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GH: July 2021 Discussion Thread

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it is a great set, but I don’t know how it will wear. Does everyone get the same days off? Why don’t you have to have a room at the hotel to use the pool? Will all these extras suddenly disappear?

Jason has always been the love of Spinelli’s life. He’d marry Jason if he could.

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I really think it is. He's so afraid to lose Howarth again even when it seems even Howarth knows it's time to move on (yet didn't stop him from collecting a paycheck, but who can blame him? lol)


I agree on his early scenes in 2013. He should have been Jimmy Lee's son then. Sigh. It has a lot of potential but I just don't care anymore. I also wonder if I'd care if it were anyone else playing "Austin". It just feels a little too late and with Jimmy Lee dead, it's almost like what's the point except to give him Q ties and ensure he's tied to the canvas.


I'd also argue they should have cast someone in their 30s to play Austin instead of Howarth (of course Austin was created FOR Howarth so it's moot but still ...). We have way too many middle-aged men (JMO). The canvas feels a bit unbalanced. 


It was the *stupidest* move to make him Franco. Who truly thought that was a good idea?


There's definitely contempt towards the audience. Easton as Finn doesn't really bother me anymore (who should be Tom Hardy) but it's just as ridiculous as Howarth playing so many characters. Enough. I didn't like when Tamara Braun played character #2 either (and we won't even talk about Bonnie and Roman on DAYS)

Edited by KMan101
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What the heck was Sam wearing today? She looked like one of the waitresses at the Metro Court. I hate how they excuse Jason's assh-le behavior. "Oh it's okay that you didn't tell me about the engagement, we kept missing each other." Huh? Jason could've picked up the phone. He didn't give one f-ck about telling Sam, Liz, Jake or Danny. I was hoping Sam would call him out! But everyone just forgives him and tells him it's okay. Those Jason/Sam scenes were so lame. Why is everyone just going along with this crap and acting so accepting? Gosh this is stupid. Sam, be done with these fools and go peek at shirtless Dante by the pool. I did enjoy Maxie and Sam chatting. I'm not opposed to Dante/Sam but I wish Lulu would get brought up every once in a while.

It's weird that people who don't live at the Metro Court are hanging out at the pool. But whatever. Chase looked good. Brando still looking hot as hell. Brando being conflicted about the mob vs. his baby could be an okay story if it actually got any airtime.

I can't believe that Monica has actually been getting airtime. Too bad it's about this Austin BS! Can't believe we got Jason and Monica scenes twice in like one week though. Not here for Austin vs. Jason.

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Anna and Valentin didn't see Sonny. I'm stunned. Can something please happen here already? This Jason/Carly mess needs to end, lol. Jason kissing her cheek was nasty! Carly looked happy.

Lenny has cancer. Bring him to GH to see Terry!

Willow/Nina scenes... boring as hell! Who cared about these scenes?

Edited by AlexElizabeth
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I was just about to bring Lulu up myself.  

Yeah, both looked good, and at least the conflict is natural and not another person.  The Michael/Willow reveal needs to happen soon for Chase to move on...


These "misses" have been so ridiculous.  First Jax, then Joss/Trina, now Anna.

"There's some woman named Maeve singing Danny Boy in the back room."  Good Grief stop dragging up RH characters #firefrank. After ruining all of Delia's back story, FuckfaceFrank should just leave that show alone. Especially after bringing a "Joseph Novak " to town. The character is too young --to all the people on Facebook GH groups--to be the same character. I'm not in one, but some of my friends are, and I get to see some of the posts through groups.   

Other stupid quotes I read today:

"Why can't poor Jason be happy?"

"When are Austin and Liz going to fall in love-- I need Roger to be with Rebecca"

"I'm so happy Carly and Jason are finally together!"

It will be at least a week before we see Terry, and she'll be bickering with Britt, not actually healing.

Painfully boring.  Looking forward to seeing Nina shunned by every character, especially Michael.

Wallow just has zero energy. All of her storylines are as dull as Sabrina's. At least Sobby showed a little personality once in a while.

Once the truth comes out, can she run out of somewhere and be hit by a speeding car driven by Austin--2 birds one stone!



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Like it would be nice if Dante had some conflict or guilty feelings about liking Sam and wanting to start something with her while Lulu is in a coma. They haven't done a lot with Sam/Dante yet and they don't really have a story, so it could make things more interesting. But it's like Lulu doesn't even exist anymore.

I was thinking that the next death needs to happen in the new pool. Willow is a great candidate. Michael can go to the pool and discover her dead body floating in the water... in my dreams LOL.

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Why? Because that's the price you pay for killing people for a living 

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And, I need Rebecca to be with Jonathan, but I don't see that happening anytime soon. Regardless, I am enjoying the show right now, except for the Austin stuff, of course.

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I'd be fine with a grieving period where she focuses on her boys and is a support system for Violet, Terry, Scott, etc and then starts to fall for someone.  The fast tracking her to Finn could have played out over a longer period of time. It wouldn't be rushed, and I might have wanted to see the story.  It's the pacing that really falls flat.  (That and his four roles ).


That's all I want to see, a little regret. Maybe a flashback to him and Lulu (Or one with a broom and the Laura wig if necessary doctored as a flashback) as he's about to kiss Sam.


We are so on the same page!!!!

Edited by slick jones
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Ooooooo...something to look forward to...




Girl, bye. Leave it to Carly to make it all about her. LOL!!!! And awwww at Jason looking like a hurt puppy as he saw Britt with Jax. Meanwhile, Carly and Britt are giving good angry energy.

I appear to be loving so much the building. The week appeared to be building plots. And since the ones it is building on is B and C plots that have been needing time to grow I've been enjoying them.


Like for one...I LOVE the writers mixing Monica into the Brooklyn/Maxie baby switch. Is it too much to see her continuing down this road...along with the coming Quartermaine drama? We might not get her on the frontburner, but active supporting is looking great on her. 


Valentin, Anna, and the kiss. It just felt...earned. And how Anna is reacting is kinda like how she reacted to Luke. And here I feel she has a good match.


So Spencer is doing the classic soap trope of pretending to be someone else. Who would have thought the kid who was all about his title would be acting like someone less? And of course Trina...who has no history with him...is seeing him and no one who has history has. Meanwhile, the potential is there. For so much. Jumpstarting the teens. Jumpstarting the stalker storyline. 


Speaking of jumpstarting...so Dev's storyline FINALLY comes to an end. And it looks like Cameron and Joss are finally going to be together. Meanwhile, Dante and Sam FINALLY kissed. I...didn't hate either one of those. 


Hehe...Liz fell asleep on Finn saying that he might be liking her. 


All these storylines...all these possibilities. Me likey. 

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