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As The World Turns Discussion Thread


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Yes! I forgot all about that. It was like 2003 or 2004 when that first came out, and no one believed it for yeeeeeeeeeeears, and then here comes Retro. In a way, I'm glad because Hallmark would've never given the show the treatment it's gotten from Retro. It might've been different with GL and ATWT, but The Doctors would've last maybe two months before getting pulled.

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They show became totally became Trash TV, and not even in an entertaining way at all. The one I example I always use from the this era was Jessica being stalked by white supremacists who planted a car bomb in what they thought was either Jessica or Tom's car, but turned out to be Kim's car and it exploded with Kim in the car on the one year anniversary of the OKC bombing. That always and they always showed Mark and Connor having romp in their treehouse in juxtaposition of certain events, even in the aftermath of Emily's rape by Diego. Diego was believable as a sexy bad boy but throw in most wanted international terrorist was so stretched out and not even a good idea and then get killed by Kirk who framed Lily and Margo for murder which was wayyyy out character for Kirk. 


The highlights out of these years though was always the acting and the cast themselves, otherwise I do believe ATWT would have totally collapsed without a stable, loyal talented cast. That and the show gained both Ben and Molly; we hated them at first but fell in love with them later, while Carly's return and her schemes were really fun in comparison to the dreary Teague story or anything Andy was given before his 2000 exit. 





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Back then, they relied more on second-hand programming. Little House on the Prairie was a staple there for years - I remember every time they debuted a new schedule without it, they'd end up bringing it back a week or two later because it was a hit (and still is, it's never been off the air since it premiered in 1974), which connects to the topic since Maura brought it up as an example of the type of show that really doesn't exist anymore. I'm not sure I'd put ATWT in the same "family-friendly" category as LHOTP, but a network that was successful with Golden Girls before it became trendy to like Golden Girls could have had success with quarterly GL/ATWT movies. They still could, though maybe the ship has sailed. They'd have to find a way to sell it to the built-in audience while also making is accessible to people who never watched the original series. It could totally work.

You woudn't have an entire soap-sized cast involved in each movie. With ATWT, you could focus half of your movies on the Snyders and half on the Hughes/Stewart group and alternate between the two, maybe present smaller stories so that you could have them all included in a Christmas special, etc. In 2017, Hallmark made 33 original movies just at Christmastime. They absolutely 100% have the resources to make this happen. It just takes interest on their part and willingness on P&G's part.

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Actually, @soapfan770, Jessica Klein had written for ATWT before, w/ her then-husband, Steve Wasserman, during the 1984-85 season.  Remember the big "Cinderella Fantasy" storyline for Marisa Tomei's Marcy that featured Phyllis Diller as her "fairy godmother," along w/ Jermaine Jackson and a then-unknown Whitney Houston for a musical performance?  Supposedly, that story was Klein and Wasserman's baby.  (As was pairing off Barbara with Brian McColl -- which, in turn, led to Colleen Zenk and Mark Pinter's real-life union -- although, Susan Bedsow Horgan also takes credit for the pairing.)

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Ohh, Ok. Glad you saw it. I agree I'd love to see more of this kind of thing. We have the technology and over 500 people were watching (with little advertising, imagine the audience if it were more highly promoted). Alan Locher mentioned GL and another for ATWT (possibly with Liz Hubbard)

Edited by KMan101
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Saw a notification for an upcoming chat!!! GUIDING LIGHT up next on Alan Locher's YouTube channel. April 8th at 3:00PM.


I just love they're doing it in the shows' former timeslots.


Kim Zimmer, Robert Newman, MAUREEN GARRETT and Liz Keifer (eh) will be on hand. 


I think Don Hastings was a surprise for the ATWT one so hopefully we get a surprise guest.


I'm so excited to see Maureen Garrett and Robert Newman. I mean, nothing against Liz and Kim but lol, I'm more interested in hearing from the other two and seeing them. Kim should be a trip though.



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Yes..I thought Don looked and sounded great! And I have already forgotten certain people I worked with from ten year ago so...


I loved how "normal" all of them seemed.  I loved that Maura has the china from the Snyder kitchen, that someone mentioned that damn swing door to the bathroom on the Snyder set that bugged me for some reason, Maura having a beer...Scott saying "Hi dad!" to Don..Martha seeming the most serious and long winded of them all, her friendship with Hubbard..(as much as Lily annoyed me their Mother daughter chemistry was the best..sometimes Lily would have that look on her face we would give all our Mom's like "Mom, again with this???" ) The mention of Kathy Hayes being a prude but the most hilarious was the BH story of his underwear,  and Kelley chiming in, "That was Helen Wagner every day!" and everyone cracking up...Nancy Hughes prancing around in her underwear. And damn, Kelley is doing well for herself..did you see that honking ass house behind her..I know she lives her in Chicago on the north shore so that aint cheap real estate.


I am such a dork it made me feel so much better!

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