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GH: April 2014 Discussion Thread

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I also thought the crypt sex with Ava was true to the character. It's typical of who he is, and I saw this coming with Ava from the moment she started working him after Connie died last fall. I don't know why people are so shocked other than they did it on top of Edward and Lila.

That being said, if Sonny doesn't go down for this (and I have serious, serious doubts he will) forget it.

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He's sooooo bad. LOL

That love scene was the most awkward thing I've seen in a long time. The crypt sex is totally in character for Sonny. Sonny should not be a good person who everyone thinks walks on water and defends. He's a mobster. Period. This is the most in character Sonny's been, IMHO, even if I can't stand him. I also feel like they're trying to push Benard out like they did Burton, so they're writing Sonny in a corner (at least IMHO ... where can he go from all of this?). And exactly, a lot of people called this and saw Ava/Sonny coming from a mile away. How long before they marry each other to not have to testify against each other? Ava probably gets pregnant. Now that Sabrrrrrrrrinnna gave birth, it's clearly time for another go-to baby story.

Maura West is fantastic though, as always.

I did like they finally had Morgan spit out that he loved Jax and he was a great stepfather. Finally. I actually miss Jax. I'd rather see Jax and Carly than Franco and Carly, but at least Howarth is tolerable right now. Bryan Craig was alright.

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I, too, thought Sonny and Ava were very awkward. I expected Mo and MW to have more sexual chemistry, but they have zero. It looked so uncomfortable yesterday.

As for this being in character for Scummy because he's a mobster. It's in character for Scummy because he's a self loathing whiney inept little jackass completely incapable of caring for himself. He's a destroyer, and not in a good way (like my honey Tywin Lannister). Scummy being a mobster has nothing to do with this because mobsters do bad things. Scummy never takes responsibility and he clings to the nearest rope then goes back to Carly to fix his sh!t.

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Franco asked Carly what if Ava went after her brand new brother. Huh? Who the heck is he referring to?

Sonny and Ava are pigs. Im actually surprised Morgan figured out what they were doing instead of him being oblivious to what went down. Sonny cheats on Olivia with her cousin's killer. What a guy!

Wow, are they really trying to insinuate that Britt ran the car off the road? Let me guess, this is part of her redemption train. Gets falsely accused and loads of sympathy and remorse when she's finally exonerated. RC is so transparent

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I've been bouncing back and forth between my backlog and current stuff, and I swear to God I thought I'd missed an episode when Nathan turned up at Maxie's telling her Britt was his sister. Then I remembered the show had ended two days before with Madeline telling him the truth. No reaction!

I shouldn't be surprised because I've seen Ron and Frank do that choppy story cut many times before on both GH and OLTL, but this was the first time I've literally thought I missed a show. The plotting and pacing shouldn't be doing that to my memory.

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That riff sucked.

I was waiting for Morgan to say he could smell sex in the crypt. With that beak, he should have!

If anyone would know what Ava looks like after sex, it's Morgan.

Olivia didn't see it coming?

Carrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrlos and Sobbbbbbbbblina.............................How did she not hemorrhage?

"How is our baby??????????????.....Hey Kool Aid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Piph's back!!!!!!!!

When[if] they shed some characters, can Piph have a kid?? She's been alone since son Stan died. She also offered to "do" Magic Milo!

Duke/Olivia have a little chemistry there.

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If it was Ava, that would be dumb as hell. To order a hit just because Carlos and FrankenTodd are jailbirds together? What leverage does she have? Use it to scare Sobby? There's no assurance that Sobby would survive the accident. it's all just too ridiculous!

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