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Days of Our Lives: October 2021 Discussion Thread

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I almost pissed myself laughing at this. I really thought this was photoshopped when someone posted the picture earlier. Man... what the hell were they thinking? I don't care how much someone enjoys the possession storyline or if you think Ron Carlivati walks on water. There is no defending this devil bitmoji. This was so bad. It's like watching a parody. Why does the devil look like a bitmoji of Mr. T as a baby? Why does the devil have a mohawk and a septum piercing? They really could've just had him communicating with Marlena through the phone without showing the screen. I'm STILL laughing at how awful this was!

There is zero chemistry with Rafe and Nicole. None. Nada. Not to mention, what the heck is their storyline once they finally get together? Yeah, nothing. Time to move on from these two. I've seen zero fanfare for them. Meanwhile, Nicole and EJ are on fire. That kiss was smokin' hot, and thankfully Nicole seemed into it. They look gorgeous together. Hopefully making out with EJ will get Rafe out of her system for good (I can dream). I still can't believe that we're supposed to buy that Nicole is pining over Rafe when EJ is standing right there looking like sex on a stick. It's almost as stupid as the devil bitmoji. EJ is getting hotter with every episode. Lawdy!

Philip/Chloe/Brady... YAWN! How many times have we seen this scene? They are stale, stale, stale.

Are Ben and Ciara capable of having scenes that don't take place in a bed? I love how they're so sure that they made a baby five minutes after Ciara threw out her birth control pills. Not really how that works, but I guess in soap land it does.

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This is why I said what I said about RC not actually liking the show, which was kindly and probably more accurately rephrased as him not having any emotional connection to the show he is writing for.

RC clearly didn't see most of or follow the original storyline. He doesn't understand why it made such an impression of viewers (whether one likes it or not, and I didn't, it did). He thought the idea was amusing and recreating it with a wink would be fanservice.
But you can't do just a wink if you don't understand what is a joke and what isn't. The original possession story was over-the-top but it wasn't a joke. He doesn't get it so he is doing a parody of something he thought was a joke in the first place so we end up with this clownery.
Same with Kristen and the multiple identities btw. He didn't get what made Kristen such an iconic character originally and the entire convoluted twin story memorable. So we ended up with face masks. Because you can only mock what you understand and what you like. If you mock something you deep down have contempt for, it will show and be either ridiculous or mean.
And I can tell the difference because when he writes tongue-in-cheek for characters he cares for or respect or has some bond with, he has been known to find the right balance.

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Camp can be great, but I prefer  it with a lot less elbow-in-the-ribs than RC serves up. Hard to pull off without seeming simply amateurish, especially with DAYS’ budget. (And it’s still amateurish a lot of the time, even with all the nudges.)

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