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It may have been Katherine was the richer one intially, around 1980. Older money and all, but Newman Enterprises had a habit of swallowing up companies and either selling them on for profit or holding on to them as lucrative subsidies. So I would say by the 90's Newman was worth much more.


ETA: George Packard ran Chancellor when Victor got to town, Victor wasn't there to take over, George was tasked by Katherine to show Derek the ropes. Derek was a lousy worker (He only wanted Kay's wealth, thanks to Jill), he began an affair with Judy Wilson, who I think was George's second in command or something, they began to conspire to takeover the company, George found out but had a heart attack and went into a coma (not sure if he died). Derek got more and more greedy and Kay suspected, when he asked her to go on a cruise, that he intended to do away with her. She went reluctantly and asked Victor to take care of Chancellor while she was gone (she thought for good). 

Edited by will81
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Making Katherine and Victor billionaires was a mistake IMO. Wealthy yes, but pretending to depict billionaires lifestyle on a daytime soap is ridiculous.

Also, i believe that Victor was already living in GC when the character was introduced. His involvement with Katherine came later.

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Yes, Victor Newman had been on the show for months and months, before he ever crossed paths with Kay Chancellor.   In February of 1980, Victor and Julia Newman's Rolls Royce was stolen and taken for a joyride by Cathy Bruder, a girl that Brock Reynolds was assigned by the court system to defend.  Brock met the Newmans when it was time to take their depositions.   Julia wanted Cathy Bruder to be tried as a minor, while Victor wanted the girl to be tried as an adult.  There was no suggestion that the Newmans were new arrivals in Genoa City.   It was presumed they'd lived on their ranch for many years.   (We found out a year or two later, in backstory, that the Newman ranch had once belonged to Kay Chancellor and her first husband, Gary Reynolds, and that Kay had sold the property to Victor without ever having met him personally.) 


With Victor having a Rolls-Royce, Bill Bell seemed to be hinting that Victor Newman was extremely wealthy, possibly a billionaire or at least a multi-millionaire.   Kay Chancellor had always been portrayed as being very upper-crust, but certainly not a billionaire.   I thought it was absurd when Kay died, and her estate was divided up, and they were talking about Devon getting two billion dollars or whatever.   That's not how Mrs. Chancellor had been written in the past.   She was just a wealthy lady --- presumably far wealthier than the upper-class Brooks family, but certainly not an internationally known billionaire.     

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To me the main time Ryan worked was his early relationship with Victoria. He furthered her story. After that point, he became an oppressive character who dragged women down. The only time this was properly used in the writing was when they had him drive Tricia around the bend. 


I think Kay Alden tried her best to write for everyone. I will say I don't think she did Ashley any favors. 

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Has anyone? I started watching Y&R in 99 and have never gotten the hubbub over Ashley or Eileen Davidson. She comes across as a cold fish and aggressively unpleasant in every scene. Like she seems mad to be there. And I've never seen her in a romance that works and that's entirely due to her. You have Kristoff, for instance, oozing charisma and she's just sort of there.

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Funny when i first started watching i always thought ashley was boring but really good looking, i think ive only started to like her character as of recently i feel like she really took control over jacks being a [!@#$%^&*] about paternity. I dont blame her for pulling the stunt that she did it just added on another layer to her character

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Thank you all for the info on Katherine and Victor. I got my info from Wikipedia, which is frequently questionable. 

Jack is incredibly annoying, IMO. I find him slightly more irritating than Victor due to the fact Victor is at least self made. Jack's just inherited everything and has a sense of entitlement. 

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Ryan always seemed like a little weasal. I do find it interesting that Victoria and Tricia both lost their virginity to him and both were more than underwhelmed by the sex, lol


Yeah Ashley was really thrown under the bus for Victor's sperm, imagine playing a supporting role to sperm. That's what it felt like. The women weren't even really fighting over a man anymore, they were fighting over his body fluid. This has to be as close as Y&R got to the JER/Melrose style that so many soaps were trying to imitate in the mid to late 90's. One of the things that really ruined soaps for me.



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