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DAYS Spinoff: Beyond Salem Discussion Thread

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Re: Peck as Austin; the rise of St. Carriewhore always will triumph their relationship no matter what. I wish we had a Mike & Carrie kid to add to canvas at the end of the day. 

I remember back in 2005 when Clark returned she had said in an interview that she wished she was working with Muldoon again which I found strange and hilarious at the same time. In fact I think Sweeney was less than thrilled at Peck’s return which is what eventually definitely gave way to the rise of EJ long term.

It was so interesting that last time around in 2006 of how Austin and Carrie reconciled and remarried with I think John & Marlena being their only supporters because by that point Lucas, Sami, and Kate had bigger fish to fry. 

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That's why I would have thought people at Days may have given him the benefit of the doubt when he returned considering there was, hum, public evidence his "values" had changed (and he had improved as an actor).

But it is hard to say because we don't know him - who knows what has changed or not.

I will say that while it was juicy gossip, I will never understand why that specific story of costars cheating on their spouses with each other blew up on-set and off-set the way it has.
I mean, not only does it happen often - just on ATWT I seem to remember one of the parties was taken/married when Colleen met Mark and Maura met Scott - but at the very same time Austin and Terri were shacking up, a very married actor on that very show was hooking up with a co-star too (not naming names but people who read blind items will know).
So why these two - who are still together so clearly they genuinely fell for each other - got so much blowback over the dozens of other soap cheaters fascinates me. 
I have to assume part of it is maybe that AP is grating in other ways so people are less willing to cut him some slack but I dunno.

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If AP is/was insufferable then that's reason enough why it blew up. People are willing to cover for people who they think are nice enough co-workers, but if the douche at the office does something bad? Of course people are going to take advantage and try to oust him for it or at least knock him down a peg or five.

Edited by te.
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Yeah but Terri Conn was SO popular and beloved. 
I mean who knows? I've just always thought there was something else going on we didn't know.
Back to Salem!

As I mentioned earlier for Sonny/Will, I am fine with Austin and Carrie being the end game. But I'd like for them to be in the game and spend years driving story with others before they settle for that end game if you know what I mean

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Between Chad and nuSonny, there was so much booty on today's eppy! 

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ZT is such a welcome change . . . for so many reasons, FS was not working, but I thought he was totally fine (good, even) until his 2016 return . . . the tics he came back with only got worse and worse and worse until it was unbearable.  I loved seeing Chad and Sonny's bff relationship get so much focus . . . I know Chad started as Will's friend, but even when CD was still playing Chad, he and Sonny were always so much closer.  I will say CM left a lot to be desired today, but he was on so briefly.

J&M thrive in this kind of mode and it was great seeing Shane.  I'm not one of those fans who agree that J&M are the core or even "face" of the show, but I appreciated Dee's voiceover for the opening and didn't think it was offensive to Mac's legacy at all.

It was great seeing A&C!!!  (Did I miss it or were they left out of the opening credits?!?)  I think they are huge missed opportunity . . . there is so much story potential for them and while I think they should be endgame at this point, they're always better apart being angsty and stuff.  It's when they're together that tptb can't ever figure out what to do with them . . . S&B are the same situation.  Re. Austin Peck: I have a soft spot for him and after 2011/12, I never want PM back--what a unpleasantly surprising disaster.  And I actually think Austin is a great character (he's a hero with a very complex back-story and on-screen history), he just gets so dumbed down.

I think a little Tony & Anna goes a long way and while I initially would've preferred their spots go to J&J or S&K, I admit they're fitting perfectly here.

I hate Cin as much as everyone else and am constantly disgusted by them.  You'd think it would plateau at some point but it doesn't, lol.  And as someone who watches BH Housewives, LR exceeded my expectations . . . I thought she was just gonna be Rinna playing Rinna, but I saw Billie.  (She is one of my fav. characters, btw.)  I did think the NOLA scenes were the best produced . . . they dusted off a street set (we haven't had one of those since pre-Tomlin as EP I think) and though I think Sonia Blangiardo is one of the more uninspired "Days" directors, but she put more effort in these scenes than the others.

Sadly, the Paulina/Abe/Lani/Eli content was the weak link for me.  JH is a delight but all the name dropping and direct reference to a "Kathy Griffin My Life on the D List" episode (where she visited Rosie and Gloria on Star Island) was way too much.  I know Paulina is supposed to be extra, but less is more sometimes and that was all really cringey.  But whatever sets they redressed/combined/whatever for her mansion was great!  Eli & Lani got a really nice character scene talking about parenthood, though.  Out of the whole Chabby/WilSon/Gabi/JJ/etc. crowd, I'm glad RC has kept them on his whole tenure . . . this is such a great overall group and while E&L may not light the show on the fire, they are very valuable supporting characters who've been through so much together.

Can't wait for tomorrow!

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Terri Conn was not that popular in the final years of ATWT, lol. The show just pushed her on the audience, same as Julie Pinson. Conn's early years were the ones where she had much audience cachet. The reason it got so much blowback was bc she and Peck were together, allegedly, sanctimonious Jesus freaks BTS.

Edited by Vee
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But seriously, WTF with Rinna's face? It makes me so sad to see the extremes some of these actors go through.  I can't watch her.  Interesting that Jeanne Ford wrote the story for this mini series.  It makes no sense to have Days and Beyond running concurrently. They should have launched this show during the Olympics. I'd give the show a C+.  Zach Tinker was the highlight after years of dreadful Freddie performances.  Chad's butt was awesome too.  Leanne is so good.  She should be on Young and Restless taking over the Chancellor Mansion as Kay's long lost sister.  Jackee was phoning in her scenes in this episode. Painful...and I love her but...  

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In my memory she lost the fandom specifically because of the affair because Brad and Katie were pretty popular at first. But I could be wrong. Might have an opportunity to discuss this on ATWT thread some time; don't want to derail the Beyond Salem thread especially when there is a BUTT sighting

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This series so far isn't all that exciting and or ground breaking, but it is still solid. Leo had some LOL one liners, and those 4 work really well of one another. Anna outbidding John was something so Anna. The Miami crew not feeling it, but at least there were extras everywhere and the scenes look good. I need to see Kristen ASAP, with only 3 episodes left. 

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