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GH May 2021 Discussion

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Yep. I'm not one to go gaga over any of Jason's pairings, but the stuff with Britt is really working so far. Jason is FINALLY doing something different. JaSam are so played out and have the same boring storylines over and over again. It's time to move on. And we are. And it's been good. Yesterday, for the first time ever, as I turned on the episode, I actually found myself hoping that Jason would be on.


I laughed when they switched from the Jason/Britt love scene to Chase/Michael/Willow. Take about a buzzkill.


Elijah was a more threatening villain today than Cyrus has been during his entire run.

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Aside from the fact the Chase/Willow/Michael stuff is horribly written, KM and CD are choosing to make Willow/Michael the most awkward people on the planet.  Chase may be ill, but is he blind and unable to process obvious social cues?  Everyone in the room acts visibly uncomfortable the entire time they interact with Chase.  I mean, the man's not an idiot.  At least Brook brought that up.  If the two of them can't even pretend to act like normal humans why are they going along with the stupid plan?  It's truly the weakest link in what is a pretty good show right now.

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I'm going to keep saying it every day. Britt and Jason are fantastic. Their chemistry is great and I'm enjoying the scenes of them just talking and getting to know each other. Burton is checked in for once and I'm loving it. I can't wait for the people of Port Charles to find out that they're a thing.


Sam and Dante, on the other hand, are just okay to me. I'm not opposed to the idea of them together, but I'm not seeing any great chemistry with them. Their scenes also felt sort of out of place today because everything else was Peter/Cyrus related, then there's Sam and Dante arguing about softball.


Not that I liked Franco, but what was the point in killing him off just to immediately turn around and bring RH back as another character? It's so stupid. I literally groaned when he showed up today. Are we supposed to be ignoring that he looks like Franco? Apparently. RH acts the same way no matter who he's playing.

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I'm still behind but I did watch these scenes and it's nice to see Burton as checked in as he can be. He even had some life to him in the preview I saw for Monday's episode.


It's hilarious seeing Jasam fans go nuts on Twitter. Best thing ever was finally ending them and putting Sam and Jason in different obrits (while still involved with each other as story dictates).


I like Sam with Dante. I think they're going for a bit more slow burn (as much as they 'slow burn' these days) with them than Jason and Britt. I need a bit more from Sam/Dante but they have potential. I don't see crazy chemistry but I like them together.


Speaking of Twitter, it's also amusing to see the stans of the awful couples that were finally broken up having a fit. Not every damn couple you ship is 'endgame'. Lord. LOL.

Oh and I wanted to add, someone at GH is showing their hand regarding Herbst. The Liz stans are all over it. I HATED "Friz" but why on earth was Liz an extra in her own story and now just propping Finn? Like, really? There's so many more ways that Liz could be involved but they don't bother. Does Frank lowkey hate her? I know he went to the School of Frons but lord ... it's blatant how misused she is (and has been for YEARS)


And gee, she suddenly pops back up when Howarth does. I'm so tired of her airtime and others being dictated by the pets they prop.


Meanwhile, I have 0 interests in Howarth having yet another character on this show when the cast is bloated and they don't use most of them very well. 


I will say I'm falling behind but I still have more interest in GH, for what it's worth, than the other three at the moment.

Edited by KMan101
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Awfully pasty,,,,,,  Especially for one that jogs daily.....     O_O 

This poor girl got wrung through the wringer in this couple of days.  She sure is a good sport!



As opposed to this dull as dishwater character


Can she please contract what Chase has... Then Michael and Chase can have grief sex.     


Oh gee, blood on the floor and my daughter's car isn't here.....  I should go in...






Instead of filling the Quartermaine mansion with random people around town, maybe this guy and his kids should be staying there...


Cuz he could still get it!!!!!   Come to think of it, Bobbie and Lucy both have no love interest    I see a c-story right there.



Hope doesn't ask her to braid that mop-looking hair of his after she ends up sewing up that bullet wound.    STILL NOT REMOTELY SCARY!!!!      I expect him to yell Mommy when she tries to get that bullet out!



I noticed Elizabeth back on screen at the same time Dr. Pasty showed up.    They need to release her from that albatross and give her a decent storyline-- a man isn't the first priority she needs, an interesting storyline is.  And F*ck #firefrank for relegating her to propping his friends.  This will be her 24th anniversary this year.  Give her something that shows off her Chops!!!!!     She's been rockin' the Mama Bear routine.


Trina, Joss and Cam need love interests/ friends to fill a teen set. It is ridiculous that they have no contact with anyone but each other on-screen.


Edited by slick jones
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