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Days: January 2019 Discussion Thread

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Have to agree. The only enjoyable scenes were with Xander and Leo — funny, sexy, campy. Xander hotness is off the hook.


The Sonny and Will scenes? Awful. No energy, no romance, no heat, no feeling.


The Chad scenes just seem like same old same old every day. RSW is strikingly fine, but characters need to stop rehashing his crimes and sins every day. It’s boring and it’s wrecking the character.

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It would serve CM and FS right to have "Leander" take off and become DAYS' (token) gay pairing.  Never have I seen two "actors" sabotage their characters' relationship like Chandler and Freddie continue to do with theirs.  Guys, if you don't want to be on that effing show, or play those characters anymore, then just leave.

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The square by the park is the LEAST private place in all of Salem. For some reason, everyone ends up at that tiny little bench.


Leo and Xander where the best part of today for me. I love how Xander just can never seem to find a shirt, and I can't blame Leo for at least trying.   Interested to see where the hell that's leading. Although, I think it makes Leo more complex if he really does have feelings for Sonny. Leo's the most fun of the whole show lately.

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It seems like Brady and Eve still have feelings for each other. I wonder if they will end up making their way back to each other or if he will move on with Chloe. 


Also I think that Ciara is coming across as immature. This is the second time recently, she confronted a man she's in a relationship with about something but he ends up being the one that walks away. I definitely don't like Ben's past as a serial killer. But even with that, she still comes across as immature. Out of all the things she could be mad with Ben about she chooses to be mad because he "plotted" (which really mostly amounted to having a few conversations talking about breaking them up) with Claire to break her and Tripp up because he wanted to be with her. There is way worse stuff to be mad with Ben about.


IMO, Ciara  right now seems kind of directionless. Before she got this job at the pub, she wasn't doing much of anything besides living off of her trust fund and getting into petty fights with Claire. She doesn't really seem to have any ambition and she's not making the best decisions by dating Ben. Claire for all of her faults, at least has goals, and works towards them. And she seems more sure of herself when she's dating men as well. Theo breaks up with her, she tries to start something up with Tripp. I don't often agree with her tactics when it comes to doing stuff, but at least she tries to make stuff happen. 


And I thought that the scenes with DA Trask today was interesting. I wonder if she sent Haley to the hospital to help get somebody in trouble. I wonder what her connection to Haley is. 

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It's also nice that the show is continuing to expand its racial diversity. I hope that continues!


I do think Vanessa William's Valerie was a missed opportunity. The actress exuded charisma, and I really wanted to see her get her own story.

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Killing off David Banning: another mistake that DAYS' current regime has made.  With Eli on canvas as their son, there might have been some good material to be had from a potential Abe/Valerie/David triangle.

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My suggestion to beef up their African-American cast:  Bring back Vanessa Williams right when Abe & Sheila are starting to get closer. Meanwhile, bring back Thyme Lewis as Jonah Carver and bring on Lawrence St. Victor (currently wasting away recurring on B&B) as Benjamin, Jonah's adoptive son. Hell, even bring Yvonna Wright back as Wendy Reardon. Keep the drama in the family and have Valerie fall for Jonah. 


I know, I've been pushing a Jonah comeback for years. Won't happen, but if they must have ALL black characters be related to Abe, at least use existing ones from history. Plus, Benjamin would have no blood ties to anyone, so his romantic interest potential is bountiful... I mean shoot, he could be Will & Sonny's next interloper. 

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Really enjoyed the Deveraux family dinner today. The scene with all of them reminiscing about a theatre trip to a dinky theatre in Islington was great and I loved that it ended with jack and Jennifer quoting Shakespeare to each other 


Sarah and LG’s portrayal continue to be hugely annoying 

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Finally caught up in episodes


Gawd Will and Chub Sonny have zero chemistry. Sonny looked like his damn father in those scenes.......so hoping Sonny stays with Leo and put Will with another guy or Gabi.


End Will and Sonny!!

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