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To be honest, I don't think I felt anything for the character of Nathan after Nathan Purdee left the role. The Keesha storyline, to me, was more a chance to see Olivia's range of emotions and to see TLW shine more as an actress. It was more about the other characters (Olivia, Dru, Neil) and how they discovered and dealt with the affair and its aftermath, imo.

Edited by DramatistDreamer
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Im loving this



Does anyone have the clip when Victor goes in on Jack, Jill and Keith Dennison over the low sales of the Dennison Deal.


I loved Victor's line when he said, "In this piece of fiction that you wrote!!"

EB went in.


I remember he was slmming a black notebook repeatedly


Also the scene when Victor got MAtt Clark in a headlock. LOL

Nathan was no match for the force of The Barber Sisters

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So I watched Neil's tribute and was disappointed that the clips were all from 2000 and beyond. Would it have killed them to show Nate remembering Neil and little Nate, or Victor or Jack remembering Neil as a young executive... ? And only a brief glimpse of Dru, but I'm not even surprised about that, ugh.


Also, the clips felt really random. They already showed the basketball clip on the first tribute. And the Victor/Neil scene had nothing to do with Victor and Neil, it was more about Victor and Jack. They definitely didn't put as much thought into this one as they did for his funeral.


These are the dates I identified:

Devon - Welcome to the Family - 11/17/04

Nick & Neil playing basketball - ?

Victor & Neil talk about Jabot's debt - 2/3/00*

Neil & Malcolm - 12/30/04

Neil & Ashley - 7/11/18

Neil & Lily - 1/28/05*


*I uploaded these clips into the vault, cause the episodes aren't there.



Edited by BoldRestless
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I was waiting for a clip between Neil and Little Nate even when he was a baby or when Bryant Jones was playing him. If you're a newer fan you wouldn't know Nate is Neil's godson and nephew. 


Though I did like the mentions of Dru but I was wondering why Phyllis and Rey was in this episode?



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