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GH50: Discussion for the month of July...

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I tried to watch part of a recent episode, and Maxie looks just like one of those women in the Bill Bell stories about women who have crack babies. Yikes.

Spinelli in the gallery - what the hell was that? Bradford Anderson even more false and hideous and OTT than usual. And that ill-fitting white suit. He looked less like The Jerk and more like The Jerkoff.

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I think NLG's work the other day with Sam talking about her father was quite good. I think she's been mediocre otherwise for a long time. I used to adore Alexis and NLG, but after years of Sanctimonious, Sonny-Enabling Alexis, coupled with her having the stones to lecture Shawn about working for him - which is how she makes her living and made her home, in his bed - I am at present over the character.

Alexis's best years were the mid-late '90s. She's never been that good since. That was NLG's best work.

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Ugh this show. I couldn't sleep so decided to watch today's episode, and, as has been true recently, the show really causes two reactions. One is at all the idiotic little bits, I just sorta look up at the screen and shake my head--and the other is I swear when the show is over (unlike after watching OLTL or AMC or even DAYS, a soap I have no real history with) NOTHING from the show sticks in my head. I could have spent the 40 minutes watching an infomercial for the impact it makes. I did watch this episode on youtube and the most amusement was how THRILLED with every plot turn the comments were "WOW! Franco may be Jason!" bla bla. I do sorta like Nick and Britt but it's all a little too late for me.

And these wacked out plots are just endless--I don't really care, but still RC has become even worse at giving us answers to idiotic questions like WHY did Franco/Jason/Todd sabotage the relish? There's just SOO much of this going on (and so little of it is of any importance that they need to hang it over the audience's head for months--does anyone really care what the story is with Silas and Ava? Olivia saw Maxie literally, and hysterically, stab Lulu in the back but the audience already knows she metaphorically did that--we've known since Jan, so who cares. Or even minor things like why not just tell us what Felix's obnoxious sister is holding over him with his parents--who cares to have it discussed and not revealed for this long....) It's SUCH lazy ass story telling--and not even with compelling stories.

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Watched most of Tuesday's episode, actually. I could be here for Nik/Britt. Loved everything about Carly and AJ.

Maura West <3

That aside, FrankenTodd's seizure and Olivia's hallucination? Ugggggh. So awful.

Not to mention the contrived setups. Oy.

I did like Liz talking to Dr. Steve's picture. His presence should be felt.

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I only watched CarnAj, who really need to be given a shot. Their snarks at one another are great and the chem is natural and wonderful!

I've had enough of Maura West, and I see she could used a few quarts of blood as much as Becky Herbst! She was white as a ghost yesterday and then wearing hot red lipstick? Big mistake!

Skipped anything remotely related to FrankenToad and Silent!

Rhino, that is one damn gross picture!

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What's it going to take before people realize Ron and Frank and his writing team are still driving GH down a cliff in the same car JFP and Guza drove for 10-11 years.

Even though this will never happen ever, but why haven't Wendy Riche and Claire Labine been contacted??

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