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Days: December 2020 Discussion Thread

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How long did it take Carlivati to turn Ally into a felon? Six months?  Now he'll ruin Charlie's character too.  These writers/producers are so uninspired.  They did the same thing to Joey's character. And Tripp held a knife to Kayla.  Has anyone on the canvass not committed a felony?

Edited by RavenWhitney
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Fraternal twins, just like any full siblings, share 50% DNA. I'm guessing the DAYS writers never took any kind of basic anatomy & physiology or biology class where that sort of thing would be covered. Or there will be some plot twist that Charlie switched the test to say that Tripp was the father. Or they'll say that Charlie and Tripp are identical twins but Charlie had plastic surgery. lol


I like Charlie and the actor who plays him so far, so hopefully there's a way that Charlie won't be completely be written into a corner and can stick around as a viable character.


The writers have no idea what to do with Ben. Are we just going to watch him mourn forever? Time to write him out.

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They should've recast Joey man this kid still sucks. This twin rapist story is ridiculous but RC seems to think everyone being sick criminals makes them interesting...show is consistently entertaining to watch outside of that ick factor though.


Tamara Braun, Cady McClain and Emily O Brien are holding things down alongside Marci Miller and Lauren Koslow

Edited by detroitpiston
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Yes, Joey is awful and I was glad when they shipped him off to prison. 


I've been binge-watching DAYS to catch up in time for Christmas, and while I definitely appreciate the pop-ins and heavily recurring characters, it also presents itself an issue with a lot of main characters being stuck in storyline limbo. Brady is stuck in romantic limbo while Kristen wallows in prison;  Ben is stuck in limbo until Ciara maybe or maybe not returns;  it's strange for Gabi to be in Salem while her daughter lives full-time in Arizona; Nicole is in limbo while Eric is on another continent; will Shawn & Belle officially relocate home to Salem or are they just on an extended holiday from Hong Kong?; Rafe is in limbo without Hope or some romantic interest; etc. 


Edited by Gray Bunny
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It sucks because Joey should be on the canvas, but his acting needs a lot of work.


Gotta say though, Charlie killed it today. He had this look in his eyes that just made his performance seem so real and it looks like he’s a really good crier too.  I’d hate to see the actor leave.

They’ll probably end up pairing him with Claire

Edited by AbcNbc247
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I know most of you have been calling for weeks that Charlie would end up being the rapist and Ava’s son, but dare I say... even knowing this I’ve still been enjoying the reveal and scenes between Charlie and Ava.


DAYS is the best soap right now in my opinion, and oh how I wish Sony would pump money into the production values like they do Y&R

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