

Chase DID NOT have to lie and say that he was the father of Baby Bailey. The two actors have enough chemistry so that, and that alone could be used to bring Chase and Brook Lynn together, not some fake charade. You would think after the fake affair mess from last year, the show would stay away from charades like that, but they just keep doing the same old thing.

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Why couldn’t Maxie had burst in and confess Bailey is her child, and then all three come to agreement to keep up the charade that Bailey is Valentin’s.


And WHY WAS MAXIE TAKING SO LONG, if she knew their secret was under threat of being uncovered. 

Dan and Chris build up a good storyline and then always let me down in the end. Sheesh.

Edited by MichaelGL
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Michael's hair is so unfortunate. Michael in general is unfortunate. Can we please get a recast? And Michael really thinks Nina is going to do prison time when no crime was committed... SMH.

I'm not opposed to Chase claiming he's the father, but why would anyone in Port Charles believe that Chase was okay with Valentin raising his kid? Also, why doesn't Brooklyn just tell Valentin the whole truth? He'd probably be pretty understanding (though angry) and helpful.

On one hand I feel bad for Valentin, but on the other hand I feel like this is his karma for what he did to Nina. He is one of the better fathers on the show currently though, not that he has much competition.

LOL at Bobbie referring to Willow as Chase's wife. Oops! Chase looked so damn sexy today per usual.

Sonny defending Nina to Carly is funny every single time.

Nice to see Brando mixing it up with Nina and Maxie. He's usually so isolated with Gladys and Sasha. Why can't they test Maxie with someone like Brando instead of friggin Austin? Brando is pretty blah but he's sweet and Johnny Wactor is super cute at least. I feel like there's at least potential that he could generate chemistry with a woman, unlike Howarth.

Another day where Peter isn't killed. ZzzzZzz. If Burton does leave, can we test Britt with Drew? I actually kind of want Mathison to keep the scruff (I know he won't). Besides Mathison looking super good, this Cassadine Island story is a huge failure!

Edited by AlexElizabeth
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@AlexElizabeth you make an excellent point because it doesn't seem like a crime to not tell someone (or their family) that they have amnesia.  A conviction for fraud would require the prosecution to determine that not only did Nina intend to deceive Sonny, but also that she profited from the deception.  Reasonably, keeping Sonny from making money from mob activities doesn't seem like an arguable offense, and in point of fact Nina probably lost money on her business based on her time away from the office to care for Sonny.  So, one would have to wonder what the recourse would be for Nina in order for justice to be served?

Although the analogy is imprecise, in a town where multiple people have been able to claim a brain tumor as a defense against murder, Nina should be able to use her brain injury (and the trauma over the loss of her supposed daughter) as evidence of a temporary lack of reason with regard to Sonny.

Edited by j swift
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Ass-ton and Maxie have Negative 100 chemistry. Jimmy Lee's child/kids should have been around a while ago. Don't send his scenery chewing ass to Britt, either.

JPS was cringeworthy in the scenes with Amanda Setton.  The over the top faces were way too much.  I felt bad for Valentin, as the character has worked on becoming a better person over a stretch of time.  His familial relationship with Alexis and working/becoming a better man for Anna, etc.   Chase stepping in was just stupid storytelling. Totally unnecessary. Maxie revealing the truth (as AlexElizabeth mentioned) would totally have been better.

Bobbie!  Yay!


I wish I cared about Blando and Sasha  enough to hope their baby (and Sasha) are okay, but I don't.


Was I the only one hoping that heavy bag would knock Wallow on her ass? And 100% Duell the tool needs to be replaced.   I wish the old Wiley (the Olsen twins, whose father got a job in Europe) was still there. He was adorable.

As for #firefrank

I regards to not killing Peter off and continuing to pay RoHo's Mortgage:

Let It Go GIFs | Tenor



I doubt there will ever be much more than that In Memory of Card they posted for Stuart Damon at the end of the episode. Sad, but true.   A wise Executive Producer would compile an episode of clips of Alan Quartermaine to air on Thanksgiving or Christmas Eve. They would have  Leslie Charleson, Genie Francis, Jackie Zeman, Kin Shriner, Lynn Herring, Jane Elliott, Wally Kurth, Sean Kanan, Steve Burton, and Amber Tamblyn each do a voiceover intro to a series of clips. Those not currently on the show could do the voice overs via Zoom. It would seriously be 1000x better than an episode about Ass-ton. We know that will be  Frank's choice for a "Classic GH Episode" that would air on the holiday, and pay tribute to Damon, which fans could appreciate. <cough>You're welcome #firefrank <cough>.

I hope that over Christmas the Q's mention the passing of Alice with a quick montage from BW's 12 plus years on the show.




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Austin and Maxie really do have negative chemistry. And he looks like he could be her dad tbh. It's just awkward. Not to mention, their scenes are just them having the same conversation over and over again. I can't believe that they're so desperate to make Howarth work that they're throwing him at freaking Maxie. I don't want him anywhere near Britt either. Let Britt replace Jason with his better looking twin.

I don't care about Brando and Sasha either. This would be a great and surprising way to kill Sasha off. She's not needed and the show obviously has no investment in her and Brando. It's bad but I don't care what happens to the baby either. Have Sasha die in surgery and have Maxie be a shoulder for Brando to cry on. Maybe he can save her from Austin hell...

And I wasn't hoping that Wallow would get knocked on her ass, but I was thinking that she and Michael could somehow get killed at the Thanksgiving parade. I suppose Wiley can live and get raised by Sonny and Nina...

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I want Michael recast more than any other character on the show (maybe all of daytime). Duell just does nothing for me. And his hair just keeps getting worse!

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