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Days: January 2020 Discussion Thread

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Sonny's crying reminded me of this

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Some other things about the show today. Sarah did hold her baby for awhile, so how could she not realize that Xander brought her another baby? Just an opinion, but that is a writing fail.



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Chandler did Well. I liked Will & JJ. I can see why Will totally believes he did this. But Come on did Sarah never tell anyone that the car was black not grey like Will's.

Xander & Victor's plotting just runied 10 plus characters lives. Hopefully they will be locked away. Hell just give Vic a fatal stroke this time

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Adrienne said it was a black car that ran them off the road. She told Will before she collapsed. 


The week flashback has been poorly written by the HW and script writers. All the foreshadowing with Will calling his mother was terrible and the cheesy stuff with Sonny and his family was too much. 


How was Maggie coming in the opposite direction? She should've been following Adrienne. And who was Will trying to avoid hitting? 


The Kristen and Sarah story....terrible


And Freddie Smith can't act. He's been horrible with ever scene partner since December. 

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Honestly I'm glad that we won't be subjected to watching Eric and Sarah raise a kid together (boooooring), but I'm a little sad that Xander was involved with the switch. I mean it's not surprising and Xander will never be a good guy, but I wanted him and Sarah to be a viable couple. I'm sure Sarah will decide she's in love with him 5 minutes before everything is revealed.


I really don't care about Haley even in the flashbacks.

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I'm just upset we haven't seen Xander in those little gray running shorts lately.

Having Victor let his grandson believe his daughter is dead and that his nephew's husband did it...wow...that's a lot! I am excited that Maggie should be getting some good material (I met Suzanne Rogers a couple of times and she's a real sweetheart) , but how is everyone going to get out of THIS MESS???

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I mean, I don't think keeping Victor on the show itself is an issue. They'll just avoid revealing the full plot and who was behind it to the characters. I guess they could just have Victor be the perpetual bad guy until John Aniston retires 100% from now on.

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