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Y&R December 2019 Discussion Thread

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Dena Higley is scraping the bottom of the barrel

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When was she given a real chance? Maybe DAYS and of course her own soap, which struggled and I feel like "boring" comes to mind. She needs a strong Co-HW. Kay Alden clearly didn't seem to have much influence, IMO. And even Kay had her flaws. Sally and Josh are kinda similar in all honesty but at least I felt she got some characterizations right (Cane, Ice Queen Victoria which finally suited awful Heinle). You had Nikki and the piano, Victor being humanized ... I'd take her back anyday over Josh Griffith or Dena Higley. But yeah, that ship has likely sailed.


Wonder who likes sidelining Lauren/Tracey? Sally and Josh both started out promising her and they use her but then it's dropped. That seems to be where the interference starts and it goes downhill from there (not that I've ever been a fan of solo Josh writing any soap)


I just don't think anyone can really succeed at the job. Just too many cooks in the kitchen.

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Truth!  GENERATIONS had the bones of a good soap opera, but the execution was DREADFUL.  Only when Jorn Winther came aboard as EP did it feel like things were FINALLY coming together.

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I agree Generations wasn't the most exciting, but I still feel that her Y&R was the most entertaining day to day in years. I thought Passanante was surprisingly decent, LML had a good first year or so and MAB had moments, but overall SSM I felt understood the tone of the show in a way others didn't and I loved her handle on he characters and the way the scripts were written. I'd take her back in a heartbeat. 

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Tried to watch today - and Adam and Chelsea are in each other's faces yelling.  5 years ago.  Back to The Real and Tamron Hall.  Thank God for those shows.  No one can fix this show at this point...nothing to see here.  I tried to watch for the first time in 3 or 4 weeks - may have tried for 5 minutes along the way - you can't watch.  Adam and Chelsea have put the dagger in this show.  When I watched 3 weeks ago or so - Mishael Morgan (sp?) is just another bitchy Hillary as Amanda for no reason.  Should have just brought her back as Hillary.  


I used to think Days or GH would be the first to get cancelled.  The way Y&R is tanking - I think they're going down.  Just wait until they start cutting that budget and we get to laugh the way they did over Guiding Light.  Drew Barrymore, save CBS Daytime Stat.  And bring on a 2nd half hour of The Talk to get rid of B&B.  


And when I was still watching somewhat - did Tracy and Lauren have any interaction?  Have they ever since they have both been "back" on the show even though they really aren't - marginal stories.  The writers no matter who it is don't mine any history of this show.  

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I can't bring myself to watch it. My oldest sister watched it semi-regularly from the early '80s, progressing into daily watching by 2000. Until 2018. Now she hasn't seen half of 2019 and doesn't keep up with spoilers.

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I agree. I have my own complaints about the show, and I’m not happy with the writing, but I don’t understand posting here to say “I quit watching two years ago” or “I watched 5 minutes and turned it off;” — followed by a litany of complaints.


It’s more than valid to complain, but does that always have to be accompanied by comments that you don’t watch the show, or watch it once a month for 10 minutes? Do those posters see themselves as better than those of us who watch REGULARLY and keep hoping for a turnaround?

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