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GH: April 2014 Discussion Thread

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If I thought for one second that we would get something different with Scummy and he would finally answer for being a piece of garbage, I'd say him being at the funeral is brilliant. Everyone grieving over the death of a loved one while the man who committed the murder is amongst them grieving? That is very soapy, and I love just the thought of it, and that's the problem. With so much of this stuff, we have to rely on the story potential. I don't want to be manipulated into feeling bad for Scummy. I don't care about what his pappy did to him when he was younger, and I certainly don't care that he might be off his meds! This is the second time Scummy has put a bullet in a man's chest only to have folks rallying to save him. It is clear that Scummy can't function w/out Jason or Carly there to wipe his ass. He's a moron and a loser. A bad ass I can take, but a whiney little inept ffucker? No way!

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I liked the song played. Too bad Duell sucks at showing any kind of emotion. I should be hurting for Michael but I just can't stop noticing how bad of an actor he really is.

Of course Puke played Kaka and Ned. Gee, how surprising. NOT.

Poor Jane Elliot. The most screen time she's gotten in months and it's calling a young woman a slut and making out with her BFF with Tracy looking like a fool.

I agree about how soapy it is that Sonny would be at the funeral but chit/Andrea was spot on.

What a waste of Mac. And I'm sure we won't see Monica again for a while. Wasn't it said she won't be at the Nurses Ball? I doubt we ever see much of her now. She has no job and no family. It's really too bad.

I love Maura West and enjoy Carly vs. Ava, for the most part, but Ava will always get the upper hand and it's not fun to see Carly so defanged. And could they drop any more anvils with Michael going on and on about how wonderful Sonny and Carly are? Can you imagine his awful reaction when he finds out the truth. Oy.

And OF COURSE Sabrina, Emma and Patrick are in a lame car accident. Who also didn't see that one coming from a mile away? So now Spencer won't say anything and this Puke thing gets dragged on and on. At least Elizabeth looked a little suspicious of Puke, but I doubt it goes anywhere. And why would Nikolas and Liz just stand there in the doorway talking? LOL. Of course it was so Luke could overhear. Yawn.

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Pretty good episode today! Maura West just won her 3rd Emmy with this episode, or at the very least a nomination.

I think he's great too (being so spoiled and the big words he uses) and the kid playing him is a pretty a good actor for his age.

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