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The Talk: Discussion Thread


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Short of a major overhaul, this show is likely done. The Talk was supposed to be a cheapie light-hearted crowd pleaser and none of this is true, at present.

I have said continually that racism is expensive, it comes at a hefty price.


Osbourne is no Walter Cronkite and despite her desire to be referred to as "Mrs. O" (in some pathetic bid for respectability, imo) she's certainly no Oprah. It is not, in fact, "cheaper to keep her", as the song says.

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I don't really have any sympathy for her, as she's savvy enough to know what they were setting up, but they set all this in motion and now they get to unload her and save some cash, along with getting headlines. 


I wish the whole show would just disappear. Bring on the inevitable game show revival 2 people will watch.

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They got headlines, but the show doesn’t even return with new episodes until April 12. The news cycle will likely have moved on.


LMAD does pretty well. I wonder if they could develop a solid female-hosted game show. Maybe with Sheryl as host. Probably too late in the game for that right now.

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There is no way on earth Sharon hasn't either had the balance of her contract paid or reached a settlement of some kind with CBS. She lawyered up very quickly and the last two weeks have very likely been solely focused on Sharon's exit package. 




That's exactly the problem. CBS has miscalculated this from a business decision - not only will the news cycle have moved on but nobody is going to care about the show because all of the 'heat' this controversy brought disappears into thin air when Sharon doesn't return. 

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The CBS brand is trash. Sharon was an albatross that needed to be dumped but the show had been losing viewers already so extending the controversy would only hasten the bleeding.  If people want to see racism served up for ratings, they can find a stream of The Real World reunion on Paramount+. At least people care about those people. Very few people actually care about The Talk to that extent. Like someone else said, the news cycle moves fast and people were already moving onto other news stories.

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I think the next live episode should begin led by Sheryl a la Barbara Walters the day after Star Jones was dismissed, delineating all of the reasons and whys Sharon is no longer around. Except I like Sheryl and Star. BW and Sharon, no longer so much.

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