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GH50: Discussion for the month of July...

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No you're right, there was a lot I enjoyed about 2011 AMC too but the immediately preceding years (minus the brief LB stint in 2010) had just been really rough. Like GH now (though less so right now), bright spots can be found. The GH canvas is full of potential though- and that's what always kept me going with AMC too in 2008, 2009 etc.

But even when RC GH was really working for me earlier this year, I had a hard time remembering scenes from ep to ep. It was super entertaining but even at its highest points, it lacked emotional resonance- like you said those scenes that stay in your mind and play over and over. I think Ghost Georgie was the first scene that made an impact in quite awhile for me.

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I agree that there's likely going to be a baby switch. Sigh.

Ugh today at FrankenToddasJason. And then Jason's harem gets in a tizzy. I kinda loved Silas' delivery of the news to Sam. He's sort of growing on me. I guess because he's the least offensive and Easton just fits on GH, in a weird way. Believe me, I find the character totally useless but it's nice not to despise him.

Molly's screeching about the ouija board. Oy. Someone muzzle her. God. LMAO at Brad checking Nikolas up and down. I think Brad is still an awful stereotype. LOL @ AJ/Michael. I love their conversations and catch-ups. The actors work well together.

That was actually an attempt at a sweet scene between Morgan and Sonny.

Connie and Olivia's conversation over Sonny was so painful. Did enjoy Dante screaming at Sonny. Good old times.

I love Britt all secretly giddy at Nikolas paying attention to her. She's grown on me a lot. Still ugh at Brad. Awful. He just instantly screams slimy. Sorry but he does.

Silas is so Kaka's daddy. Hellllo Michael/Kaka (BLAH). Who wants to bet Morgan goes off the rails?

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Although that was an 8 year break. And we know what happened in the end ;)

Actually that would be an interesting thread--when has it worked out well--and what was the biggest break--for a beloved HW or EP to return to the show that made them famous? Aside from things like Agnes Nixon going back and forth at AMC and Loving (her 1994 year--which granted hardly made a dent in the ratings) I can't really think of any examples. McTavish's 2000 return to AMC would count--for the first year or two--IMHO, and I guess Broderick's returns too though those were always under a lot of guidance from Nixon.

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Re AMC, absolutely--after a brief start that I loved for two or so months, the final year of Pratt's AMC may have been its nadir (although Jean Passanante's solo year may have been worse), and before that we had Brown/Esensten who were largely dull and focused on Frons' faves--ANgie and Jesse goodness aside (and I liked the Richie mystery) and the last few years of McTavish's show were a big ol' mess.

Anyway back to GH. Yeah, thinking back I may agree. I guess I did find some of Anna's scenes about Robin moving--though they sorta dropped that.

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Isn't that was Felix does as well? Lust after straight men? Hell, he even had the nerve to "fall in love" with a man he knew was straight as opposed to just meeting another gay man.

So Ron believes that minority gay men live to "turn" straight men?????

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I know and having Brad lust after Nikolas in front of his family when he's bringing test results? I just don't understand the writing. At all. It's so bad.

I hated him on OLTL but found him insanely more tolerable on GH. He fit right in. I still hate them for trying to force this Monaco/Easton thing. It simply isn't there IMO. I actually don't mind him with Maura West. I do think they threw in the towel on originalSilas and are writing him much better.

Why do they make Chad Duell look like crap? He's looking like Ellen again ready for his groundbreaking lesbian pairing with NottStarr.

Apparently. The writing is horrendous, but I guess I shouldn't be surprised.

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Oh completely. Really that's why it's even more of a waste to make Brad this offensive cartoon. As others have said, I'd appreciate a layered gay villain--and then there may actually be potential for him and Felix. But we've been told and shown how utterly in everyway worthless Brad is--so there's not. So why add another gay to the canvas anyway?

Well yeah. By better--as Michael. I mean they even (thankfully) gave up on the hair.

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too bad ABC burned bridges with Bridget and Jerome Dobson, the only connection to the Hursleys

GH, IMO, is turning into a bad copy-cat version of Passions and JER's Days..

I bet if JER were alive and if he were at GH, it wouldn't be like this.. though the thought of GH completely under him is very interesting

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Definitely don't apologize. Was GH your original soap? Just curious, I always feel like fans expect the most from the soap that hooked them and first soap love is a high standard. Anyway I love GH too and want it to get better. I was pretty much throwing things and sounding like pre-censorship AJ Chandler watching it during that Chew/OLTL 3 return week. Minus the Franco mess (and for me Kiki too) which I don't think there's any salvaging, I feel like Cartini GH could change on a dime be enjoyable again by fall with a couple strategic storyline shifts. They're like that Mother Goose rhyme- when they're good, they're very very good and when they're bad, they're horrid.

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