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Y&R January 2020 Discussion Thread

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  • Phyllis is thirsty, but I'm not disliking MS as much as I did when she first came on. Keep Phyllis single I can see the actor that plays Chance enjoys acting opposite MS, but he's so dull that I want them to recast
  • I don't mind the Billy arc as much anymore. It's giving some realistic drama to this couple rather than the standard affair (although arguably Billy is emotionally cheating). Amelia Heinle isn't doing a good job though.
  • Amanda/Billy are enjoyable as friends
  • Enjoying the Sharon story and the umbrella arc. I hope they keep it smart. It would be bold to kill Sharon off, but who knows how much longer this show has.
  • Every time I see Nate, I think about Olivia and how much I miss her and Tonya Lee Williams.
  •  Adam/Chelsea should move away with Connor. Both characters are insufferable
  • I want more Fen. The actor has charisma and is handsome. Was very dumb to get rid of him and Ana
  • Overall, the stories appear to be starting better, and there looks to be a long-term arc. Let's hope it all pays off.


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That was such a stupid story just so Pratt could write a wicked evil child story, only to take it back right after with some brain tumor retcon. Worse later Stitch revealed to Abby that Max had a set back and needed to wear diapers again or something so Stitch and Abby separated, and Stitch was phased out with no resolution whatsoever. 

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What do TPTB have against Fen?


A cute,capable actor in a desirablle age group without much back story baggage. Gives Lauren and Michael something to do.


They go to the trouble of bringing him back, which is more than Scott gets.


BTW what happened to Mikey's plan to bring down Adam?


Agree Adam/Chelsea/Kevin/Chloe are way too damaged as characters to be around especially with the writing they get.

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To be fair, Scott was given a chance, introduced through Victor, Lauren, and Michael. And it could have been slower intro, but he was at least given a shot at several stories.


They could do the same for Fen...especially since JG gave him such juicy story off-screen that could be informing his return right now. From his tour to have a secret to being an addict it writes itself.

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The actor who was cast as Scott was nothing special, to be frank but the storylines were also terrible. The characterization was all over the place as well. 


You have to have an actual story for these characters. The actor can't exist in a vacuum, devoid of story. Otherwise he's just an extra. 

I've yet to read of Fen having an actual story. Being an addict isn't a story in of itself. An addict who has been shaking down his mother, who still struggles to keep Fenmore's from going bankrupt, that's more of a story. It's a story for Lauren though. For Fen, it would be that Fen tries to stay sober while rebuilding his life and say, falls in love with someone he shouldn't which threatens his sobriety--that's more along a story. 

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Looks like the Newman Enterprises 50th anniversary celebration is going to lead up to a Victor-focused episode for Eric Braeden's 40th anniversary. Hopefully there's lots of 1980s flashbacks during Eric's anniversary episode.

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This is the most I've consistently watched since this regime started so I'll give them some credit and say they've been doing something more right lately


I think JG more than any recent showrunner has put vet characters like Michael, Lauren, Paul, Jack, Victor somewhat to pasture. They've either not been on at all or showcased in really weak secondary positions to their offspring.

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Adam, Chelsea, Kevin, Chloe (though I really like the actress), Chance, Phyllis, Rey and Theo should leave the canvas and make room for more interesting -or less damaged- characters. JG could not even make MM's return interesting. Amanda Sinclair is nothing more than a new Leslie Michaelson.


Lola and Kyle should be given a Harry/Meghan storyline. 


Abby needs to grow up as a character. How about deciding to raise a baby on her own? Asking  a friend to help her get pregnant ala Santa Barbara's Julia?


Jack and Jill having to get married in order to save Jabot would be fun. 


Victoria needs a rest as a character. 


Phillip Chancellor IV is written the wrong way. He should not be an action hero called Chance. He would be far more interesting as an activist - a modern day Brock- with his father's sensitivity, involved in a different kind of story. Scott Grainger Jr. was ruined the same way. He was always meant to be a doctor. 


Nate would better fit as an executive, not  a doctor. 


Any news on a new writer?

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Interestingly enough, I do think that Chance has more chemistry with Phyllis than he does with Abby. And I say this as someone who usually likes Abby/MO and has shown support for her. (An exception being when she aggressively attacks/goes after Summer, which I do call her out on).


They did share at least one scene. I thought their interaction was okay. Though, they really haven't spent much time around each other, since she's been back.



I agree that her pairing with Stitch. was good for her. She did act more mature in that pairing. It's a shame what happened after they inserted Max into that story line and how that sunk her relationship with Stitch.


For some reason they don't want to really write for Fen. No matter how much the fans tell them how much we enjoy ZT's version of him. Similar to the way they didn't want to write for Ana. And they really don't want to do much with Nate either. Josh/TBTB like the shaft the younger, good looking, charismatic characters for some reason. But shoved a young, boring and annoying character like Lola down viewers throats for over a year.


Also, Mike's plan to take down Adam didn't really go anywhere. It just seemed like Josh wrote it just to be writing it. Which what a lot of his story lines feel like, even this cancer one with Sharon TBH.

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I could take or leave Ordway. I don't overly dislike her but don't really think she rises above the material. She lacks chemistry with a lot of the men they try and pair her with. She fills the "pretty blonde" role and that's about it.


What are her motivations as a character? A new man every 9 months doesn't work. Remember when Sally "everyone said she sucks" Sussman tried to add depth to Abby by having her and ice cold Victoria clash? I'll take boring character driven writing anyday over plot plot plot.

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Or even a scientist/researcher/biotech engineer who comes up with controversial treatments in the medical field.  He could have worked with Jabot, Newman or Chancellor Industries developing all manner of compounds and actives.  There could have been tension in the fact that he chose to veer away from medicine into biotech, and his mother doesn't approve of his career path. People think he's in it for the money but he's passionate about what he sees as creating and finding breakthrough treatments that have the potential to improve people's lives.  Something along those lines. 

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