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I think Brenda was a great Ashley, but I still prefer Eileen.  But that was a great scene, and it reminds me how much the staging and music were instrumental in Y&R.  The classic character in the foreground (Ashley) with another character looking on in the background (Jill) as the scene fades out.  They always went for the drama, even if it seemed low key.  Simmering until it boiled over, then back to simmering.

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Thanks @YRfan23! I'm traveling this week but had to make time to watch this. I'm jumping ahead a bit since I'm currently watching early '93

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 but everyone's comments made it sound so good - and I'm worried the vid will disappear as it's not unlisted.


BE is amazing here! To me, she is the definitive Ashley, as she could portray a wider range of emotions than ED. This is the first time I've seen her play "disturbed Ashley" and she nailed it! Too bad she left at this point. How much time elapsed before Shari Shattuck took over?


Comparing what I'm watching now - '93- to this scene - I noticed changes in the production - softer lighting, different camera angles... not necessarily bad, just different.

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  I actually was hoping this scene would pop up again!

No problem!!  and I agree it’s good to save this one now! It doesn’t exactly say “Y&R” In the tittle but u never know anyways..


Brenda’s last day was 12/21/95 and I think Shari debuted about 3 months later...I think 3/11/96 was her first airdate!


i think by the end of 1993 they started making the production more “cinematic” slightly different lighting/camera angles and different music being used....I guess they were trying to go for a more “prime time” look.

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I think this is not long after Jill's miscarriage, but yes, it's a very rough look. I wonder if this is one of the reasons Brenda (presumably) started having more voice in her hair and makeup and wardrobe.


Marla Adams is always such a pleasure to watch as Dina. I've never really understood why she was so rarely used for so many years...


March 1996? That early? Wow. I thought it was summer for some reason. What a rough, harsh actress she was. Ugh.


I think I have the "Who Shot Jill?" stuff on a disc too (some of it, anyway), but I'm not sure if it is already out there.

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That was a great scene indeed. It's a shame they didn't reveal to Ashley that Blade in fact had always tried to protect her. It's even more frustrating that up to this day, this still hasn't been clarified and Blade is remembered to be just as evil as Rick. Not that I've hear their names mentioned in the past 20 years anyway

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And the music. Oh, the background music and the angles used when shooting. Makes me keep myself away from the artificial crap that's currently ongoing which makes me vomit.

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I think when Phyllis and the two Jacks... and Jack with Patty/Emily was done... the writers should have looked at this scene to learn how to do the aftermath of such a story to great effect.  What Blade/Rick did was rape and her reaction is the reaction that someone should have to having something like that done to them.  And plus when Phyllis/Jack had that happen to them... having Ashley remember this happening to her would have made those stories richer.. or even having Ashley think something was off about Jack, etc.


Brenda has always been the Ashley I loved best... and I agree with @yrfan1983 that Brenda played the gamut of emotions much better than ED would have.  ED went over the top when having her breakdowns... while Brenda played Ashley as being in shock, processing all that had happened to her, coming to her conclusion and acting out in a realistic manner.. with Jill being the support step mother for once to her.  Even though Brenda played the mental breakdown aspect of Ashley's character.. I think she played it as Ashley coming to terms with what happened and determined to come out fighting.. as opposed to ED.. who always played Ashley's breakdowns as her losing her grip on reality and becoming helpless.

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-First breakdown I'd say happened when Ashley found out Dina was her boyfriend Eric's other woman.

-Second was learning that Brent Davis was her father

-Third was from part Victor's extremely cold rejection of her following her abortion, the other part was depression/guilt from the abortion itself.

-Fourth was after her husband Steven was murdered.

-Fifth was a mini-break following Victor's presumed death

-Sixth was the above following the Rick/Blade reveal

-Seventh was Ashley having to confess to Victor that she was in fact the secret woman Cole had been seeing.

-Eighth was learning of Brad and Olivia's affair

-Ninth was following her car accident and son Robert's death. 

-Tenth was her hysterical pregnancy after her miscarriage with the whole Adam gaslight debacle. 


Am I missing any? 


Your welcome!! The synopsis for the month I have mention Lauren was growing close to Paul again as she was helping him recover and regain his strengths from injuries from Phyllis running him over, but she also stopped herself short and was pushing him back to Christine as well. Coming off of her hot tub fight with Sheila over on B&B, I guess they really had no idea what to do with Lauren by that point on Y&R

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Wow, considering how strong and "together" ED always come across IRL, it's amazing to think she portrayed a woman who was always on the cusp of insanity.

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