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Y&R April 2020 Discussion Thread

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Just another example of Josh Griffith’s horrendous story arcs that we’re apparently supposed to enjoy for their few days and then forget about them.


The entire Mariah and Tessa story arc can now be forgotten, I guess. Why they had Tessa go on tour at all is the question, as is why Mariah cheated. None of it matters.

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Nothing matters, just like Adam getting shot, Amanda having an abusive ex, Victoria getting stabbed, Phyllis blackmailing chance... none of it will amount to anything, it's all just filler. But at least they're not going around killing off core characters.

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Josh Griffith needs to go. 


At this point, I would take Lauralee Bell as head writer. Why haven't the Bell children stepped up to protect their parents' greatest creation?

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Traci’s sobbing over Dina was too much. How can these people know so little about Alzheimer’s? Why are they so shocked about every single thing Dina says or does?  And where’s the full-time nurse that a wealthy family would have for their mother?


WTF would Jack entrust Kyle and Theo come up with a plan to re-brand Jabot? Who’s writing these business stories?


And hotels. Abby buys land to build a hotel and a week later it’s being built? No meetings with architects? No contracts with anyone?  The Grand Phoenix is built so poorly that every sound from the outside comes through the walls? I hate shi_tful  writing Like this.

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I feel it works, particularly with Traci because she has always been the forgotten child. John loved her dearly, but he always made it clear Ashley was his favorite and with Jabot Jack got more attention as well. Dina has always forgotten Traci even without Alzheimers, so now I get her feeling of loss. I feel she understands the reality of the situation, but it doesn't make it easier when you don't have those good times to fall back on.

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I appreciate all that you mentioned. That doesn’t mean they have to write the Abbotts as clueless about the disease. That’s the problem I have. By now, a family this far into their mother’s bout with Alzheimer’s would be fully aware of the stuff these 3 are shocked by.

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AH is so flat in this little bar confrontation between Victoria/Adam with MG. Just imagine Gina Tognoni or Heather Tom or even Jacqueline freakin’ MacInnes Wood playing that scene...

Edited by Faulkner
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I was quite enjoying the episode (Adam taking down the portrait but still unable to take his eyes off it a nice touch) but now they've cut into it.



Gosh, I kept imagining Heather Tom in her place and wanting to cry.

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