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Y&R to air classic episodes

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Noticed that CBS mislabeled it as 1993 in that little crawl at the bottom of the screen as well.


Loved seeing Eva Longoria yesterday. Matt Clark or Tricia would be better to occupy screentime for villains week than Kevin though. 

Edited by ironlion
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I’m not sure I love Don Diamont’s haircut, but he looked great in this episode.

Amazing that they somehow made Kevin a cuddly, wisecracking hero after this. Even after the years of sob stories over his childhood.

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They would have been better off bringing back Greg Rikkart as Kevin's twin or another character.  Kevin had too much baggage to be remade into a sympathetic character.

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Poor Ashley and the blanket during this era.

I loved the whole Victor & Nikki vs Nick & Sharon storyline during this era with Cassie always calling out Sharon. 

Anita Hodges was a fun character it’s too bad the show didn’t do more with Kapture on the show aside from her affair with JT.

Edited by soapfan770
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I had stopped watching around this time because I had started working after college and didn't tape.  I think the other day's episode was 1993 also and I'm watching a little bit today and have no idea who some of these people are.  The main ones I know, but some of the other people I have no idea.  

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So far this week was 1991 (Monday), 2003 (Tuesday and Wednesday). Thursday is 2005, Friday is 2010.


Based on episode numbers on Global's schedule, next week is 1991 (Monday), 1999 (Tuesday), 2001 (Wednesday), 2006 (Thursday).

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I doubt we'll ever go back to the 70s or even early 80s now. They've already done Victor and Nikki, there's no one left to connect to that era and they're not going to do a Paul Williams week. Unless they get desperate.

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The many faces of Jill week. 


I'm not sure if TPTB are too interested in going earlier than the 90s. I think since the theme weeks started, we've only had two 80s episodes and both were during Nikki's week. They didn't even air an 80s episode for Katherine's week. We did get one other 80s episode during the Friday classics.

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It was sad to see Gina's for the last time. That set was such a big part of Y&R for me growing up and the GCAC was a poor replacement. Were Gina and John an item at this time? My viewing was sporadic during this era.

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Wasn't the Gina's set originally Pierre's Restaurant/The Allegro/Jonas' Restaurant? So it would have been over 30 years old at the time of the fire storyline. Maybe the set was retired due to age/budget. Once the Genoa City Athletic Club came on, we saw a lot less of the other 1980s/1990s restaurant sets: The Colonnade Room, The Embers, The Lodge, Top of the Tower.


I think it was 2000 or 2001 that a John/Gina pairing was being set up but nothing came of it from what I remember.

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