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Being fully vaccinated (one J&J, or two Pfizer, or two Moderna)
was never meant to prevent catching a milder case of Covid.

Being fully vaccinated protects you against a severe case, hospitalization, and death.  You can still catch a mild case.

It's always been that way. The science has always said that. The CDC and the WHO say this.  The vaccine companies have never said otherwise.

The the whole issue is so scary and confusing, and the media and politicians muddle things, so it's understandable that this truth is not understood.


This has been the case since the vaccines were developed for the original strain of COVID.

This is *still* true *at least* 95% of the time - even with the Delta variant.
Being fully vaccinated almost always protects you from the Delta variant causing hospitalization or death.  But you could still catch a mild case.

Edited by janea4old
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I'm glad because it sucks to have to be in a position where you have no choice and a boss is lording their wilful ignorance over you.


I know. We forget that we can still catch it and transmit Covid -- the vaccine will hopefully mitigate the worst effects of the disease and, hopefully, lower transmission too.

Here in the UK (where I now live -- sometimes I wonder if I should just move back to the US!), today is the day the government insisted on lifting ALL restrictions. That means no more mask guidance. I'm still wearing a mask on transportation and in stores. Anyway, just an hour ago, Boris Johnson (aka the 'cabbage patch Draco Malfoy' 

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) and his scientific advisers came on TV and told everyone to tone the partying down a bit. Then Patrick Vallance made the most astonishing statement:

"In terms of the number of people in hospital who’ve been double vaccinated, we know it’s around 60% of the people being admitted to hospital with Covid."

My jaw hit the floor. I don't know whether he misspoke and hopefully he will clarify his statement but... wow.


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Ugh I know.  I was in that position recently and was miserable.  Luckily, some things ended up going my way and my husband got a big promotion, so this job was just for "fun".   It's definitely not worth the discount lol.  


I think there is just so much confusing info out there.   Some people are telling me it's literally impossible others are saying it's completely possible to get it while vaxxed.  Who knows?  I know I have it lol.  I can only focus on myself and my loved ones and try not to spread it.  I can't worry about other people's stupidity. 

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OH NO, @carolineg!!! Sorry to hear that. I hope for a speedy recovery.


And your place of employment sounds like my well known place of employment.

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They are still unofficially unsure of how to proceed now that we are mostly reopen here in California. 

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Your boss is despicable. Vaccines are not a political issue. They are a human health and safety issue based on decades of science and technology. I take a very hard line on this because there is next to no excuse to not take one of the vaccines available.  

I so wish this was better understood and clearly communicated. I have found the Canadian media to be doing a better job at this than what I've seen come out of the USA and UK, but there are still issues. And the fact of the matter is the J&J vaccine is not quite comparable with the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines when it comes to efficacy, and I wish that was better communicated as well so people don't feel invisible because they are not.

I am double vaccinated and remain wearing a mask in all public indoor spaces and in any crowded outdoor space. 

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There are some really dangerous people, including people who have notable online followings, who go out of their way to shame anyone who wears a mask. 

There is a very popular idea - on the left and right - that if you wear a mask you are simply a silly poser who is desperate for public approval. I think this type of shaming is one of the reasons the CDC was not more clear about the safety of masks and why so many people are getting sick.

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I HATE this type of shaming. Why? What's it to you if I wear a mask in a public space or not? I'm not forcing it on you. I'm not infringing on your 'Freedom.' It's my personal choice because even though double-vaxxed, I can still catch + spread the virus, and wearing a mask also partially limits my likelihood of catching something if, say, someone coughs in my direction on the subway.

Honestly, they're so triggered when they see people wearing a mask, because they think we are shaming them by example. Well, deep down, they should feel shame. They know Covid is contagious and people have died from this, but they just want to 'own the libs' and show how much they DGAF. Anything 'the libs' do, they automatically oppose as a knee-jerk reaction. It is wilful stupidity and pure spite. In the end, they may end up spiting themselves.

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