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Days: January 2020 Discussion Thread

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I would like for them to explain how Maggie somehow caught up with Adrienne and Sarah, while also going in the opposite direction, and caused the accident. She had a whole scene and conversation with Summer while they were on the way to the hospital and then also started drinking. Come on, make it make a little sense.

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The Justin and Adrienne flashbacks were nice. I don’t know a ton about their character histories back in the super couple era, but they still seem young enough that killing off Adrienne seems shortsighted. I will say Wally and Judi have aged amazingly.

But why would she be going in the opposite direction of them if she also came from the Kiriakis mansion?


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I do have to say the flashback episodes this week are some of the best the show's done in a long time. What sucks is the timing...most people aren't going to see them with the preempted airings. Add that to the timeline changes, I'm sure that's one of the reasons the ratings are tanking. Regular viewers can't follow what's going on. Another thing 45 messed up! Ugh!

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I've watched all of this week's episodes thus far. They're all a bit forced - Summer being a perfect deus ex machina, everyone on the road at the exact same time with various reasons for being poor drivers - but they have engaged me more than the last month or so of episodes.


I still can't believe they killed Adrienne. It reminds of when Ron killed GH's Duke for no reason. The Justin/Adrienne montage was nice but just reinforces that they really shouldn't have gone this route. I'm glad it gives Wally some A+ material to work with and his brief reaction to her death (which will continue today) shattered me. But I feel really bad for Judi having to say she understood the decision and that it would give the rest of the cast great material. But girl, what about you? It doesn't give you any material, you're now out of a job. Sigh. This is especially painful and ironic given her son's recent death. To lose your livelihood and then the most important person in your life all within a year - that's a lot for one person to handle. I hope she's doing okay and they bring her back as Adrienne and/or Bonnie ASAP so she can have a positive outlet of purpose again given her recent real life tragedy.

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