Members rlj Posted September 6, 2019 Author Members Share Posted September 6, 2019 I didn't say very popular lol, they have a dedicated fanbase, they along with Elena and Devon are the tops winning all the online polls Ones a cop, ones married to a core character, neither are hogging eppy counts, I don't see them going anywhere! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members ajsp35801 Posted September 6, 2019 Members Share Posted September 6, 2019 Devon and Elena aren't that popular either. Lord knows I wish they were for Bryton's sake but I just don't see it for them. They've got a few organized stans and most folks aren't bothered by them but they are nowhere near having the buzz that Hevon had. The show won't keep Kyle in that pairing with Lola. They see him as the younger generation lead. TPTB will eventually look for bigger for him. I wish they had kept Loren Lott and given her an opportunity alongside Mealer. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members xtr Posted September 6, 2019 Members Share Posted September 6, 2019 While I've always been a Fen/Ana fan, I said in the very beginning after Loren first showed up, that I also would have been fine with an Ana/Kyle pairing. Lola doesn't work for him. (Or in general) She drags him down. At this point with Angelica being gone, I wouldn't be surprised if Josh revisited Kyle/Summer. It looks like they are already teasing stuff with them. Now with the record low ratings for K o l a' s wedding and Angelica gone, maybe Josh will this as an opportunity to reunite them. Especially since it seems like the show hasn't really given Theo's character much direction. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Cat Posted September 6, 2019 Members Share Posted September 6, 2019 So, do you think Viacom/CBS might decide to cut their losses and just give up on its Daytime lineup completely -- giving affiliates total control over programming between the end of CBS This Morning up until CBS Evening News? Not a big fan of McDaniel, but she was committed to CBS Daytime as an entity and to keeping soaps on there (unlike Frons). Having said that, like you, I haven't seen Y&R in months. I used to be ride-or-die for that soap! And now... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members BetterForgotten Posted September 6, 2019 Members Share Posted September 6, 2019 This won't have a major impact on the falling ratings and Griffith's terrible work. His first stint on the show predated Angelica, and it was in the vein of the same boring trash we have now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Khan Posted September 6, 2019 Members Share Posted September 6, 2019 I don't think CBS will give affiliates TOTAL control. However, I do see them throwing in the proverbial towel eventually for B&B and Y&R. Under those circumstances, "CBS This Morning" would expand another 30-60 minutes, while the remaining time will be handed over to another celebrity chatfest. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DramatistDreamer Posted September 6, 2019 Members Share Posted September 6, 2019 I think that, as in the case of all M&A (Mergers & Acquisitions) someone has been going line by line and looking at non-performing and under-performing Divisions and seeking to make cuts where they can to create a "leaner" corporation. That's from the financial "numbers" side of things. There is also the production/creative side which is more complicated. I don't think CBS/Viacom will seek to take a hacksaw to the Daytime division (or what's left of it), it will be more like using a scalpel. I don't see them trying to make radical changes right away (especially in light of recent renewals) but I do think you could see some financial tensions there as the remnants of the Daytime division might be made to justify its costs vs. the ratings numbers. I know viewers complain that what they see onscreen already seems to reflect a tight budget and perhaps, the bean counters at the network may agree in the short-term that the budget is already lean. Perhaps you could also see some cast cuts and changes down the road. I haven't been watching enough of the show over the past year to truly know how possible changes can manifest themselves. Perhaps it only means that the remnants of the Daytime division will get "folded" into another larger Division and become part of that. It will be interesting to see what becomes of this and what further changes come to be. I do know that McDaniel, Kent and a subsequent cavalcade of underwhelming head writing and production regimes are not blameless in this situation-- they all had their part to play in this. Daytime TV, especially daytime drama has not learned how to adapt over decades, the industry hasn't even learned how to preserve what was special about the genre while moving to adopt aspects of the changing times that we live in. I don't care how loyal you believe your viewers are, that was never going to be a recipe for success. I also know that CBS/Viacom, like a lot of other networks and production companies, wants to invest in more original programming, they've been getting acclaim for some of their limited series lately (like The Red Line) and many of their shows that started out on CBS All Access have been branching out to the CBS Network (e.g. The Good Fight). It may not happen all at once or in the immediate future but CBS/Viacom is definitely seeking ways to go into new directions creatively, away from the Les Moonves model of more "traditional" looking programming (i.e. white male centered shows). Y&R should be concerned that almost none of their storylines are female driven-- if they want to show their "worth", they could begin there but we know that they don't really have the creative ingenuity to do this or at least, they have failed to show that they have this capability creatively. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members dio Posted September 6, 2019 Members Share Posted September 6, 2019 the problem with the remaining Rosales clan is that you can't have a bunch of squeaky clean characters jump in a basket of bad eggs, meanwhile continue to have them remain above the fray, because it makes the established characters looks awful by comparison and it makes people have to look at themselves, their choices, likes and dislikes, and how much of a mess that is in broad daylight... people don't want to hear or see all that. LOL Rey and Lola are basically saints on the Y&R canvas of popular sinners. They have this secret Kyle is keeping, and his drive to keep it secret is not disappointing saint Lola, an peeps ain't here for that because we haven't been SHOWN how saintly Lola is, only been told, but are shown a very iffy character with questionable morals AT BEST. tbh, I honestly feel like this pairing/Lola's character would have been a lot more successful if she had ended it with Kyle when she found out the lengths he went to to get her a kidney. That's pretty disgusting behaviour, so the fact that Lola took him back ad forgave him, but we're supposed to believe ish he did before he even knew her and was a "bad boy" factors into their relationship, now? Really, girl? it's like they want Lola to be a B&B Hope-like paragon of virtue character, but have shown us nothing to support that. Like, we've been SHOWN numerous times Hope making sacrifices for other people, because she's supposed to be that "good" but what have we been shown of Lola? lol like, I'm pretty sure Arturo was the most popular Rosales, and even Mia was more popular than Rey and Lola... but they're both gone. Please register in order to view this content Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
VanessaReardon Posted September 6, 2019 Share Posted September 6, 2019 I find it so fitting that McDaniel was shown the door on the eve of her favorite show, The Talk’s new season starting Monday. The weak link on CBS daytime, The Talk, was her pride & joy and the only show on the schedule that she cared about. She knew nothing about soaps and interfered with Y&R to the point that no one could succeed with her interference. And CBS is not replacing McDaniel, which tells me that someone finally woke up and realized that she contributed nothing to the network. Karma. Justice. It’s a happy day. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Khan Posted September 6, 2019 Members Share Posted September 6, 2019 I'm all for Y&R (and other soaps) becoming more inclusive in the kinds of characters and stories that they feature. However, they botched the introduction of the Rosales clan big time; and I think the blame for that lies squarely at Angelica McD's feet. In attempting to introduce a Hispanic family onto Y&R's mostly white canvas, she (or her writers) forgot that even a Hispanic family needs to be interesting at the end of the day. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members dragonflies Posted September 6, 2019 Members Share Posted September 6, 2019 Eh online polls can be robovoted, I don't put much stock in them nor SID polls given on that one you can vote for character's who are no longer couples Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members ajsp35801 Posted September 6, 2019 Members Share Posted September 6, 2019 Richard is puppet. I don't believe his polls at all. Whatever couple the show wants to push ends up on the poll. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members ChitHappens Posted September 6, 2019 Members Share Posted September 6, 2019 AnHellica wanted to tell her story thru this Lola person. Pure poor girl with admirable values (embellished, of course) meeting and marrying her white prince. It's a fail and I'm glad she's gone. For someone who loves the genre, she sure couldn't get her ass out of the way and let writers do their jobs! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Webmaster Errol Posted September 6, 2019 Webmaster Share Posted September 6, 2019 Changed title to make subject clearer to posters. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members dragonflies Posted September 6, 2019 Members Share Posted September 6, 2019 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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