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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I think you mean the fabulousness that is ALEX PERRY -- fashion designer, Australia's Next Top Model judge, and Real Housewives host. Here he is threatening to stab himself in the eye with a fork because two women wouldn't stop screeching at each other. I have always enjoyed his bluntness.




ETA: Yes, he's wearing sunglasses indoors.

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YES!!! Great choice! Love her.


YES!!! And I am just now drinking coffee to wake up so my mind was blanking. 


And he is so easy on the eyes. But I love my muscular stocky built bald men.

But that's what we here have been saying for years. The best HW shows over the last few years has been the ones where it is clear the girls are friends and NOT just co-workers. That's why people love NY and POTOMAC and RHOA the most. Those girls for the most part are REAL friends. I also think that's why people like Denise, Garcelle, and Sutton. Not only are they good people, but they are real friends. Busy friends with all their shows and fashion, but Denise and Garcelle knew each other as long as Denise knew the Stick. And both were open to Sutton being a friend and Sutton was open too and who doesn't like a new friendship built on trust. Add in Dorit making amends with her actually being a decent social friend to Denise, loving Garcelle, and working on Sutton and you have a Dream Team. 


Now they just need LVP back, hags gone, add Camille and a new HW (or Joyce) and...

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ETA: Meanwhile, I see Kyle is trying to damage Garcelle's name STILL on Twitter. Both have now unfollowed each other.




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F--k Dorinda. Her drunk ass is really that pressed about Tinsley? Get a life



If she truly does not come back, she most certainly went out with a bang


Anyone else think that Leah looked like a better looking version of Alex?

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RHOBH = Survivor is a perfect assessment.  I have never watched one season of Survivor nor do I ever plan to. No wonder BH is such a disappointment compared to more organic drama from the women of NYC, Potomac, and sometimes ATL and NJ. 


That was a fun finale of RHONY with Sonja's gay bingo party. Looked like a blast! And YAAAASSS to a new LuAnn song! Downloaded! Hubby and I giggled through watching her music video for it. OMG, LuAnn is the gift that keeps on giving. 


Speaking of gifts that keep on giving, I really liked Leah's remarks about Sonja and who she is as a person, businesswoman, friend, etc. She summed it up perfectly, and it's why Sonja should NEVER be axed from this series. 


The 5 at the end having their season finale wrap-up was sweet... until Dorinda's claws came out and she broke the 4th wall with her "breach of contract" tirade... 



... agreed. What a sour note to leave on.   


Side note: Ramona's "Go to church" comment looks hilarious. I look forward to seeing how this in-person socially-distanced reunion pans out. 

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@DynamiteKiddo Same. I am sad about it. What a way to end. She offered a lot to RHONY. The Berkshires! Not well, bitch! I was also hoping her friendship with Caroline Stanbury of Ladies of London would bring La Stanbury to the show.


She hasn't burned every bridge. I think with a little time away and self-reflection, she could be back, if she wants to. By that point, though, I don't think she will want to return.

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100% agreed. Sonja deserves her spot on the show and is always a delight to watch. I'm glad Leah sees in her what many of us see in her.



That's a very good point, it seems like once a HW exits and has a few months/years in the real world, their perspective on the show really changes and most would not contemplate returning for anything more than a cameo.

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Tinsley owed the women nothing. She had every right not to stick around and be relentlessly attacked. Unlike Denise, Tinsley must be liked by Bravo because they gave her a great sendoff. The other women were horrible to her, and they continue to be horrible to her. There is no excuse for Dorinda's cruelty towards Tinsley. The turkey baster comment was beyond the pale. Sonja was no better, but she gets away with it because she doesn't have the relentless viciousness that Dorinda possesses. These women are angry that Tinsley tested better with viewers. If they were honest about that, I might be interested enough to care. Instead, they just lash out, and I'm sick of the cruelty on these shows. Dorinda also can't have it both ways. She can't say Tinsley is a fraud and brings nothing to the show, and then spew venom about how the show was almost destroyed by Tinsley's departure. 





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Totally agree about the straw the stirs the drink! She has become the narrator/Greek chorus of this show in a way.


Agreed. Even though Dorinda loves being a RH and the perks it affords her, she also has her own money, her own homes, friends who will stick by her (Trinny, Luke, La Stanbury, the RHOS chick, and whatever I may say about Bethenny and Carole's faults, I think they are supportive of her over and above the show). She is brainy and has many interests. After mourning this loss, she will move onto other things. Indeed, she just announced on Instagram a book deal she has signed with Simon & Schuster. Don't know whether this is a lifestyle book or her life story, but the cover pic looks good.


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With RHOP, since we now see video of Michael cheating on Ashley, do y’all think she will stay with him? I feel like she will considering this was filmed last year and they’re still together. I just don’t understand how she is going to justify it now. Do they have an open relationship? It’s so embarrassing to go through this every season. 

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