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Y&R to air classic episodes

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When you have time I’d watch the playlists of Y&R from the other thread. You get a better understanding of Dru. Mamie always kept her in check as well as Nathan. Seeing her grow and learn about life was so heartwarming. You can’t get the joy of her getting a raise at work without seeing her fight for it. And her relationship with John, Victor and Brad was so sweet as well. 

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I enjoyed today's classic episode. I really have been enjoying these classics lately especially the ones from the 80's/early 90's. My favorite part of the show was actually Dru's conversation with John. It was nice seeing how warm/and supportive he was towards her. I like he was amused by her plan about making up a boyfriend to try and win over Nathan. I really enjoyed the Neil/Dru meeting each other scene as well.


I thought that today's show overall was interesting too including Brock, Gina/Clint, Katharine being worried and Brad/Cassandra. 

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Does Katherine after hearing that her son has been shot:


A ) Rush out the door and to the hospital

B ) Clutch her chest in fear she might have a stroke

C ) Yell for Esther to get her driver

D ) Monologue to herself in her living room about who could have done it


If you picked D you too have taste and class just like Katherine Chancellor. I loved that, Jeanne loved to wring the drama out of every moment.



I loved that too, he clearly found her very delightful. In the 2000s other characters seemed more annoyed by Drucilla than not, it always bothered me because yes she's a lot but she's so vivacious and entertaining.

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This 1991 episode was everything for me. Almost every episode from this era they have replayed has been top notch but the chemistry between KSJ and VR was there from day one ot definitely brought a smile my face after a long day at work. Did the show maintain Dru and John's relationship?


I wish we could have seen more of Nathan and Olivia and Cassandra and Brad though. If Cassandra dies shortly after this do any longtime viewers recall missed opportunities or relationships for her? 


The Brock/Kay/Clint story was fantastic (outside of the dreadful under fives) and had me drawn in, nice to see location footage and poor Jill thinking she got a job offer. Yikes. 

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So many special moments have been highlighted by these selections.  I wonder who is making the episode choices?  I would love to read why.


B&B and Y&R should collaborate on Shelia weeks.  I would pick 5 classic era Sheila eps for Y&R, then the following week B&B should do the same for her first run there.

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Seems like TPTB don’t do much press anymore. Maybe they don’t feel like it’s valuable or that having the actors promote on social media is enough, and there are fewer outlets who care about soaps (especially with Michael Logan no longer having his TV Guide megaphone). But it *would* be interesting for someone at CBS/Sony/Y&R to enlighten us about their strategy. The excellence of these episodes is a win for them during a difficult time. Why not shout about it?


Totally agreed on a Sheila week, even if KB is a bit... problematic these days.

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Yup drucilla is the first character that got me into this show years ago and i found her sop interesting that i had no choice but watch the show but they ended up killing her months later.


Drucilla to me is probably the first african American women they put on the show that had is a legacy character and well connected with everyone, not liked by all but definitely was leading lady material and not used as some filler


Hilary was close to having that spunk that drucilla had but she just wasnt written the best all the time.


Does anyone know if Devon got to interact with aunt mami he or was mamie gone before devon came on?

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Ok yea i was curious be a use i know Devon didn't really enter the winters bubble until like late 2004 and that's the same year mamie was last on so i was wondering if maybe they had some introduction and then that's it.


Does mamie have a goodbye scene or was she one of those famous there and gone the next day like nothing happened?

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Shemar was green when he started but he had a lot of natural talent and of course charisma. He had to be himself, but even that takes skill. 

I loved Hope. Shame that they trashed her by making Adam such a monster.

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